Source code for VirtualMicrobes.virtual_cell.Sequence

from collections import OrderedDict
import copy
import math
from orderedset import OrderedSet
import warnings

import VirtualMicrobes.simulation.class_settings as cs
from VirtualMicrobes.virtual_cell.PhyloUnit import AddInheritanceType
import matplotlib as mpl

[docs]def pretty_scoring_matrix(seq1, seq2, scoring_mat, width=4): print ''.rjust(2*width) + ''.join(map(lambda s: s.rjust(width), seq2)) for i, r in enumerate(scoring_mat): scores = ''.join(map(lambda s: str(s).rjust(width),r)) if i == 0: print ''.rjust(width) + scores else: print str(seq1[i-1]).rjust(width) + scores
[docs]class Sequence: """ :version: :author: """ __phylo_type = cs.phylo_types['Sequence'] __metaclass__ = AddInheritanceType __slots__ = ['elements', 'flip_dict', 'sequence', 'check_binding'] uid = 0 def __init__(self, sequence, elements, length, flip_dict, time_birth=0, **kwargs): if sequence is None: if length is not None: sequence = [ elements[0] for _ in range(length) ] else: warnings.warn('No sequence or sequence length given. Sequence set to None') super(Sequence, self).__init__(time_birth=time_birth, **kwargs) self.elements = elements self.flip_dict = flip_dict self.sequence = sequence self.check_binding = True
[docs] def match(self,sequence, func): pass
[docs] def best_match(self, s2, at_least=0, penalty=0.5, report=False): ''' Finds the best match possible between self and s2 anywhere in both sequences, but only if the match score reaches at least a minimum threshold. If the returned score is below this threshold it is not guaranteed to be the best possible match. No gaps are allowed. :param s2: sequence to compare to :param at_least: the minimum score that should still be attainable by the scoring algorithm for it to proceed computing the scoring matrix :param penalty: mismatch penalty ''' if at_least is None: at_least = len(s2) s1 = self.sequence m,(max_score, x_y_coords) = self.substring_scoring_matrix(s1, s2, at_least, penalty) if x_y_coords is not None: top_x, top_y = x_y_coords start_x = top_x # now find the start of the match, for i in xrange(1, top_x): score = m[top_x - i][top_y - i] start_x -= 1 if score <= 0: break if report: pretty_scoring_matrix(self.sequence, s2, m) print 'max score', max_score, 'at pos', x_y_coords return max_score
[docs] @classmethod def substring_scoring_matrix(cls, s1, s2, at_least=0, penalty=0.5): ''' Computes a scoring matrix for matching between 2 sequences. Starts with a matrix filled in with all -1 . Comparisons between the strings continue as long as it is still possible to obtain the 'at_least' score when comparing the remainder of the strings. When the score is too low and the remaining substring length that can still be matched too short, the algorithm will stop, leaving the rest of the scores uncomputed. In that case, the _max is not guaranteed to be the maximum attainable matching score. example matrix when matching sequences 0000000000 and 0000010100 with the default mismatch penalty of 0.5 (penalty substracted from score attained up to that point). 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 <- sequence 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 1 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 0 0 1 2 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 1 0 0 0.5 1.5 2.5 3.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 0 0 1 1 1.5 2.5 3.5 4.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 1 0 0 0.5 0.5 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 0 0 1 1 1.5 1.5 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 6.0 0 0 1 2 2 2.5 2.5 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 ^ | sequence 2 sequence 1: 0000000000 sequence 2: 0000010100 match: 0.7 ''' m = [ [0]+ [-1] * (len(s2)) if i>0 else [0] * (1+ len(s2)) for i in xrange(1 + len(s1))] end_s1 = len(s1) + 1 end_s2 = len(s2) + 1 _max = 0, None max_x = 0 # maximum score at the current x-pos max_x_prev = 0 for x in xrange(1, end_s1): #start at (x,y) = 1,1 because scores at x=0 and y=0 are fixed. max_x_prev = max_x max_x = 0 if (end_s1 - x) + 1 + max_x_prev < at_least: #stop if at_least cannot be reached anymore break for y in xrange(1, end_s2): if (end_s2 - y ) + 1 + max_x_prev < at_least: #break if at_least cannot be reached in the rest of the y-range break prev_score = m[x - 1][y - 1] if min((end_s1 - x) , (end_s2 - y)) + prev_score < at_least: continue score = prev_score if s1[x - 1] == s2[y - 1]: score += 1 else: score -= penalty if score < 0: score = 0 if score > max_x: max_x = score if score > _max[0]: _max = score, (x,y) m[x][y] = score return m, _max
