Source code for VirtualMicrobes.virtual_cell.Chromosome

from VirtualMicrobes.my_tools import utility as util
import VirtualMicrobes.simulation.class_settings as cs
from VirtualMicrobes.virtual_cell.PhyloUnit import AddInheritanceType, PhyloUnit
import matplotlib as mpl

def _gen_id_func(x):
    return int(x) + 1

[docs]class Chromosome: ''' A chromosome contains genes in spatial order. The chromosome class defines methods for chromosomal mutations * duplication * deltion * fission * fusion and mutations on the level of gene stretches * stretch deltion * stretch duplication * stretch inversion * stretch insertions ''' __metaclass__ = AddInheritanceType __phylo_type = cs.phylo_types['Chromosome'] __slots__ = ['positions'] uid = 0 def __init__(self, gene_list = None, positions=None, time_birth=0, circular=False, **kwargs): super(Chromosome, self).__init__(time_birth=time_birth,**kwargs) if positions is not None: self.positions = positions else: self.init_positions(circular) if gene_list is not None: for g in gene_list: self.append_gene(g)
[docs] def init_positions(self, circular=False): ''' Initialize chromosome positions. Parameters ---------- circular : boolean if true define as circular list ''' if circular: self.positions = util.CircularList() else: self.positions = list()
[docs] def append_gene(self,g): ''' Append gene at end of chromosome. Parameters ---------- g : class `virtual_cell.Gene.Gene` gene to add ''' self.positions.append(g)
[docs] def translocate_stretch(self, start_pos, end_pos, target_pos, target_chrom): ''' Translocate a stretch of genes to a target chromosome and position. Parameters ---------- start_pos : int first position of stretch end_pos : int last position (exclusive) of stretch target_pos : int position to insert stretch target_chrom : :class:`VirtualMicrobes.virtual_cell.Chromosome.Chromosome` target chromosome for insertion ''' stretch = self.positions[start_pos:end_pos] prev_len = len(target_chrom) target_chrom.insert_stretch(stretch, target_pos) assert len(target_chrom) == prev_len + len(stretch)
[docs] def invert(self,start_pos, end_pos): ''' Invert a stretch of genes. Parameters ---------- start_pos : int first position of stretch end_pos : int last position (exclusive) of stretch Returns ------- iterable of genes; the inverted stretch ''' len_prev = len(self.positions) stretch = self.positions[start_pos:end_pos] stretch.reverse() self.positions[start_pos:end_pos] = stretch assert len(self.positions) == len_prev return stretch
[docs] def tandem_duplicate(self, start_pos, end_pos): ''' Duplicates a stretch of genes 'in place', and insert after end_pos. Parameters ---------- start_pos : int first position of stretch end_pos : int last position (exclusive) of stretch Returns ------- iterable of genes; the duplicated stretch ''' stretch = self.positions[start_pos:end_pos] self.insert_stretch(stretch, end_pos) return stretch
[docs] def insert_stretch(self, stretch, pos): ''' Insert a stretch of genes at position. Parameters ---------- stretch : iterable stretch of genes to insert pos : int insert position ''' prev_len = len(self) self.positions[pos:pos] = stretch assert len(self) == prev_len + len(stretch)
[docs] def delete_stretch(self, start_pos, end_pos): ''' Deletes a stretch of genes. Parameters ---------- start_pos : int first position of stretch end_pos : int last position (exclusive) of stretch Returns ------- iterable of genes; the deleted stretch ''' prev_len = len(self) stretch = self.positions[start_pos:end_pos] del self.positions[start_pos:end_pos] assert len(self.positions) == prev_len - len(stretch) return stretch
