Source code for VirtualMicrobes.virtual_cell.Cell

import collections
from copy import copy, deepcopy
import itertools
import math
import orderedset
import warnings

from VirtualMicrobes.event import Reaction
from VirtualMicrobes.event.Reaction import Degradation, Diffusion, ClassConvert
from VirtualMicrobes.mutate.Mutation import ChromosomeDuplication, ChromosomeDeletion, \
    Fusion, Fission, PointMutation, TandemDuplication, StretchDeletion, \
    Inversion, Translocation, Insertion, OperatorInsertion
from VirtualMicrobes.my_tools.utility import OrderedDefaultdict, GeneProduct, SmallMol, \
import VirtualMicrobes.my_tools.utility as util
from VirtualMicrobes.readwrite import read_obj
import VirtualMicrobes.simulation.class_settings as cs
from VirtualMicrobes.virtual_cell.Chromosome import Chromosome
from VirtualMicrobes.virtual_cell.Gene import MetabolicGene, Transporter, TranscriptionFactor
import VirtualMicrobes.virtual_cell.Gene as Gene
from VirtualMicrobes.virtual_cell.Genome import Genome
from VirtualMicrobes.virtual_cell.PhyloUnit import AddInheritanceType
from VirtualMicrobes.virtual_cell.Sequence import Sequence
import networkx as nx
import numpy as np


    import bottleneck as bt
    np.nanmean = bt.nanmean
except ImportError:

def _production_func():

def _toxicity_func(l, t):
    toxicity = 0.
    if t:
        toxicity = max(0, (l - t) / t)
    return toxicity

def _toxicity_effect_func(r, e, s):
    calculate a (raw) death rate from the toxic effects accumulated in the cell.
    Currently it uses a Hill like function for death rate calculation.
    :param r: base rate
    :param e: accumulated toxic effects
    :param s: scaling of toxic effects
    #return r ** (1. / (1. + s * e))
    return e/(s+e) * (1 - r) + r

def _gen_id_func(i):
    return int(i) + 1

[docs]def make_mutations_dict(): return {'chromosomal': list(), 'sg': list(), 'stretch':list()}
[docs]def make_inherited_hgt_dict(): return {'internal': list(), 'external': list()}
[docs]class Cell: class_version = '3.0' __metaclass__ = AddInheritanceType __phylo_type = cs.phylo_types['Cell'] uid = 0 ''' A Cell in the Simulation. Initializes the state of the cell (without genome); notably: * internal molecule dictionaries * arrays to hold time course data of internal molecule concentrations * mutation dictionary, a record of mutations that occured during reproduction * internal state variables for volume, toxicity etc Parameters ---------- params : :class:`attrdict.AttrDict` mapping object that holds global simulation parameters environment : :class:`VirtualMicrobes.environment.Environment` environment that cell lives in; determines molecular and reaction universe rand_gen : RNG fromfile: path to .cell-file to reproduce cell from toxicity_function : func calculates toxicity based on actual and threshold level of a concentration toxicity_effect_function : func calculates added death rate from toxicity ''' def __init__(self, params, environment, rand_gen, toxicity_function=None,toxicity_effect_function=None, time_birth=-1, **kwargs): self.version = self.__class__.class_version super(Cell, self).__init__(time_birth=time_birth, **kwargs) if toxicity_function is None: toxicity_function = _toxicity_func if toxicity_effect_function is None: toxicity_effect_function = _toxicity_effect_func ### set a reference to the global paramaters ### self.params = params self.max_time_course_length = 0 self.arrays_changed = False self.init_cell_time_courses() ### initialize variables of the cell by extracting from init params ### self.init_cell_params() self.init_rand_gen = rand_gen self.molecules = dict() # NOTE: unordered ok ; mapping to store info about molecules present in the cell self.molecules["gene_products"] = OrderedDefaultdict(GeneProduct) self.molecules["small_molecules"] = OrderedDefaultdict(SmallMol) self.init_mol_views() self.toxicity_func = toxicity_function self.toxic_effect_func = toxicity_effect_function self.add_small_molecules(environment, conc=self.params.init_small_mol_conc, degr_const=self.params.small_mol_degr_const, ene_degr_const=self.params.ene_degr_const, bb_degr_const=self.params.bb_degr_const) self.init_building_blocks_dict(nr_blocks=self.params.nr_cell_building_blocks, rand_gen=self.init_rand_gen, stois=self.params.building_block_stois) self.init_energy_mols(environment) self.init_mutations_dict() self.volume = self.params.cell_init_volume self.raw_production = 0. self.pos_production = 0. self.raw_production_change_rate = 0. self.toxicity = 0. self.toxicity_change_rate = 0. self.raw_death_rate = 0. self.production_toxic_effect = 0. self.marked_for_death = False self.alive = True self.uptake_dna = self.params.uptake_dna self.hgt_neigh = 1.0 self.divided = False self.age = 0 self.divided_n_times = 0 self.wiped = False self.iterage = 0
[docs] @classmethod def from_params(cls,parameter_dict, environment, init_rand_gen): cell = cls(params=parameter_dict, environment=environment, rand_gen=init_rand_gen) cell.init_genome(environment=environment) cell.init_gene_products() return cell
[docs] @classmethod def from_file(cls, parameter_dict, environment, init_rand_gen, file_path): cell = cls(params=parameter_dict, environment=environment, rand_gen=init_rand_gen) cell.set_state_from_file(environment=environment, filename=file_path) return cell
[docs] def init_cell_params(self): ''' Set cell parameters based on simulation parameter settings. ''' self.max_volume = self.params.max_cell_volume self.growth_rate = self.params.cell_growth_rate # volume increase rate self.shrink_rate = self.params.cell_shrink_rate self.growth_cost = self.params.cell_growth_cost self.v_max_growth = self.params.v_max_growth # rate at which building blocks are converted into production potential self.energy_for_growth = self.params.energy_for_growth # consume energy when making production potential self.transcription_cost = self.params.transcription_cost self.energy_transcription_cost = self.params.energy_transcription_cost self.energy_transcription_scaling = self.params.energy_transcription_scaling self.homeostatic_bb_scaling = self.params.homeostatic_bb_scaling
[docs] def set_properties(self, celldict): ''' Set cell properties based on dict. Parameters ---------- celldict : dict dict with values for cell properties ''' self.volume = celldict['volume'] self.raw_death_rate = celldict['raw_death_rate'] self.raw_production = celldict['raw_production'] self.raw_production_change_rate = celldict['raw_production_change_rate'] self.pos_production = celldict['pos_production'] self.iterage = celldict['iterage'] self.alive = celldict['alive'] self.uptake_dna = celldict.get('uptake_dna', 1.0) self.hgt_neigh = celldict.get('hgt_neigh', 1.0) self.version = self.__class__.class_version self.divided = celldict['divided'] self.toxicity = celldict['toxicity'] self.toxicity_change_rate = celldict['toxicity_change_rate'] self.marker_dict['lineage'] = celldict['lineage'] self.marked_for_death = False #self.marker_dict['lineage'] = celldict['iterage']%1000 self.wiped = celldict['wiped']
[docs] def set_molconcs(self, concdict): ''' Set molecule concentrations based on dict. Parameters ---------- concdict : dict dict with values for mol concentrations ''' for mol in self.molecules["small_molecules"]: #print 'setting conc of molecule ' + str( + ' to ' + str(concdict[]) self.set_small_mol_conc(mol,concdict[])
[docs] def init_building_blocks_dict(self, nr_blocks, rand_gen, stois): ''' Initialize the dictionary of cellular building blocks and their stoichiometry. Parameters ---------- nr_blocks : int number of different metabolic building blocks of the cell. rand_gen : RNG stois : tuple of int (lower, higher) range of stoichiometric constants from which to randomly draw stoichiometries. ''' if nr_blocks is None: cell_blocks = self._get_building_blocks() else: cell_blocks = rand_gen.sample(self._get_building_blocks(), nr_blocks) self.building_blocks_dict = collections.OrderedDict([(block, rand_gen.randint(*stois) ) for block in cell_blocks ])
[docs] def init_energy_mols(self, environment): ''' Store the energy molecules of the cell. Parameters ---------- environment : :class:`VirtualMicrobes.environment.Environment.Environment` simulation environment that contains metabolic universe Notes ----- energy_mols are used in odes.pyx ''' self.energy_mols = [ mol for mol in environment.internal_molecules if mol.is_energy ]
[docs] def init_genome(self, environment, chrom_compositions=None, min_bind_score=None, prioritize_influxed=None, rand_gene_params=None, circular_chromosomes=None, better_tf_params=None, rand_gen=None, randomize=True): ''' Iniitialize the genome of the cell. The genome is constructed according to a list of chromosome composition descriptions. These descriptions specify the number of each gene type a set of chromosomes. Sets of metabolic , transport and transcription factor genes are initialized using heuristic functions that guarantee basic viability of the cell and a basic logic in transported and sensed metabolites, by taking into account the set of indispensible metabolites (building blocks and energy carriers). Finally, kinetic and other parameters of all genes are randomized and the genes distributed over the chromosomes. Parameters ---------- environment : :class:`VirtualMicrobes.environment.Environment.Environment` simulation environment that determines metabolic universe chrom_compositions : list of :class:`VirtualMicrobes.my_tools.utility.GeneTypeNumbers` per chromosome composition of different gene types min_bind_score : float parameter for minimal binding score for transcription regulation prioritize_influxed : bool first choose enzymatic reactions that use substrates that are influxed in `environment` rand_gene_params : :class:`VirtualMicrobes.my_tools.utility.ParamSpace` range from which to draw randomized gene parameters circular_chromosomes : bool make the chromosomes circular rand_gen : RNG randomize : bool whether gene parameters should be randomized after creation Returns ------- :class:`VirtualMicrobes.virtual_cell.Genome.Genome` ''' if chrom_compositions is None: chrom_compositions = self.params.chromosome_compositions if min_bind_score is None: min_bind_score = self.params.min_bind_score if prioritize_influxed is None: prioritize_influxed = self.params.prioritize_influxed_metabolism if rand_gene_params is None: rand_gene_params = self.params.rand_gene_params if circular_chromosomes is None: circular_chromosomes = self.params.circular_chromosomes if better_tf_params is None: better_tf_params = self.params.better_tf_params if rand_gen is None: rand_gen = self.init_rand_gen metabolic_pathway_dict = {'consumed':OrderedSet(), 'produced':OrderedSet(), 'converted':OrderedSet(), 'imported':OrderedSet(), 'exported':OrderedSet(), 'sensed':OrderedSet()} for bb in self.building_blocks_dict: metabolic_pathway_dict['consumed'].add(bb.mol_class) nr_tfs, nr_pumps, nr_enzymes = map(sum, zip(*[ (, cp.pump, cp.enz) for cp in chrom_compositions ])) enzymes = self.generate_enzymes(nr_enzymes, environment, rand_gen, metabolic_pathway_dict, prioritize_influxed=prioritize_influxed) if len(enzymes) < nr_enzymes: warnings.warn('Only {} out of {} enzymes could be generated' ' for this individual.'.format(len(enzymes), nr_enzymes)) pumps = self.generate_pumps(nr_pumps, environment, rand_gen, metabolic_pathway_dict, prioritize_influxed=prioritize_influxed) if len(pumps) < nr_pumps: warnings.warn('Only {} out of {} enzymes could be generated' ' for this individual.'.format(len(pumps), nr_pumps)) tfs = self.generate_tfs(nr_tfs, environment, rand_gen, metabolic_pathway_dict) if randomize: map(lambda g: g.randomize(rand_gene_params, rand_gen, better_tfs=better_tf_params), enzymes+pumps+tfs) chromosomes = [] for chrom_comp in chrom_compositions: c_enz, c_pumps, c_tfs = (rand_gen.sample(enzymes, chrom_comp.enz), rand_gen.sample(pumps, chrom_comp.pump), rand_gen.sample(tfs, ) genes = c_enz + c_pumps + c_tfs enzymes = list(OrderedSet(enzymes) - OrderedSet(c_enz)) pumps = list(OrderedSet(pumps) - OrderedSet(c_pumps)) tfs = list(OrderedSet(tfs) - OrderedSet(c_tfs)) rand_gen.shuffle(genes) chromosomes.append(Chromosome(gene_list=genes, circular=circular_chromosomes)) self.genome = Genome(chromosomes, min_bind_score) return self.genome