[docs] def randomize(self, rand_gen=None): self.sequence = self.random_sequence(len(self), rand_gen)
[docs] def random_sequence(self, n, rand_gen): ''' Create random sequence of length n from `elements`. Parameters ---------- n : int length of sequence rand_gen : RNG Returns ------- sequence string ''' return ''.join(rand_gen.choice(self.elements) for _ in xrange(n))
[docs] def bit_flip(self, bit, flip_dict=None): if flip_dict is None: flip_dict = self.flip_dict return flip_dict[bit]
[docs] def mutate_bits(self, nr=1, rand_gen=None): ''' Mutates a given number of random bits in the sequence to new values, chosen from the set of elements (possible values) that a bit can take, randomly. :param nr: number of bits to mutate :param rand_gen: random generator ''' indices = rand_gen.sample(range(len(self.sequence)), int(nr)) mutated_sequence = list(self.sequence) for i in indices: mutated_sequence[i] = self.bit_flip(mutated_sequence[i])#rand_gen.choice(self.elements) self.sequence = "".join(mutated_sequence) return self.sequence
[docs] def mutate(self, rand_gen=None, change_magnitude=None): ''' Mutates the sequence. Number of bits to mutate is either 1 or an amount of bits determined by the probability per bit to be changed or a given number of bits, depending on the value of "change_magnitude". Sets the check_binding flag to indicate that the sequence should be checked for changed binding status. Parameters ---------- rand_gen : RNG change_magnitude : float or int when < 1, it is a probability, otherwise it is assumed to be the number of bits that should be changed (rounded up to nearest integer). Returns ------- newly mutated sequences ''' if change_magnitude is None: self.mutate_bits(rand_gen=rand_gen) elif change_magnitude < 1.: self.mutate_bits(math.ceil(change_magnitude * len(self.sequence)), rand_gen=rand_gen) else: self.mutate_bits(math.ceil(change_magnitude), rand_gen=rand_gen) self.check_binding = True return self.sequence
[docs] def insert_mutate(self, pos, sequence_stretch, constant_length=True): ''' Insert a sequence stretch into the current sequence. Sets the check_binding flag to indicate that the sequence should be checked for changed binding status. Parameters ---------- pos : int position in current sequence to insert sequence_stretch : str stretch to be inserted constant_length : bool whether to truncate after insertion to maintain the original sequence length Returns ------- newly mutated sequences ''' _seq_list = list(self.sequence) _seq_list[pos:pos] = sequence_stretch if constant_length: _seq_list = _seq_list[:len(self.sequence)] self.sequence = ''.join(_seq_list) self.check_binding = True return self.sequence
def __len__(self): return len(self.sequence) def __str__(self): return self.sequence def _reproduction_copy(self, time): copied = super(Sequence, self)._copy(time=time, new_id=False) copied.sequence = self.sequence copied.elements = self.elements copied.flip_dict = self.flip_dict copied.check_binding = self.check_binding return copied def _mutation_copy(self): mutant = super(Sequence, self)._copy(new_id=False) mutant.sequence = copy.copy(self.sequence) mutant.elements = self.elements mutant.flip_dict = self.flip_dict mutant.check_binding = self.check_binding return mutant def _hgt_copy(self): copied = super(Sequence, self)._copy(new_id=False) copied.sequence = copy.copy(self.sequence) copied.elements = self.elements copied.flip_dict = self.flip_dict copied.check_binding = True return copied
[docs]class Operator(Sequence): """ :version: :author: """ __slots__ = ['binding_sequences'] def __init__(self, sequence=None, length=None, elements=["0","1"], flip_dict={'0':'1', '1':'0'}, **kwargs): self.init_binding_sequences() super(Operator,self).__init__(sequence=sequence, length=length, elements=elements, flip_dict=flip_dict, **kwargs)
[docs] def init_binding_sequences(self): '''A dictionary from binding sequences that bind to this operator to binding scores ''' self.binding_sequences = OrderedDict()
[docs] def calc_score_for_bs(self, binding_site, minimum_score=1., report=False): at_least = minimum_score * len(binding_site.sequence) raw_score = self.best_match(binding_site.sequence, at_least, report=report) score = float(raw_score) / len(binding_site.sequence) return score
