Source code for VirtualMicrobes.virtual_cell.GenomicElement

import VirtualMicrobes.simulation.class_settings as cs
from VirtualMicrobes.virtual_cell.PhyloUnit import AddInheritanceType

def _gen_id_func(x):
    return int(x) + 1

[docs]class GenomicElement: """ :version: :author: """ """ ATTRIBUTES How often and by which type of mutation has this GE been affected. mutation_counts (private) """ __phylo_type = cs.phylo_types['GenomicElement'] __metaclass__ = AddInheritanceType __slots__ = [] uid = 0 types = ['tf','pump','enz'] def __init__(self, time_birth=0, **kwargs): super(GenomicElement, self).__init__(time_birth=time_birth, **kwargs) def _hgt_copy(self, time): ''' Copy method in the case of horizontally transferred gene. (For now it is identical to _mutation_copy method) ''' copied = super(GenomicElement, self)._copy(time=time, new_id=False) return copied def _reproduction_copy(self, time): copied = super(GenomicElement, self)._copy(time=time, new_id=False) return copied def _mutation_copy(self, time): ''' Makes a (partial) deep copy of a genomic element, when a gene is mutated. In this way the pre- and post-mutation state of the gene can be independently stored, enabling resurrection of the pre-mutation gene. Operator and BindingSequence attributes will not be copied, which will mutant in different gene variants being able to hold exactly the same operator/binding-sequence. Consequently, significant efficiency gains can potentially be had when recalculating binding interactions between BS and Op in the genome, if there is a lot of sharing of BS and Op sequences. ''' mutant = super(GenomicElement, self)._copy(time=time,flat_id=False) return mutant def __str__(self): return "gid:" + str(