[docs] def set_state_from_file(self, environment, filename): ''' Set the state of the cell based on a configuration file. Parameters ---------- environment : :class:`VirtualMicrobes.environment.Environment.Environment` environment defines metabolic universe for the cell filename : string name of cell state file ''' celldict = read_obj.parse_cell_stringrepr(filename) # Generates cell with help from file self.read_genome(environment, celldict['genes'], celldict['genome']) self.set_properties(celldict['cell_properties']) self.set_molconcs(celldict['molecule_concs'])
[docs] def cap_lineage_marker(self, max_lin_marker): if 'lineage' in self.marker_dict and self.marker_dict['lineage'] > max_lin_marker: self.mark('lineage', int(self.marker_dict['lineage']) % max_lin_marker) print 'setting lineage marker to', int(self.marker_dict['lineage']) % max_lin_marker
[docs] def read_genome(self, environment, gene_dict, genome_order, verbose=False): ''' Reads and sets genome based on genes dictionary and a list of gene indexes representing the genome order. Parameters ---------- environment : :class:`VirtualMicrobes.environment.Environment.Environment` environment provides the reactions to match to the genes gene_dict : dict dictionary that contains all properties of the gene most are just values such as v_max, prom_str, type etc. ene_ks and subs_ks are themselves dicts for each mol genome_order : list a list of indexes that represent in what order the genes should be put into the genome Returns ------- :class:`VirtualMicrobes.virtual_cell.Genome ''' genes = {} genes_concs = {} self.genome = Genome([],min_bind_score = self.params.min_bind_score) # Empty genome because of [] for gene, gene_props in gene_dict.items(): if verbose: print 'Reading gene of type ' + gene_props['type'] newgene = Gene.read_gene(environment, gene_props, gene) genes[gene] = newgene genes_concs[newgene] = gene_props['concentration'] for chrom in genome_order: gene_list = [] for index in genome_order[chrom]: gene_list.append(genes[index]) if verbose: print 'adding ' + genes[index].params["type"] + ' to chromosome ' + str(chrom) self.genome.add_chromosome(Chromosome(gene_list=gene_list, circular=self.params.circular_chromosomes)) for gene in genes.values(): if gene not in list(self.genome): self.add_gene_product(gene,concentration=genes_concs) self.init_gene_products(concentration=genes_concs) # With this, only genes in genome are added self.genome.init_regulatory_network(self.params["min_bind_score"]) return self.genome
[docs] def generate_enzymes(self, nr_enzymes, env, rand_gen, metabolic_pathway_dict, prioritize_influxed=True): ''' Generate the set of enzymes of the cell. Uses heuristics for constructing 'viable' initial metabolic pathways for the production of building blocks and energy metabolites. Parameters ---------- nr_enzymes : int number of enzymes to generate env : :class:`VirtualMicrobes.environment.Environment.Environment` environment provides the set of metabolites and possible metabolic reactions rand_gen : RNG metabolic_pathway_dict : dict dictionary to keep track of metabolites consumed and produced by the cell. prioritize_influxed : bool first create enzymes that can utilize metabolites that are present (influxed) in environment Returns ------- list of :class:`VirtualMicrobes.virtual_cell.Gene.MetabolicGene`s ''' tries=10 def influxed_species_in_mol_class(mol_class, env): return (len(set(mol_class.molecules.values()) & set(map(lambda m: m.paired,env.influxed_mols))) > 0) enzymes = [] class_conversions = [ c for c in env.conversions if isinstance(c, ClassConvert) ] for _ in range(nr_enzymes): conversion = None bb_classes = OrderedSet([ bb.mol_class for bb in self.building_blocks_dict] ) bb_lacking = bb_classes - metabolic_pathway_dict['produced'] produceable_lacking_bb = [ bb for bb in bb_lacking if len(env.mols_to_reactions_dict['conversion']['produced'][bb]) > 0] # if not all building blocks are produced yet, create enzyme that produces bb if len(produceable_lacking_bb) > 0: for _ in range(tries): produce_bb = rand_gen.choice(produceable_lacking_bb) potential_conversions = env.mols_to_reactions_dict['conversion']['produced'][produce_bb] if prioritize_influxed: #prioritize reactions with reactants that are influxed in the environment prioritized = filter(lambda c: all([ influxed_species_in_mol_class(r, env) or r.is_energy for r in c.reactants ]), potential_conversions) if len(prioritized): potential_conversions = prioritized try: conversion = rand_gen.choice(potential_conversions) break # succeeded except IndexError: warnings.warn('No available reactions to produce building block {}'.format(produce_bb)) # else, if no energy is produced, create enzyme to produce energy carrier if conversion is None and not sum([ p.is_energy for p in metabolic_pathway_dict['produced'] ]): for _ in range(tries): produce_ene = rand_gen.choice(env.energy_classes.values()) try: conversion = rand_gen.choice(env.mols_to_reactions_dict['conversion']['produced'][produce_ene]) break # succeeded except IndexError: warnings.warn('No available reactions to produce energy class {}'.format(produce_ene)) if conversion is None: consumed_not_produced = metabolic_pathway_dict['consumed'] - metabolic_pathway_dict['produced'] consumed_not_produced_producable = [ mc for mc in consumed_not_produced if len(env.mols_to_reactions_dict['conversion']['produced'][mc]) > 0] choose_class_conversion = rand_gen.choice([True,False]) if len(class_conversions) else False if len(consumed_not_produced_producable) > 0 and not choose_class_conversion: for _ in range(tries): produce_consumed = rand_gen.choice(consumed_not_produced_producable) try: conversion = rand_gen.choice(env.mols_to_reactions_dict['conversion']['produced'][produce_consumed]) break # succeeded except IndexError: warnings.warn('No available reactions to produce intermediate {}'.format(produce_consumed)) elif not choose_class_conversion: conversion = rand_gen.choice(env.conversions) else: not_converted = ((metabolic_pathway_dict['produced'] & OrderedSet(env.mols_to_reactions_dict['class_convert'].keys()) ) - metabolic_pathway_dict['converted']) if len(not_converted) > 0: convert_produced = rand_gen.choice(list(not_converted)) try: conversion = rand_gen.choice(env.mols_to_reactions_dict['class_convert'][convert_produced]) except IndexError: warnings.warn('No available class conversion for {}'.format(convert_produced)) else: conversion = rand_gen.choice([ c for c in env.conversions if isinstance(c, ClassConvert) ]) if conversion is None: # No conversion reaction could be chosen continue # update dict to with produced and consumed metabolites if not isinstance(conversion, ClassConvert): for reac_class in conversion.reactants: metabolic_pathway_dict['consumed'].add(reac_class) for prod_class in conversion.products: metabolic_pathway_dict['produced'].add(prod_class) else: metabolic_pathway_dict['converted'].add(conversion.substrate.mol_class) enzymes.append(MetabolicGene(reaction=conversion, operator_seq_len=self.params.operator_seq_len)) return enzymes
[docs] def generate_pumps(self, nr_pumps, env, rand_gen, metabolic_pathway_dict, import_first=True, prioritize_influxed=True): ''' Generate set of transporters of the cell. Use heuristics for connecting to the metabolic pathways formed so far by the enzymes present in the cell. Parameters ---------- nr_pumps: int number of transporters to generate env : :class:`VirtualMicrobes.environment.Environment.Environment` environment provides the set of metabolites and possible metabolic reactions rand_gen : RNG metabolic_pathway_dict : dict dictionary to keep track of metabolites consumed and produced by the cell. import_first : bool first create import enzymes for all metabolites that can be consumed in metabolism prioritize_influxed : bool first create transporters that can import metabolites that are present (influxed) in environment Returns ------- list of :class:`VirtualMicrobes.virtual_cell.Gene.Transporter`s See Also -------- `generate_enzymes` ''' def influxed_species_in_mol_class(mol_class, env): return len(set(mol_class.molecules.values()) & set(map(lambda m: m.paired,env.influxed_mols))) > 0 pumps = [] building_block_classes = OrderedSet([ b.mol_class for b in self.building_blocks_dict] ) for _ in range(nr_pumps): transport = None not_imported = (metabolic_pathway_dict['consumed'] - metabolic_pathway_dict['imported']) importable = OrderedSet([ mc for mc in not_imported if len(env.mols_to_reactions_dict['transport'][mc]) > 0 ]) importable_priority = (importable - (metabolic_pathway_dict['produced'] - building_block_classes)) not_exported = ((metabolic_pathway_dict['produced'] - metabolic_pathway_dict['exported']) - building_block_classes ) exportable = OrderedSet([ mc for mc in not_exported if len(env.mols_to_reactions_dict['transport'][mc]) > 0 ]) exportable_priority = exportable - metabolic_pathway_dict['consumed'] importer = True if import_first else rand_gen.choice([True,False]) if importer and len(importable) > 0: if len(importable_priority) > 0: if prioritize_influxed: #prioritize transport with substrates that are influxed in the environment prioritized = filter(lambda c: influxed_species_in_mol_class(c, env) , importable) if len(prioritized): importable_priority = prioritized to_import = rand_gen.choice(list(importable_priority)) else: to_import = rand_gen.choice(list(importable)) try: transport = rand_gen.choice(env.mols_to_reactions_dict['transport'][to_import]) except IndexError: warnings.warn('No available transport for {}'.format(to_import)) if transport is None and len(exportable) > 0: importer = False if len(exportable_priority) > 0: to_export = rand_gen.choice(list(exportable_priority)) else: to_export = rand_gen.choice(list(exportable)) try: transport = rand_gen.choice(env.mols_to_reactions_dict['transport'][to_export]) except IndexError: warnings.warn('No available transport for {}'.format(to_export)) if transport is None: transport = rand_gen.choice(env.transports) if transport is None: # No transport reaction could be chosen continue transport_type = 'imported' if importer else 'exported' metabolic_pathway_dict[transport_type].add(transport.substrate_class) pumps.append(Transporter(reaction=transport, exporting=not importer, operator_seq_len=self.params.operator_seq_len)) return pumps