[docs] def update_binding_sequences(self, all_binding_sequences, minimum_score): ''' Find the Binding Sequences that match this Operator and update dictionaries accordingly. Matching depends on a threshold "minimum_score". :param binding_sequences: set of BS :param minimum_score: threshold for calling a match between this Operator and a BS ''' self.init_binding_sequences() for bs in all_binding_sequences: self.bind_to_bs(bs, minimum_score) self.check_binding = False
[docs] def bind_to_bs(self, bs, minimum_score, report=False): score = self.calc_score_for_bs(bs, minimum_score, report=report) if score is not None and score >= minimum_score: if report: print 'bs:', bs.sequence, 'op:', self.sequence, 'match:', score bs.bound_operators.add(self) self.binding_sequences[bs] = score elif report: print 'bs:', bs.sequence, 'op:', self.sequence, 'do not match:', score
[docs] def inform_bss(self): for bs in list(self.binding_sequences): bs.remove_bound_operator(self) del self.binding_sequences[bs]
[docs] def clear_binding_sequences(self): self.init_binding_sequences() self.check_binding = True
[docs] def remove_binding_sequence(self, bs): del self.binding_sequences[bs]
[docs] def calculate_regulation(self): pass
def _update_binding_sequences(self, orig_copy_bs_dict): new_binding_sequences = OrderedDict() for bs, score in self.binding_sequences.items(): new_binding_sequences[orig_copy_bs_dict[bs]] = score self.binding_sequences = new_binding_sequences def _reproduction_copy(self, time): copied = super(Operator, self)._reproduction_copy(time) copied.binding_sequences = copy.copy(self.binding_sequences) return copied def _mutation_copy(self): mutant = super(Operator, self)._mutation_copy() mutant.init_binding_sequences() #atr_cls = self.binding_sequences.__class__ #mutant.binding_sequences = atr_cls.__new__(atr_cls) return mutant def _hgt_copy(self): copied = super(Operator, self)._hgt_copy() copied.init_binding_sequences() #atr_cls = self.binding_sequences.__class__ #copied.binding_sequences = atr_cls.__new__(atr_cls) return copied
[docs] def toJSON(self, *args, **kwargs): d = {'name': 'Operator', 'description': ('Operator:' + self.sequence + '<br>BSs: ' + ' '.join(map(lambda bs: bs.sequence, self.binding_sequences) ) ), 'size': len(self.binding_sequences) + 1, 'colour': mpl.colors.rgb2hex(mpl.colors.colorConverter.to_rgba('blue')) } return d
[docs]class BindingSequence(Sequence): ''' Binding sequence of a Transcription Factor ''' __slots__ = ['bound_operators'] def __init__(self, sequence=None, length=None, elements=["0","1"], flip_dict={'0':'1', '1':'0'} ,**kwargs): self.init_bound_operators() super(BindingSequence,self).__init__(sequence=sequence, elements=elements, length=length,flip_dict=flip_dict, **kwargs)
[docs] def init_bound_operators(self): self.bound_operators = OrderedSet()
[docs] def remove_bound_operator(self,op): self.bound_operators.remove(op)
[docs] def clear_bound_operators(self): self.bound_operators = OrderedSet() self.check_binding = True
[docs] def match_operators(self, operators, minimum_score): for op in operators: op.bind_to_bs(self, minimum_score) self.check_binding = False
[docs] def inform_operators(self): for op in list(self.bound_operators): op.remove_binding_sequence(self) self.bound_operators.remove(op)
def _update_bound_operators(self, orig_copy_op_dict): new_bound_operators = OrderedSet() for op in self.bound_operators: new_bound_operators.add(orig_copy_op_dict[op]) self.bound_operators = new_bound_operators def _reproduction_copy(self, time): copied = super(BindingSequence, self)._reproduction_copy(time) copied.bound_operators = copy.copy(self.bound_operators) return copied def _mutation_copy(self): mutant = super(BindingSequence, self)._mutation_copy() mutant.init_bound_operators() #atr_cls = self.bound_operators.__class__ #mutant.bound_operators = atr_cls.__new__(atr_cls) return mutant def _hgt_copy(self): copied = super(BindingSequence, self)._hgt_copy() copied.init_bound_operators() #atr_cls = self.bound_operators.__class__ #copied.bound_operators = atr_cls.__new__(atr_cls) return copied
[docs] def toJSON(self, *args, **kwargs): d = {'name': 'BS', 'description': ('BS:' + self.sequence + '<br>OPs: ' + ' '.join(map(lambda op: op.sequence, self.bound_operators) ) ), 'size': len(self.bound_operators) + 1, 'colour': mpl.colors.rgb2hex(mpl.colors.colorConverter.to_rgba('green')) } return d
if __name__ == '__main__': new_seq = Sequence("0000000000",["0","1"], {'0':'1', '1':'0'}) print new_seq.best_match("1100000000", 6.5) #new_seq = Sequence("bbb",["a","b"]) #print new_seq.best_match("bbaabb",0)