[docs] @classmethod def fuse(cls, chrom1, chrom2, time, end1=True, end2=True): ''' Fuse two chromosomes. Parameters ---------- chrom1 : :class:`VirtualMicrobes.virtual_cell.Chromosome.Chromosome` first chromosome to fuse chrom2 : :class:`VirtualMicrobes.virtual_cell.Chromosome.Chromosome` second chromosome to fuse time : int simulation time end1 : bool the end of chromosome1 will be fused end2 : bool the end of chromosome2 will be fused Returns ------- returns the new fused chromosome ''' positions1 = chrom1.positions[:] if not end1: positions1.reverse() positions2 = chrom2.positions[:] if end2: positions2.reverse() new_chrom = Chromosome(time_birth=time, positions= positions1+positions2) assert len(new_chrom) == len(chrom1) + len(chrom2) if isinstance(chrom1, PhyloUnit): new_chrom.set_ancestor(chrom1) new_chrom.set_ancestor(chrom2), flat=True) assert type(new_chrom.positions) == type(chrom1.positions) == type(chrom2.positions) chrom1.die(time) chrom2.die(time) return new_chrom
[docs] def fiss(self,pos, time): ''' Chromosome fission. A fission splits a chromosome, creating two new chromosomes. Parameters ---------- pos : int position of fission time : int simulation time Returns ------- returns tuple of two chromosomes ''' subchrom1 = self._mutation_copy(time=time, with_positions=False) subchrom1.positions = self.positions[:pos] subchrom2 = self._mutation_copy(time=time, with_positions=False) subchrom2.positions = self.positions[pos:] assert len(self) == len(subchrom1) + len(subchrom2) assert type(self.positions) == type(subchrom1.positions) == type(subchrom2.positions) self.die(time) return subchrom1,subchrom2
[docs] def duplicate(self, time): ''' Duplicate the chromosome. Creates two identical copies of the chromosome. The original version is deleted. Parameters ---------- time : int simulation time Returns ------- Returns tuple of two chromosomes ''' copy1 = self._mutation_copy(time=time) copy2 = self._mutation_copy(time=time) self.die(time) assert type(self.positions) == type(copy1.positions) == type(copy2.positions) return copy1,copy2
def _reproduction_copy(self, orig_copy_genes_map, time): ''' Make a copy of the chromosome when reproducing a cell. This copy should be independent of its ancestor so that changes in a child will not affect the parent. Copying of the "positions" attribute (containing genes) assumes that the genes in the list have already been copied ( _reproduction_copy(gene) ) so that the "children" attribute of the parental copy holds the newly produced "reproduction-copy" of the gene. These are then used to re-instantiate the positions of the new "reproduction-copy" of the chromosome. Parameters ---------- orig_copy_genes_map : dict a mapping from original to copied genes time : int simulation time Returns ------- TReturns the copied chromosome. ''' copied = super(Chromosome, self)._copy(time=time, new_id=False) copied.init_positions(circular=isinstance(self.positions, util.CircularList)) for n in self.positions: new_copy = orig_copy_genes_map[n] copied.positions.append(new_copy) return copied def _mutation_copy(self, time, with_positions=True): ''' Makes a mutated copy of the chromosome. Parameters ---------- time : int simulation time with_positions : bool if true, copies the positions list of genes Returns ------- Returns mutation copy of the chromosome. ''' mutant = super(Chromosome, self)._copy(time=time, flat_id=False) if with_positions: mutant.positions = self.positions[:] else: atr_cls = self.positions.__class__ mutant.positions = atr_cls.__new__(atr_cls) return mutant
[docs] def toJSON(self, index, *args, **kwargs): ''' Create JSON representation of chromosome. Parameters ---------- index : int a position index of the chromosome Returns ------- json dict ''' children = [] for i,g in enumerate(self.positions): children.append(g.toJSON(index=i, *args, **kwargs)) d = {'name': 'Chr. ' + " #" + str(index+1), 'description': 'Chromosome ' + str(, 'colour': mpl.colors.rgb2hex(mpl.colors.colorConverter.to_rgb('lightgrey')), 'children': children} return d
def __str__(self): out_str = "chr" + str( + ": " for p in self.positions: out_str += str(p) + " " return out_str def __len__(self): return len(self.positions) def __iter__(self): return iter(self.positions)
if __name__ == '__main__': chrom = Chromosome(range(10) , time_birth=0) print type(chrom.positions[:]) print len(chrom.positions) print chrom.positions[10:14] print chrom.positions[9:14] print chrom.positions[-2:4] chrom.positions[-10:-10] = chrom.positions[-10:4] print chrom.positions print chrom.positions[-3:0]