[docs] def generate_tfs(self, nr_tfs, env, rand_gen, metabolic_pathway_dict, bb_ene_only=False): ''' Create TFs of the cell. Prioritizes TFs that sense metabolites that are relevant for the cell, i.e. metabolites that are actively consumed or produced by the cell's enzymes (or production function). Parameters ---------- nr_tfs : int number of tfs to generate env : :class:`VirtualMicrobes.environment.Environment.Environment` environment provides the set of metabolites and possible metabolic reactions rand_gen : RNG metabolic_pathway_dict : dict dictionary to keep track of metabolites consumed and produced by the cell. bb_ene_only : bool create TFs with either a building block or an energy carrier as ligand exclusively Returns ------- list of :class:`VirtualMicrobes.virtual_cell.Gene.TranscriptionFactor`s See Also -------- :func:`generate_enzymes` ''' tfs = [] for _ in range(nr_tfs): if bb_ene_only: ligand_class = rand_gen.choice([m for m in env.molecule_classes if m.has_building_block or m.is_energy]) else: not_sensed = (metabolic_pathway_dict['consumed'] | metabolic_pathway_dict['produced']) - metabolic_pathway_dict['sensed'] if len(not_sensed) > 0: ligand_class = rand_gen.choice(list(not_sensed)) else: ligand_class = rand_gen.choice(env.molecule_classes) sense_external = rand_gen.choice([False,True]) metabolic_pathway_dict['sensed'].add(ligand_class) tfs.append(TranscriptionFactor(ligand_mol_class=ligand_class, ligand_cooperativity=self.params.ligand_binding_cooperativity, operator_seq_len=self.params.operator_seq_len, binding_seq_len=self.params.binding_seq_len, binding_cooperativity=self.params.tf_binding_cooperativity, sense_external=sense_external)) return tfs
[docs] def reset_grn(self, min_bind_score=None): ''' Recalculate and reset all binding interactions in the genome. Parameters ---------- min_bind_score : float minimum identity score to set a regulatory interaction. ''' if min_bind_score is None: min_bind_score = self.params.min_bind_score self.genome.reset_regulatory_network(min_bind_score)
[docs] def update_grn(self, min_bind_score=None): ''' Update the regulatory network, by finding (new) matches between TF binding sites and gene operators. min_bind_score : float minimum identity score to set a regulatory interaction. ''' if min_bind_score is None: min_bind_score = self.params.min_bind_score self.genome.update_regulatory_network(min_bind_score)
########################## Mutation ########################## @property def point_mut(self): '''List of point mutations of this individual.''' return [ p for p in self.mutations['sg'] if not isinstance(p.new_val, Sequence)] @property def sequence_mut(self): '''List of sequence mutations of this individual.''' return [ p for p in self.mutations['sg'] if isinstance(p.new_val, Sequence)] @property def chromosomal_mut(self): '''List of chromosomal mutations of this individual.''' return self.mutations["chromosomal"] @property def chromosome_dup(self): '''List of chromosome duplications of this individual.''' return [ c for c in self.mutations['chromosomal'] if isinstance(c, ChromosomeDuplication)] @property def chromosome_del(self): '''List of chromosome deletions of this individual.''' return [ c for c in self.mutations['chromosomal'] if isinstance(c, ChromosomeDeletion)] @property def chromosome_fusion(self): '''List of chromosome fusions of this individual.''' return [ c for c in self.mutations['chromosomal'] if isinstance(c, Fusion)] @property def chromosome_fission(self): '''List of chromosome fissions of this individual.''' return [ c for c in self.mutations['chromosomal'] if isinstance(c, Fission)] @property def stretch_mut(self): '''List of stretch mutations of this individual.''' return [s for s in self.mutations['stretch'] if not isinstance(s, Insertion)] @property def tandem_dup(self): '''List of stretch duplications of this individual.''' return [ s for s in self.mutations['stretch'] if isinstance(s, TandemDuplication)] @property def stretch_del(self): '''List of stretch deletions of this individual.''' return [ s for s in self.mutations['stretch'] if isinstance(s, StretchDeletion) ] @property def translocate(self): '''List of stretch translocations of this individual.''' return [ s for s in self.mutations['stretch'] if isinstance(s, Translocation)] @property def stretch_invert(self): '''List of stretch inversions of this individual.''' return [ s for s in self.mutations['stretch'] if isinstance(s, Inversion) ] @property def internal_hgt(self): '''List of internal Horizontal Gene Transfers of this individual.''' return self.inherited_hgt['internal'] @property def external_hgt(self): '''List of external Horizontal Gene Transfers of this individual.''' return self.inherited_hgt['external'] ########################## Mutation Counts ########################## @property def point_mut_count(self): '''Number of point mutations of this individual.''' return len(self.point_mut) @property def chromosomal_mut_count(self): '''Number of chromosomal mutations of this individual.''' return len(self.chromosomal_mut) @property def chromosome_dup_count(self): '''Number of chromosomal duplications of this individual.''' return len(self.chromosome_dup) @property def chromosome_del_count(self): '''Number of chromosomal deletions of this individual.''' return len(self.chromosome_del) @property def chromosome_fuse_count(self): '''Number of chromosomal fusions of this individual.''' return len(self.chromosome_fusion) @property def chromosome_fiss_count(self): '''Number of chromosomal fissions of this individual.''' return len(self.chromosome_fission) @property def sequence_mut_count(self): '''Number of sequence mutations of this individual.''' return len(self.sequence_mut) @property def stretch_mut_count(self): '''Number of stretch mutations of this individual.''' return len(self.stretch_mut) @property def tandem_dup_count(self): '''Number of stretch duplications of this individual.''' return len(self.tandem_dup) @property def stretch_del_count(self): '''Number of stretch deletions of this individual.''' return len(self.stretch_del) @property def translocate_count(self): '''Number of stretch translocations of this individual.''' return len(self.translocate) @property def stretch_invert_count(self): '''Number of stretch inversions of this individual.''' return len(self.stretch_invert) @property def internal_hgt_count(self): '''Number of internal Horizontal Gene Transfers of this individual.''' return len( self.internal_hgt ) @property def external_hgt_count(self): '''Number of external Horizontal Gene Transfers of this individual.''' return len(self.external_hgt ) @property def ancestral_mutations(self): ''' Cumulative mutations in the line(s) of descent. For each LOD of this individual concatenate all mutations in each mutation category that happened in the ancestors of this individual. Because multiple LODs might exist, return a list of dictionaries that hold all mutations that this lineage acumulated, per mutation category. Returns ------- list of mutation dictionaries of LODs ''' mutations_dicts = [] for lod in self.lods_up(): mutations_dict = make_mutations_dict() for a in lod: for k in mutations_dict: mutations_dict[k] += a.mutations[k] mutations_dicts.append(mutations_dict) return mutations_dicts @property def tf_sensed(self): ''' The set of molecule classes that are sensed by TFs. ''' return set( [tf.ligand_class for tf in self.genome.tfs ]) @property def conversions_type(self): ''' The set of conversion reactions in the genome. ''' return set( [ enz.reaction for enz in self.genome.enzymes ] ) @property def importer_type(self): ''' The set of import reactions in the genome. ''' return set([ p.reaction for p in self.genome.inf_pumps] ) @property def exporter_type(self): ''' The set of export reactions in the genome. ''' return set([ p.reaction for p in self.genome.eff_pumps])
[docs] def genes_get_prop_vals(self, genes, get_prop): ''' Construct array of values of a gene property for all duplicates of a list of genes. Parameters ---------- genes : list of :class:`VirtualMicrobes.virtual_cell:Gene:Gene` objects The genes for which to list the proprty get_prop : func [:class:`VirtualMicrobes.virtual_cell:Gene:Gene`] -> value A function that takes a gene as argument and returns a value Returns ------- numpy array ''' return np.array([get_prop(g) for g in genes])
########################## Genome Stats ########################## @property def genome_size(self): return self.genome.size @property def chromosome_count(self): return len(self.genome.chromosomes) @property def tf_count(self): return len(list(self.genome.tfs)) @property def enzyme_count(self): return len(list(self.genome.enzymes)) @property def pump_count(self): return len(list(self.genome.pumps)) @property def eff_pump_count(self): return len(list(self.genome.eff_pumps)) @property def inf_pump_count(self): return len(list(self.genome.inf_pumps)) @property def promoter_strengths(self): return self.genes_get_prop_vals(self.genome, lambda x: x.promoter.strength ) @property def tf_promoter_strengths(self): return self.genes_get_prop_vals(self.genome.tfs, lambda x: x.promoter.strength)
[docs] def gene_substrate_ks(self, ks_param, genes): return np.array([ ks for gene in genes for ks in gene[ks_param].values()])
@property def tf_ligand_ks(self): return self.gene_substrate_ks('ligand_ks', self.genome.tfs) @property def enz_subs_ks(self): return self.gene_substrate_ks('subs_ks', self.genome.enzymes) @property def pump_ene_ks(self): return self.gene_substrate_ks('ene_ks', self.genome.pumps) @property def pump_subs_ks(self): return self.gene_substrate_ks('subs_ks', self.genome.pumps)
[docs] def qual_expr_diff(self, ref_cell): ''' Calculate a qualitative expression difference with a reference cell. Parameters ---------- ref_cell : :class:`VirtualMicrobes.virtual_cell.Cell.Cell` reference cell to compare gene expression. Returns ------- mean positive (relative) difference of all gene expression values. ''' concs_self = [self.molecules['gene_products'][gene].concentration for gene in list(self.genome)] concsum_self = sum(concs_self) concs_ref = [ref_cell.molecules['gene_products'][gene].concentration for gene in list(ref_cell.genome)] concsum_ref = sum(concs_ref) if concsum_self > 0.0 and concsum_ref > 0.0: concs_self = [x / concsum_self for x in concs_self] concs_ref = [x / concsum_ref for x in concs_ref] absdiff = [abs(x - y) for x, y in zip(concs_self, concs_ref)] return np.mean(absdiff)*concsum_self else: return 0.0
[docs] def gene_substrate_differential_ks(self, ks_param, genes): ''' Calculate differences between K parameters per substrate for a list of genes. Parameters ---------- ks_param : str type of parameter genes : list list of genes for which to calculate the diffs Returns ------- array of diffs per gene ''' per_gene_diffs = [] for gene in genes: abs_diffs = [] for one,two in itertools.combinations(gene[ks_param].values(),2): abs_diffs.append( abs(one - two )) per_gene_diffs.append(np.average(abs_diffs)) return np.array(per_gene_diffs)
@property def tf_ligand_differential_ks(self): return self.gene_substrate_differential_ks('ligand_ks', self.genome.tfs) @property def enz_subs_differential_ks(self): return self.gene_substrate_differential_ks('subs_ks', self.genome.enzymes) @property def pump_ene_differential_ks(self): return self.gene_substrate_differential_ks('ene_ks', self.genome.pumps) @property def pump_subs_differential_ks(self): return self.gene_substrate_differential_ks('subs_ks', self.genome.pumps) @property def tf_differential_reg(self): return np.array([ abs(tf['eff_apo'] - tf['eff_bound']) for tf in self.genome.tfs ]) @property def tf_k_bind_ops(self): return self.genes_get_prop_vals(self.genome.tfs, lambda x: x['k_bind_op']) @property def enz_vmaxs(self): return self.genes_get_prop_vals(self.genome.enzymes, lambda x: x['v_max']) @property def pump_vmaxs(self): return self.genes_get_prop_vals(self.genome.pumps, lambda x: x['v_max']) @property def enz_promoter_strengths(self): return self.genes_get_prop_vals(self.genome.enzymes, lambda x: x.promoter.strength) @property def pump_promoter_strengths(self): return self.genes_get_prop_vals(self.genome.pumps, lambda x: x.promoter.strength) @property def avrg_promoter_strengths(self): return np.nanmean(self.promoter_strengths) @property def tf_avrg_promoter_strengths(self): return np.nanmean(self.tf_promoter_strengths) @property def enz_avrg_promoter_strengths(self): return np.nanmean(self.enz_promoter_strengths) @property def pump_avrg_promoter_strengths(self): return np.nanmean(self.pump_promoter_strengths) @property def sum_promoter_strengths(self): return np.sum(self.promoter_strengths) @property def tf_sum_promoter_strengths(self): return np.sum(self.tf_promoter_strengths) @property def enz_sum_promoter_strengths(self): return np.sum(self.enz_promoter_strengths) @property def pump_sum_promoter_strengths(self): return np.sum(self.pump_promoter_strengths) @property def gene_type_counts(self): return {'tfs': self.tf_count, 'eff-pumps': self.eff_pump_count, 'inf-pumps':self.inf_pump_count, 'enzymes': self.enzyme_count} @property def copy_numbers(self): return np.array(self.genome.copy_numbers.values()) @property def copy_numbers_tfs(self): return np.array(self.genome.copy_numbers_tfs.values()) @property def copy_numbers_enzymes(self): return np.array(self.genome.copy_numbers_enzymes.values()) @property def copy_numbers_inf_pumps(self): return np.array(self.genome.copy_numbers_inf_pumps.values()) @property def copy_numbers_eff_pumps(self): return np.array(self.genome.copy_numbers_eff_pumps.values()) ########################## Metabolic Stats ########################## @property def enzymes(self): ''' Enzyme products in the Cell. Notes ----- Can include gene products of genes that are no longer in the genome. ''' return ( prod for prod in self.gene_products if prod['type'] == 'enz') @property def pumps(self): ''' Transporter products in the Cell. Notes ----- Can include gene products of genes that are no longer in the genome. ''' return ( prod for prod in self.gene_products if prod['type'] == 'pump') @property def tfs(self): ''' TF products in the Cell. Notes ----- Can include gene products of genes that are no longer in the genome. ''' return ( prod for prod in self.gene_products if prod['type'] == 'tf') @property def reaction_set_dict(self): ''' Dictionary of enzymatic reaction types to reactions. Reactions of genes are mapped to their reaction types (Conversion, Transport). ''' d = OrderedDefaultdict(set) for g in self.gene_products: if g.is_enzyme: exporting = g['exporting'] if g['type'] == 'pump' else False d[g.reaction.type_].add((g.reaction, exporting)) return d @property def reaction_set_dict2(self): ''' Dictionary of enzymatic reaction types to reactions. Reactions of genes are mapped to their reaction types (Conversion, Transport). Notes ----- Different formatting from `reaction_set_dict`. ''' d = {'conversion':set(), 'exporter':set(), 'importer':set()} #for g in self.gene_products:# generators = [self.genome.enzymes, self.genome.pumps, self.genome.tfs] genes = itertools.chain() for g in generators: genes = itertools.chain(genes, g) for g in genes: if g.is_enzyme: if g['type'] == 'pump': if g['exporting']: d['exporter'].add(g.reaction) else: d['importer'].add(g.reaction) else: d[g.reaction.type_].add(g.reaction) return d @property def providing(self): ''' Return the set of metabolic classes that are produced AND exported. See Also -------- :func:`producer_type` :func:`export_type` ''' return self.producer_type & self.export_type #intersection @property def strict_providing(self): ''' Return provided resources classes that are not imported by self. See Also -------- :func:`providing` ''' return self.providing - self.import_type @property def exploiting(self): ''' Return the set of metabolic classes that are imported and consumed. ''' return self.import_type & self.consumer_type @property def strict_exploiting(self): ''' Return exploited resources classes that are not produced by self. See Also -------- :func:`exploiting` ''' return self.exploiting - self.producer_type @property def producer_type(self): ''' Return the set of all metabolic classes produced in enzymatic reactions by this cell. ''' products = set() for r in self.conversions_type: if isinstance(r, ClassConvert): continue products |= set(r.products) return products @property def consumer_type(self): ''' Return the set of all metabolic classes consumed in enzymatic reactions by this cell. ''' substrates = set() for r in self.conversions_type: if isinstance(r, ClassConvert): continue substrates |= set(r.reactants) return substrates @property def import_type(self): ''' Return the set of all metabolic classes imported by this cell. ''' imported = set() for p in set(self.genome.inf_pumps): imported |= set(p.reaction.products) return imported @property def export_type(self): ''' Return the set of all metabolic classes exported by this cell. ''' exported = set() for p in set(self.genome.eff_pumps): exported |= set(p.reaction.products) return exported @property def metabolic_type(self): ''' Return a set of sets that uniquely defines the metabolic functions of this cell. ''' return frozenset([('producer', frozenset(self.producer_type )), ('consumer',frozenset(self.consumer_type )), ('import', frozenset(self.import_type )), ('export', frozenset(self.export_type )) ]) @property def produces(self): ''' Set of produced metabolic species. ''' return Reaction.produces(self.conversions_type) @property def consumes(self): ''' Set of consumed metabolic species. ''' return Reaction.consumes(self.conversions_type)
[docs] def is_autotroph(self, env): ''' Determine if cell is autotrophic within an environment. Autotrophy is defined as the ability to produce building blocks from precursors that are present 'natively' in the environment. This may be done in a multistep pathway in which the cell produces intermediates with its own metabolic enzymes. Parameters ---------- env : :class:`VirtualMicrobes.environment.Environment.Environment` the environment relative to which autotrophy is tested See Also -------- :func:`is_heterotroph` ''' bb = set(self.building_blocks) conversions = [ e.reaction for e in set(self.genome.enzymes)] mol_set = Reaction.find_product_set([ m.paired for m in env.influxed_mols ], conversions) if not bb - mol_set: return True return False
[docs] def is_heterotroph(self, env): ''' Determine if cell is heterotrophic within an environment. Heterotrophy is defined as the ability to produce the building blocks from precursors that could only be present as (by)products from metabolism of other individuals in the environment, but not natively present (through influx). Parameters ---------- env : :class:`VirtualMicrobes.environment.Environment.Environment` the environment relative to which autotrophy is tested See Also -------- :func:`is_autotroph` ''' bb = set(self.building_blocks) ene = set(self.energy_mols) conversions = [ e.reaction for e in set(self.genome.enzymes)] not_influxed = set(env.internal_molecules) - set([ m.paired for m in env.influxed_mols ]) - bb - ene mol_set = Reaction.find_product_set(not_influxed, conversions) if not bb - mol_set: return True return False
[docs] def trophic_type(self, env): ''' Trophic type classification of individual's metabolic capacities. Based on the metabolic reactions present in the individual's genome an individual can be classified as being 'autotrophic' and/or 'heterotrophic'. Facultative mixotrophs are defined as having both autotrophic and heterotrophic metabolic capacities, while obligate mixotroph are neither self-sufficient autotrophs, nor heterotrophs. Parameters ---------- env : :class:`VirtualMicrobes.environment.Environment.Environment` the environment trophic type is determined in See Also -------- :func:`is_autotroph` :func:`is_heterotroph` ''' auto = self.is_autotroph(env) hete = self.is_heterotroph(env) if auto and hete: # can use either trophic modes to sustain itself return 'fac-mixotroph' elif auto: # can be fully autotrophic return 'autotroph' elif hete: # can be fully heterotrophic return 'heterotroph' else: # has to use a mix of autotrophic and heterotrophic means to sustain itself return 'obl-mixotroph'
@property def providing_count(self): '''Number of metabolic classes produced and exported by this individual.''' return len(self.providing) @property def strict_providing_count(self): '''Number of metabolic classes produced, exported but not consumed by this individual.''' return len(self.strict_providing) @property def exploiting_count(self): '''Number of metabolic classes imported and consumed by this individual.''' return len(self.exploiting) @property def strict_exploiting_count(self): '''Number of metabolic classes imported and consumed, but not produced by this individual.''' return len(self.strict_exploiting) @property def producing_count(self): '''Number of metabolic classes produced by this individual.''' return len(self.producer_type) @property def consuming_count(self): '''Number of metabolic classes consumed by this individual.''' return len(self.consumer_type) @property def importing_count(self): '''Number of metabolic classes imported by this individual.''' return len(self.import_type) @property def exporting_count(self): '''Number of metabolic classes exported by this individual.''' return len(self.export_type) @property def building_blocks(self): '''Building Blocks in metabolism of this individual.''' return self.building_blocks_dict.keys() ########################## Ecotype Stats ##########################
[docs] def metabolic_type_vector(self, env): ''' Construct boolean vector of metabolic capacity of the cell. Based on the complete set of environmental molecule classes, write out a cells metabolism in terms of produced, consumed, imported and exported molecule classes by the cells metabolism. Parameters ---------- env : :class:`VirtualMicrobes.environment.Environment.Environment` environment relative to which the metabolic capacity is determined Returns ------- mapping of metabolic-function to :class:`VirtualMicrobes.event.Molecule.MoleculeClass`s presence/absence. ''' env_met_classes = env.molecule_classes vect_dict = {'produced':dict(), 'consumed':dict(), 'imported':dict(), 'exported':dict()} # NOTE: unordered ok produced = self.producer_type consumed = self.consumer_type imported = self.import_type exported = self.export_type for met in env_met_classes: vect_dict['produced'][met] = True if met in produced else False vect_dict['consumed'][met] = True if met in consumed else False vect_dict['imported'][met] = True if met in imported else False vect_dict['exported'][met] = True if met in exported else False return vect_dict
[docs] def genotype_vector(self, env ): ''' Construct boolean vector of gene-type presence-absence. Parameters ---------- env : :class:`VirtualMicrobes.environment.Environment.Environment` environment relative to which the gene type presence absence is determined Returns ------- mapping of gene-function to :class:`VirtualMicrobes.event.Reaction.Reaction` | :class:`VirtualMicrobes.event.Molecule.MoleculeClass`s presence/absence. ''' env_conversions, env_transports, env_met_classes = ( env.conversions, env.transports, env.molecule_classes ) vect_dict = {'sensed':dict(), 'conversions':dict(), 'transports':dict()} # NOTE: unordered ok tf_sensed = self.tf_sensed conversions = self.conversions_type imports = self.importer_type exports = self.exporter_type for met in env_met_classes: vect_dict['sensed'][met] = True if met in tf_sensed else False for conv in env_conversions: vect_dict['conversions'][conv] = True if conv in conversions else False for transport in env_transports: vect_dict['transports'][(transport, 'i')] = True if transport in imports else False for transport in env_transports: vect_dict['transports'][(transport, 'e')] = True if transport in exports else False return vect_dict
@property def genotype(self): ''' Construct frozen set of the genotype classification of this cell. The genotype represents the gene functionality that the cell is capable of. It is expressed as the total set of transport, enzymatic and transcription sensing capabilities of the cell. Returns ------- frozenset ''' return frozenset( self.tf_sensed | self.conversions_type | self.importer_type | self.exporter_type ) @property def reaction_genotype(self): ''' Construct frozen set of the reaction genotype classification of this cell. The genotype represents the enzyme functionality that the cell is capable of. It is expressed as the total set of transport, enzymatic capabilities of the cell, but excluding the tf sensing capabilities. Returns ------- frozenset See Also -------- func:`genotype` ''' return frozenset( self.conversions_type | self.importer_type | self.exporter_type ) ########################## \end stats ########################## @property def mean_life_time_toxicity(self): ''' Average toxicity value over the life time of the individual. ''' max_tp = self.nr_time_points_stored return np.mean(self.toxicity_time_course[:max_tp]) if max_tp else self.toxicity
[docs] def get_toxicity_time_course(self): ''' Time course of cell toxicity. ''' max_tp = self.nr_time_points_stored return np.vstack((self.time_points[:max_tp], self.toxicity_time_course[:max_tp]))
@property def mean_life_time_production(self): ''' Average production value over the life time of the individual. ''' max_tp = self.nr_time_points_stored return np.mean(self.raw_production_time_course[:max_tp]) if max_tp else self.raw_production
[docs] def get_raw_production_time_course(self): ''' Time course of raw production value. ''' max_tp = self.nr_time_points_stored return np.vstack((self.time_points[:max_tp], self.raw_production_time_course[:max_tp]))
@property def mean_life_time_pos_production(self): ''' Average positive production value over the life time of the individual. ''' max_tp = self.nr_time_points_stored return np.mean(self.pos_prod_time_course[:max_tp]) if max_tp else self.pos_production
[docs] def get_pos_prod_time_course(self): ''' Time course of positive component of production rate. ''' max_tp = self.nr_time_points_stored return np.vstack((self.time_points[:max_tp], self.pos_prod_time_course[:max_tp]))
[docs] def get_time_points(self): ''' Array of (data) time points stored. ''' max_tp = self.nr_time_points_stored return self.time_points[:max_tp]
@property def mean_life_time_cell_size(self): ''' Average cell size over the life time of the individual. ''' max_tp = self.nr_time_points_stored return np.mean(self.cell_size_time_course[:max_tp]) if max_tp else self.volume
[docs] def get_cell_size_time_course(self): ''' Time course of cell size. ''' max_tp = self.nr_time_points_stored return np.vstack((self.time_points[:max_tp], self.cell_size_time_course[:max_tp]))
[docs] def get_total_reaction_type_time_course_dict(self): ''' Return a dictionary of summed time courses per reaction type. Gets the time courses per gene type and then sums concentrations of gene products with the same reaction (enzymes/pumps) or ligand (tfs). ''' per_type = self.get_gene_type_time_course_dict() reac_tc_dict = dict() for _type, d in per_type.items(): per_reaction = collections.defaultdict(list) for p, tc in d.items(): if _type == 'enzymes': per_reaction[p.reaction].append(tc) elif _type == 'pumps': per_reaction[(p.reaction, p['exporting'])].append(tc) elif _type == 'tfs': per_reaction[p.ligand_class].append(tc) for r, tcs in per_reaction.items(): prot_tcs = np.vstack( tc[1] for tc in tcs) per_reaction[r] = np.vstack((self.get_time_points(),np.nansum(prot_tcs, axis=0))) reac_tc_dict[_type] = per_reaction return reac_tc_dict
[docs] def get_gene_type_time_course_dict(self): ''' Return a dictionary of concentration time course data for different gene types. ''' gt_tc_dict = dict([('enzymes', dict()), ('tfs', dict()), ('pumps', dict())]) # NOTE: unordered ok for g, tc in self.get_gene_time_course_dict().items(): if g['type'] == 'enz': gt_tc_dict['enzymes'][g] = tc elif g['type'] == 'tf': gt_tc_dict['tfs'][g] = tc elif g['type'] == 'pump': gt_tc_dict['pumps'][g] = tc else: raise Exception("Gene type not recognized") return gt_tc_dict
[docs] def get_mol_concentration_dict(self): ''' Mapping of internal molecule species to current concentrations. ''' return dict([ (mol, self.get_small_mol_conc(mol)) for mol in self.small_mols] )
[docs] def get_mol_time_course_dict(self): ''' Mapping of internal molecule species to concentration time course. ''' max_tp = self.nr_time_points_stored return dict([ (mol, np.vstack((self.time_points[:max_tp], self.molecules['small_molecules'][mol].time_course[:max_tp]))) for mol in self.small_mols] )
[docs] def get_mol_diffusion_dict(self): ''' Mapping of internal molecule species to diffusion rates. ''' return dict([ (mol, self.molecules['small_molecules'][mol].diffusion) for mol in self.small_mols] )
[docs] def get_mol_degradation_dict(self): ''' Mapping of internal molecule species to degradation rates. ''' return dict([ (mol, self.molecules['small_molecules'][mol].degradation) for mol in self.small_mols] )
[docs] def get_gene_multiplicities_dict(self): ''' Mapping of gene products to copy numbers in the genome. ''' return dict([ (mol, self.molecules['gene_products'][mol].multiplicity) for mol in self.gene_products ] )
[docs] def get_gene_concentration_dict(self): ''' Mapping of gene products to current concentration. ''' return dict([ (gene, self.get_gene_prod_conc(gene)) for gene in self.gene_products] )
[docs] def get_gene_time_course_dict(self): ''' Fetches time courses for gene products (proteins) Returns ------- dictionary of all time courses ''' max_tp = self.nr_time_points_stored return dict([(gene, np.vstack((self.time_points[:max_tp], self.molecules['gene_products'][gene].time_course[:max_tp] ))) for gene in self.gene_products])
[docs] def get_gene_diffusion_dict(self): ''' Mapping of gene products to diffusion rates. ''' return dict([ (mol, self.molecules['gene_products'][mol].diffusion) for mol in self.gene_products] )
[docs] def get_gene_degradation_dict(self): ''' Mapping of gene products to degradation rates. ''' return dict([ (mol, self.molecules['gene_products'][mol].degradation) for mol in self.gene_products] )
def _get_building_blocks(self): return sorted([ mol for mol in self.small_mols if mol.is_building_block ], key=lambda x:
[docs] def init_mutations_dict(self): ''' Initialize a dictionary for storing the mutations in the life time of this cell. ''' self.mutations = make_mutations_dict() self.inherited_hgt = make_inherited_hgt_dict()
[docs] def init_mol_views(self): ''' Initialize 'aliases' for the set of small molecules and that of gene products in the cell. ''' self.small_mols, self.gene_products = (self.molecules['small_molecules'].viewkeys(), self.molecules['gene_products'].viewkeys())
[docs] def nodes_edges(self, genes=None): ''' Returns a list of nodes and edges of the individual's gene regulatory network. Nodes are simply all the genes. Edges are TF binding site to operator interactions between genes in the nodes list. Parameters ---------- genes : list of :class:`VirtualMicrobes.virtual_cell.Gene.Gene`s genes for which to find nodes and edges. If None (default) all gene products in the cell that have copy nr > 0. Returns ------- nodes(list),edges(list of tuples) ''' if genes is None: genes = [ g for g in self.gene_products if self.molecules['gene_products'][g].multiplicity > 0 ] nodes = [ (g, self.molecules['gene_products'][g].multiplicity) for g in genes] op_to_tfs_scores_dict = self.genome.op_to_tfs_scores_dict() edges = [ (tf, g) for g in genes for (tf,_score) in op_to_tfs_scores_dict[g.operator] ] return nodes,edges
[docs] def GRN(self, genes=None, prot_color_func=lambda x: None, with_gene_refs=False, with_self_marker=False): ''' Make Gene Regulatory Network representation of the regulated genome. First, the lists of nodes and edges is generated for the given genes. Then, nodes are added to a Directed Graph (networkx.DiGraph) object with attributes that distinguish the gene type and other characteristics. Finally, edges are added with attributes that indicate e.g. binding strength. Returns ------- networkx.Digraph ''' nodes, edges = self.nodes_edges(genes) id_gen = itertools.count() simple_dict = dict([(n[0].id, for n in nodes]) G = nx.DiGraph() #graph={'overlap':'false','nodesep':'100', 'ranksep':100}, #node={'size':300}) nx.set_node_attributes(G, 'color', 'blue') def gene_node_label(gene_node_id): return gene_node_id.strip("_").split('.')[0] for g, copy_nr in nodes: gene_node_id = simple_dict[] G.add_node(gene_node_id,# size=30, #str('.', '_') color=prot_color_func(g), copynr=copy_nr, type=g['type'], typeLabel=g.simple_str(), label=gene_node_label(str(, gene=g if with_gene_refs else None ) if g['type'] == 'pump': G.node[gene_node_id]['exporting'] = g['exporting'] for tf, g in edges: tf_gene_node_id = simple_dict[] gene_node_id = simple_dict[] G.add_edge(tf_gene_node_id, gene_node_id, #.replace('.','_'), str('.','_') {'effect':math.log(tf['eff_bound'],10), 'effectApo':math.log(tf['eff_apo'],10), 'strength':tf.promoter.strength})# * abs(tf['eff_bound'])) if with_self_marker: G.add_node('self', marker=self.marker_dict['lineage']) return G
def _check_gene_multiplicities(self): # NOTE: test not currently used for gene, mol_dict in self.molecules["gene_products"].items(): gene_count = 0 for chrom in self.genome.chromosomes: for g in chrom.positions: if g == gene: gene_count += 1 if mol_dict.multiplicity != gene_count: raise Exception(" ".join(["gene_count:", str(gene_count), "is not multiplicity", str(mol_dict.multiplicity), "for gene", str(gene), "with dict", str(mol_dict)])) for gene in set(self.genome): if gene not in self.molecules["gene_products"]: raise Exception('gene {} not in molecular products'.format(gene))
[docs] def reproduce(self, spent_production, time, second_parent=None): ''' Create a new child of this cell. Copies all relevant properties, including the genome. Divides the original cell volume between the parent and child. Parameters ---------- spent_production : float amount of the production variable spent for reproduction time : int simulation time point second_parent : :class:`VirtualMicrobes.virtual_cell.Cell.Cell` an (optional) second parent that contributes to reproduction Returns ------- :class:`VirtualMicrobes.virtual_cell.Cell.Cell` ''' self.raw_production -= spent_production assert(self.raw_production >= 0) child = None if second_parent is None: child = self.asexual(time) else: child = self.hybridize(second_parent) if child is None: raise Exception('reproduction failed, child is None') child.time_birth = time child.iterage = self.iterage + 1 child.age = 0 child.divided_n_times = 0 self.divided = True self.divided_n_times = self.divided_n_times + 1 if self.params.divide_cell_content: child._divide_concentrations() self._divide_concentrations() if self.params.inherit_toxicity: self.toxicity_time_course[self.nr_time_points_stored] = self.toxicity_time_course[self.nr_time_points_stored] / 2 child.toxicity_time_course[self.nr_time_points_stored] = self.toxicity if self.params.cell_division_volume is not None and not self.params.reproduce_neutral: self.divide_volume() self.divided = True child.divide_volume() child.raw_production = self.raw_production child.alive = True return child
[docs] def clone(self, time): ''' Make a clone of this cell. Clones are identical, having no mutations, and maintain a reference to the parent. Parameters ---------- time : int simulation time point Returns ------- :class:`VirtualMicrobes.virtual_cell.Cell` ''' clone = self.asexual(time) clone.time_birth = time return clone
[docs] def asexual(self, time): ''' Asexual reproduction. Parameters ---------- time : int simulation time point Returns ------- :class:`VirtualMicrobes.virtual_cell.Cell.Cell` ''' self.set_mol_concentrations_from_time_point() return self._reproduction_copy(time)
[docs] def hybridize(self, second_parent, time): raise NotImplementedError("Hybridization has not been defined yet.")
[docs] def divide_volume(self, factor=2.): ''' Divide the volume of the cell. Parameters ---------- factor : float division factor ''' self.volume /= factor
def _divide_concentrations(self, factor=2.): ''' Divide all molecule concentrations by a factor. Parameters ---------- factor : float factor to divide by ''' for mol in self.small_mols: conc = self.get_small_mol_conc(mol) self.set_small_mol_conc(mol, conc/factor) for gene_prod in self.gene_products: conc = self.get_gene_prod_conc(gene_prod) self.set_gene_prod_conc(gene_prod, conc/factor)
[docs] def die(self, time, verbose=False, clear_time_courses=False, wiped=False): ''' Cell death. Informs genomic units of cell death. Parameters ---------- time : float simulation time point verbose : mol : :class:`VirtualMicrobes.event.Molecule.Molecule` metabolitebool report on cell death clear_time_courses : bool set time courses to None wiped : bool set if cell death was due to wiping of (a fraction of) the population ''' if clear_time_courses: # clears time course data to limit memory usage self.clear_mol_time_courses() else: self.truncate_time_courses() super(Cell, self).die(time=time) self.genome.die(time) if wiped: self.wiped = True if verbose: print, ': "I died." raw death was', self.raw_death_rate
[docs] def prune_dead_phylo_branches(self): ''' Prune branches of phylogenetic trees of all phylogenetically tracked entities. Recursively, prunes phylogenetic branches of this individual if it is not alive. Also prunes phylogenies of phylogenetic entities in the genome. Returns ------- pruned cells (set), pruned chromosomes (set), pruned genes (set) ''' pruned_cells = super(Cell, self).prune_dead_branch() pruned_chromosomes, pruned_genes = self.genome.prune_genomic_ancestries() return pruned_cells, pruned_chromosomes, pruned_genes
[docs] def add_small_molecules(self, env, conc, degr_const, ene_degr_const, bb_degr_const): ''' Add the metabolites in the environment as internal variables to this individual. Set a membraned diffusion rate and degradation rate for the molecules. Diffusion rates come from a dictionary of the environment. Degradation rates also come from a dictionary in the environment, but may be scaled with an 'internal' `degr_const` parameter to cause degradation rates to be different inside and outside of the cell. Parameters ---------- env : :class:`VirtualMicrobes.environment.Environment.Environment` environment containing metabolites conc : float start concentration of all metabolites degr_const : float degradation constant of metabolites ene_degr_const : float degradation constant of energy metabolites bb_degr_const : float degradation constant of building block metabolites ''' for mol in env.internal_molecules: diff_rate = env.membrane_diffusion_dict[mol.paired] degr_rate = self.scale_mol_degr_rate(mol, env, degr_const, ene_degr_const, bb_degr_const) self.add_small_molecule(mol, env, conc, diff_rate, degr_rate)
[docs] def update_small_molecules(self, env, conc): ''' Used when a new molecule enters the game ''' verbal = False for mol in env.internal_molecules: if mol in self.molecules['small_molecules'].keys(): continue else: if verbal: print + ' not yet in the cell, adding it with concentration of ' + str(conc) diff_rate = env.membrane_diffusion_dict[mol.paired] degr_rate = env.degradation_dict[mol.paired] self.add_small_molecule(mol, env, conc, diff_rate, degr_rate)
[docs] def add_small_molecule(self, mol, env, concentration, diff_const, degr_const): ''' Add a metabolite to the internal Cell molecules and set its state. Parameters ---------- mol : :class:`VirtualMicrobes.event.Molecule.Molecule` metabolite to be added to this Cell env : :class:`VirtualMicrobes.environment.Environment.Environment` environment containing metabolites conc : float start concentration of this metabolite diff_const : float diffusion constant of this metabolite degr_const : float degradation constant of this metabolite ''' self.set_small_mol_diff(mol, env.diffusion_reactions[mol], diff_const) self.set_small_mol_degr(mol, env.degradation_reactions[mol], degr_const) self.init_mol_time_course(self.molecules["small_molecules"][mol]) self.set_small_mol_conc(mol, concentration)
[docs] def set_small_mol_diff(self, mol, reac, rate): ''' Set metabolite diffusion parameter. Parameters ---------- mol : :class:`VirtualMicrobes.event.Molecule.Molecule` metabolite reac : :class:`VirtualMicrobes.event.Reaction.Diffusion` diffusion reaction rate : float diffusion rate of this metabolite ''' self.molecules['small_molecules'][mol].diffusion = reac, rate
[docs] def set_small_mol_degr(self, mol, reac, rate): ''' Set metabolite degradation parameter. Parameters ---------- mol : :class:`VirtualMicrobes.event.Molecule.Molecule` metabolite reac : :class:`VirtualMicrobes.event.Reaction.Degradation` degradation reaction rate : float degradation rate of this metabolite ''' self.molecules['small_molecules'][mol].degradation = reac, rate
[docs] def scale_mol_degr_rate(self, mol, env, degr_const, ene_degr_const, bb_degr_const): ''' Return scaled internal rate of metabolite degradation, relative to its external rate. The base rate is the metabolite specific external degradation rate. If internal rates have been chosen (not None), the base rate will be scaled with the ratio of internal/external. Rates can be different for building block and energy metabolites. Parameters ---------- mol : :class:`VirtualMicrobes.event.Molecule.Molecule` metabolite env : :class:`VirtualMicrobes.environment.Environment.Environment` environment containing metabolites degr_const : float degradation constant of metabolites that are not bbs or energy ene_degr_const : float degradation constant of energy metabolites ene_degr_const : float degradation constant of building block metabolites Returns ------- scaled degradation rate (float) ''' degr_rate = env.degradation_dict[mol.paired] if mol.is_energy: if ene_degr_const is not None: degr_rate *= ene_degr_const / self.params.ene_ext_degr_const elif mol.is_building_block: if bb_degr_const is not None: degr_rate *= bb_degr_const / self.params.bb_ext_degr_const else: if degr_const is not None: degr_rate *= degr_const / self.params.small_mol_ext_degr_const return degr_rate
[docs] def update_small_molecules_diff(self, env): ''' Update membrane diffusion parameter of metabolites. env : :class:`VirtualMicrobes.environment.Environment.Environment` environment containing reactions and membrane diffusion rates. ''' for mol in env.internal_molecules: self.set_small_mol_diff(mol, env.diffusion_reactions[mol], env.membrane_diffusion_dict[mol.paired])
[docs] def update_small_molecules_degr(self, env, degr_const, ene_degr_const, bb_degr_const ): ''' Update membrane degradation parameter of metabolites. env : :class:`VirtualMicrobes.environment.Environment.Environment` environment containing reactions and base degradation rates. ''' for mol in env.internal_molecules: degr_rate = self.scale_mol_degr_rate(mol, env, degr_const, ene_degr_const, bb_degr_const) self.set_small_mol_degr(mol, env.degradation_reactions[mol], degr_rate)
[docs] def set_small_mol_conc(self, mol, conc): ''' Set the new concentration of a metabolite. The last concentration time point will be overwritten. Parameters ---------- mol : :class:`VirtualMicrobes.event.Molecule.Molecule` metabolite conc : float new concentration ''' if self.tp_index is not None: self.molecules['small_molecules'][mol].time_course[self.tp_index] = conc self.molecules['small_molecules'][mol].concentration = conc
[docs] def set_gene_prod_conc(self, gene, conc): ''' Set the new concentration of a gene product. The last concentration time point will be overwritten. Parameters ---------- gene : :class:`VirtualMicrobes.virtual_cell.Gene.Gene` gene product conc : float new concentration ''' if self.tp_index is not None: self.molecules['gene_products'][gene].time_course[self.tp_index] = conc self.molecules['gene_products'][gene].concentration = conc
[docs] def get_small_mol_conc(self, mol): ''' Get current metabolite concentration. Parameters ---------- mol : :class:`VirtualMicrobes.event.Molecule.Molecule` metabolite Returns ------- concentration value (float) ''' if self.tp_index is not None: return self.molecules['small_molecules'][mol].time_course[self.tp_index] else: return self.molecules['small_molecules'][mol].concentration
[docs] def get_total_expression_level(self, reaction, exporting=False): ''' Get total expression of a certain type of reaction Parameters ---------- reaction: :class:`VirtualMicrobes.event.Reaction` or :class:`VirtualMicrobes.event.MoleculeClass` reaction or moleculeclass for TFs exporting: :bool: whether pump is exporting Returns ------- concentration valule (float) ''' sumexpr = 0.0 for gene in self.molecules['gene_products'].keys(): if hasattr(gene, 'reaction'): if gene.reaction == reaction: if gene.params["type"] == 'pump': if gene.params["exporting"] == exporting: sumexpr += self.molecules['gene_products'][gene].concentration * self.volume elif gene.params["type"] == 'enz': sumexpr += self.molecules['gene_products'][gene].concentration * self.volume return sumexpr
[docs] def get_gene_prod_conc(self, gene): ''' Get current gene product concentration. Parameters ---------- gene : :class:`VirtualMicrobes.virtual_cell.Gene.Gene` gene product Returns ------- concentration value (float) ''' if self.tp_index is not None: return self.molecules['gene_products'][gene].time_course[self.tp_index] else: return self.molecules['gene_products'][gene].concentration
@property def tp_index(self): ''' Index of last time point stored. ''' index = self.nr_time_points_stored - 1 return index if index > -1 else None @property def raw_production(self): ''' Current production value. ''' if self.tp_index is not None: return self.raw_production_time_course[self.tp_index] else: return self._raw_production @raw_production.setter def raw_production(self,val): ''' Sets current production value . ''' self._raw_production = val if self.tp_index is not None: self.raw_production_time_course[self.tp_index] = val @property def raw_production_change_rate(self): ''' Current production change rate value. ''' if self.tp_index is not None: if self.tp_index == 0: return 0 dt = self.time_points[self.tp_index] - self.time_points[0] dp = self.raw_production_time_course[self.tp_index] - self.raw_production_time_course[0] return dp/dt else: return self._raw_production_change_rate @raw_production_change_rate.setter def raw_production_change_rate(self, val): ''' Sets current production change rate value. ''' self._raw_production_change_rate = val @property def toxicity(self): ''' Current toxicity value. ''' if self.tp_index is not None: return self.toxicity_time_course[self.tp_index] else: return self._toxicity @toxicity.setter def toxicity(self, val): ''' Sets current toxicity value. ''' self._toxicity = val if self.tp_index is not None: self.toxicity_time_course[self.tp_index] = val @property def toxicity_change_rate(self): ''' Current toxicity value change rate. ''' if self.tp_index is not None: if self.tp_index == 0: return 0 dt = self.time_points[self.tp_index] - self.time_points[0] dp = self.toxicity_time_course[self.tp_index] - self.toxicity_time_course[0] return dp/dt else: return self._toxicity_change_rate @toxicity_change_rate.setter def toxicity_change_rate(self, val): ''' Sets current toxicity value change rate. ''' self._toxicity_change_rate = val @property def pos_production(self): ''' Current bruto production value. ''' if self.tp_index is not None: return self.pos_prod_time_course[self.tp_index] else: return self._pos_production @pos_production.setter def pos_production(self, val): ''' Sets current bruto production value. ''' self._pos_production = val if self.tp_index is not None: self.pos_prod_time_course[self.tp_index] = val @property def volume(self): ''' Current cell volume. ''' if self.tp_index is not None: return self.cell_size_time_course[self.tp_index] else: return self._volume @volume.setter def volume(self, val): ''' Sets current cell volume. ''' self._volume = val if self.tp_index is not None: self.cell_size_time_course[self.tp_index] = val
[docs] def set_state_from_ref_cell_tp(self, ref_cell, tp_index=0, verbose=False): ''' Reset cell properties to the state of a reference cell at a chosen time point. Parameters ---------- ref_cell : :class:`VirtualMicrobes.virtual_cell.Cell.Cell` take values from this reference individual tp_index : int index of reference time point to take reset value verbose : bool verbosity flag ''' self.toxicity = ref_cell.toxicity_time_course[tp_index] if verbose: print 'reseting toxicity to ', str(self.toxicity) self.volume = ref_cell.cell_size_time_course[tp_index] if verbose: print 'reseting volume to ', str(self.volume) self.raw_production = ref_cell.raw_production_time_course[tp_index] if verbose: print 'reseting raw_production to ', str(self.raw_production) for mol in self.small_mols: self.set_small_mol_conc(mol, ref_cell.molecules['small_molecules'][mol].time_course[tp_index]) if verbose: print 'resetting mol ', mol, 'to', self.molecules['small_molecules'][mol].concentration for anc_g, cl_g in zip(ref_cell.gene_products, self.gene_products): self.set_gene_prod_conc(cl_g, ref_cell.molecules['gene_products'][anc_g].time_course[tp_index]) if verbose: print 'resetting prod to', self.molecules['gene_products'][cl_g].concentration
[docs] def set_mol_concentrations_from_time_point(self): ''' Record cellular concentrations and values from time course arrays. During the integration step, for each molecule or other variable time course data is stored in an array. The position that was last filled is the new concentration. The value stored under index pos will be copied to a dedicated concentration or 'value' member. :param pos: position in array to ''' for mol in self.small_mols: self.set_small_mol_conc(mol, self.get_small_mol_conc(mol)) for gene_prod in self.gene_products: self.set_gene_prod_conc(gene_prod, self.get_gene_prod_conc(gene_prod)) self.raw_production_change_rate = self.raw_production_change_rate self.raw_production = self.raw_production self.pos_production = self.pos_production self.toxicity_change_rate = self.toxicity_change_rate self.toxicity = self.toxicity self.volume = self.volume
[docs] def init_cell_time_courses(self, length=None): ''' Initialize arrays to hold time course data. Parameters ---------- length : int initial length of array ''' if length is None: length = self.max_time_course_length self.nr_time_points_stored = 0 self.time_points = util.time_course_array(length) self.raw_production_time_course = util.time_course_array(length) self.pos_prod_time_course = util.time_course_array(length) self.toxicity_time_course = util.time_course_array(length) self.cell_size_time_course = util.time_course_array(length)
[docs] def init_mol_time_course(self, mol_struct, length=None): ''' Initialize an array for time course data in a molecule structure SmallMol or GeneProduct. Parameters ---------- mol_struct : :class:`VirtualMicrobes.my_tools.utility.SmallMol` simple c-struct like object that holds data on small molecules or gene products length : int initial length of time course array ''' if length is None: length = len(self.time_points) #self.max_time_course_length mol_struct.time_course = util.time_course_array(length)
[docs] def init_time_courses(self): ''' Initialize arrays that hold time course data for molecules and cell variables ''' self.init_cell_time_courses() for property_dict in self.molecules["small_molecules"].values(): self.init_mol_time_course(property_dict) for property_dict in self.molecules["gene_products"].values(): self.init_mol_time_course(property_dict)
[docs] def resize_time_courses(self, new_max_time_points): ''' Set a new size for arrays that hold time course data. Parameters ---------- new_max_time_points : int max number of time points ''' if new_max_time_points > self.max_time_course_length: self.max_time_course_length = new_max_time_points self.init_time_courses()
[docs] def clear_mol_time_courses(self): ''' Set time course arrays to None. Notes ----- Reduces memory footprint of cell, for example before saving cell objects. ''' for property_dict in self.molecules["small_molecules"].values(): property_dict.time_course = None for property_dict in self.molecules["gene_products"].values(): property_dict.time_course = None self.raw_production_time_course = None self.pos_prod_time_course = None self.toxicity_time_course = None self.cell_size_time_course = None
[docs] def truncate_time_courses(self, max_tp=None): ''' Truncate the time course data. If no maximum is supplied, truncates time courses to the parts of the arrays that have actually been filled with time points, discarding the empty last part of the array. Intended to be called when a cell dies and no additional data points are expected to be stored. Parameters ---------- max_tp : int maximum number of time points retained ''' if max_tp is None: max_tp = self.nr_time_points_stored for property_dict in self.molecules["small_molecules"].values(): property_dict.time_course = property_dict.time_course[:max_tp] for property_dict in self.molecules["gene_products"].values(): property_dict.time_course = property_dict.time_course[:max_tp] self.time_points = self.time_points[:max_tp] self.raw_production_time_course = self.raw_production_time_course[:max_tp] self.pos_prod_time_course = self.pos_prod_time_course[:max_tp] self.toxicity_time_course = self.toxicity_time_course[:max_tp] self.cell_size_time_course = self.cell_size_time_course[:max_tp] self.max_time_course_length = len(self.time_points)
[docs] def grow_time_course_arrays(self, factor=1.5): ''' Grow time course arrays if they cannot hold enough new time points. Parameters ---------- factor : float increase capacity with this factor ''' # check if there is a chance to overflow the array on the next run # if so: we will resize the array. If this happens, we should trigger # reinitializing of memoryviews in odes.pyx current_len = len(self.time_points) if self.nr_time_points_stored >= current_len/2: for property_dict in self.molecules["small_molecules"].values(): property_dict.time_course = util.grow_array(property_dict.time_course, factor) for property_dict in self.molecules["gene_products"].values(): property_dict.time_course = util.grow_array(property_dict.time_course, factor) self.time_points = util.grow_array(self.time_points, factor) self.raw_production_time_course = util.grow_array(self.raw_production_time_course, factor) self.pos_prod_time_course =util.grow_array(self.pos_prod_time_course, factor) self.toxicity_time_course =util.grow_array(self.toxicity_time_course, factor) self.cell_size_time_course = util.grow_array(self.cell_size_time_course, factor) self.arrays_changed = True return True
[docs] def init_gene_products(self, concentration =None): ''' Initialize gene products from the genes in the genome. Gene products have a concentration and degradation rate. ODE system integration will use the gene products as input variables. Parameters ---------- concentration : float initial concentration of gene products ''' if concentration is None: concentration=self.params.init_prot_mol_conc if isinstance(concentration,dict): for g in self.genome: self.add_gene_copy(g, concentration=concentration[g]) else: for g in self.genome: self.add_gene_copy(g, concentration=concentration)
[docs] def add_gene_product(self, gene, concentration =None): ''' Initialize gene products from the genes in the genome. Gene products have a concentration and degradation rate. ODE system integration will use the gene products as input variables. Parameters ---------- concentration : float initial concentration of gene products ''' if concentration is None: concentration=self.params.init_prot_mol_conc if isinstance(concentration,dict): self.add_gene_copy(gene, concentration=concentration[gene]) self.molecules["gene_products"][gene].multiplicity = 0 else: self.add_gene_copy(gene, concentration=concentration) self.molecules["gene_products"][gene].multiplicity = 0
[docs] def add_gene_copy(self, gene, concentration=0., diff_constant=None, degr_constant=None): ''' Add gene product to the cell. If the 'gene' is already present as a key in the subdictionary, adding it again means we have to increase the multiplicity of the gene product, since there are multiple genes coding for this gene product. Otherwise, we add an entry for this gene product. Parameters ---------- gene : :class:`VirtualMicrobes.virtual_cell.Gene.Gene` The gene for which copy number is increased. concentration : float Initial concentration of gene product. diff_constant : float Diffusion constant of gene product over the cell membrane. (If None, no diffusion is modeled) degr_constant : float Degradation constant of gene product. ''' if diff_constant is None: diff_constant = self.params.prot_diff_const if degr_constant is None: degr_constant=self.params.prot_degr_const if gene in self.molecules["gene_products"]: self.molecules["gene_products"][gene].multiplicity += 1 else: if diff_constant is not None: self.molecules["gene_products"][gene].diffusion = Diffusion(gene), diff_constant self.molecules["gene_products"][gene].degradation = Degradation(gene), degr_constant self.molecules["gene_products"][gene].multiplicity = 1 self.init_mol_time_course(self.molecules["gene_products"][gene]) self.set_gene_prod_conc(gene, concentration)
[docs] def remove_unproduced_gene_products(self, conc_cutoff=None): ''' Remove gene products when they are no longer produced and have a below threshold concentrations. Parameters ---------- conc_cutoff : float threshold concentration below which gene product is removed Returns ------- bool True if any product was removed ''' if conc_cutoff is None: conc_cutoff = self.params.gene_product_conc_cutoff removed_gene_prod = False for gene_prod in self.gene_products: if ( self.molecules['gene_products'][gene_prod].multiplicity < 1 and self.get_gene_prod_conc(gene_prod) < conc_cutoff): del self.molecules["gene_products"][gene_prod] removed_gene_prod = True return removed_gene_prod
[docs] def reduce_gene_copies(self, gene): ''' Reduce the copy number for a gene. Parameters ---------- gene : :class:`VirtualMicrobes.virtual_cell.Gene.Gene` The gene for which copy number is reduced. ''' self.molecules["gene_products"][gene].multiplicity -= 1
[docs] def update_mutated_gene_product(self, old, new): ''' Decrease the copy number of the old gene and increase/initialize the new gene. Parameters ---------- old : :class:`VirtualMicrobes.virtual_cell.Gene.Gene` pre mutation gene new : :class:`VirtualMicrobes.virtual_cell.Gene.Gene` post mutation gene ''' self.add_gene_copy(new) self.reduce_gene_copies(old) self.genome.update_genome_removed_gene(old)
[docs] def compute_product_toxicity(self, toxicity_func=None): # TODO: see if this can be refactored, calculating product tox in odes.pyx ''' Set toxicity effect of product. ''' if toxicity_func is None: toxicity_func = self.toxicity_func self.production_toxic_effect = toxicity_func(self.raw_production, self.params.product_toxicity)
[docs] def calculate_raw_death_rate(self, base_rate, toxicity_scaling, toxic_effect_func=None): ''' Raw death rate based on a base rate and the toxic effects of internal molecule concentrations. Parameters ---------- base_rate : float base death rate toxicity_scaling : float scaling constant for toxic effect toxic_effect_func : func calculates surplus death rate due to toxicity ''' if toxic_effect_func is None: toxic_effect_func = self.toxic_effect_func # NOTE: test simple raw_death calculation self.compute_product_toxicity() self.raw_death_rate = toxic_effect_func(base_rate, self.toxicity + self.production_toxic_effect, toxicity_scaling ) return self.raw_death_rate
[docs] def tandem_duplicate_stretch(self, chrom, start_pos, end_pos, time, verbose=False): ''' Duplicate a stretch of genes in the genome in place. The chromosome, start position and end position (exclusive) uniquely determine a sequence of genes that will be duplicated and inserted immediately behind the original stretch. A Mutation object will be returned. Parameters ---------- chrom : :class:`VirtualMicrobes.virtual_cell.Chromosome.Chromosome` target chromosome start_pos : int position index of the start of the stretch end_pos : int position index of the end of the stretch time : int simulation time verbose : bool verbosity Returns ------- :class:`VirtualMicrobes.mutation.Mutation.TandemDuplication` ''' tandem_dup = TandemDuplication(chrom, self.genome, start_pos, end_pos) if verbose: print 'duplicating stretch' print 'start_pos', start_pos, 'end_pos', end_pos tandem_dup.mutate(time) for g in tandem_dup.stretch: if verbose: print "adding", g self.add_gene_copy(g) self.mutations['stretch'].append(tandem_dup) return tandem_dup
[docs] def delete_stretch(self, chrom, start_pos, end_pos, time, verbose=False): ''' Delete a stretch of genes in the genome. The chromosome, start position and end position (exclusive) uniquely determine a sequence of genes that will be deleted. The copy number of gene products in the cell is reduced. A Mutation object will be returned. Parameters ---------- chrom : :class:`VirtualMicrobes.virtual_cell.Chromosome.Chromosome` target chromosome start_pos : int position index of the start of the stretch end_pos : int position index of the end of the stretch time : int simulation time verbose : bool verbosity Returns ------- :class:`VirtualMicrobes.mutation.Mutation.StretchDeletion` ''' stretch_del = StretchDeletion(chrom, self.genome, start_pos, end_pos) if verbose: print 'deleting stretch' print 'start_pos', start_pos, 'end_pos', end_pos stretch_del.mutate(time) for g in stretch_del.stretch: if verbose: print "removing", g self.reduce_gene_copies(g) self.mutations['stretch'].append(stretch_del) return stretch_del
[docs] def invert_stretch(self, chrom, start_pos, end_pos, time, verbose=False): ''' Invert a stretch of genes in the genome in place. The chromosome, start position and end position (exclusive) uniquely determine a sequence of genes that will be inverted. A Mutation object will be returned. Parameters ---------- chrom : :class:`VirtualMicrobes.virtual_cell.Chromosome.Chromosome` target chromosome start_pos : int position index of the start of the stretch end_pos : int position index of the end of the stretch time : int simulation time verbose : bool verbosity Returns ------- :class:`VirtualMicrobes.mutation.Mutation.Inversion` ''' stretch_invert = Inversion(chrom, self.genome, start_pos, end_pos) if verbose: print 'inverting stretch' print 'start_pos', start_pos, 'end_pos', end_pos stretch_invert.mutate(time) self.mutations['stretch'].append(stretch_invert) return stretch_invert
[docs] def insert_stretch(self, chrom, insert_pos, stretch, time, is_external, verbose=False): ''' Insert a stretch of exogenous genomic material. Also adds product to the dict of to proteins made by the cell ''' insertion = Insertion(chrom, self.genome, stretch, insert_pos, is_external) if verbose: print 'inserting stretch' print 'insert_pos', insert_pos insertion.mutate(time) for g in insertion.stretch: if verbose: print 'adding', g self.add_gene_copy(g) self.mutations['stretch'].append(insertion) return insertion
[docs] def translocate_stretch(self, chrom, start_pos, end_pos, target_chrom, insert_pos, invert, time, verbose=False): ''' Translocate a stretch of genes in the genome in place. The chromosome, start position and end position (exclusive) uniquely determine a sequence of genes that will be excised and inserted at a new position in target chromosome. A Mutation object will be returned. Parameters ---------- chrom : :class:`VirtualMicrobes.virtual_cell.Chromosome.Chromosome` chromosome with the original stretch start_pos : int position index of the start of the stretch end_pos : int position index of the end of the stretch target_chrom : :class:`VirtualMicrobes.virtual_cell.Chromosome.Chromosome` target chromosome for insertion insert_pos : int position index where stretch will be inserted time : int simulation time verbose : bool verbosity Returns ------- :class:`VirtualMicrobes.mutation.Mutation.Translocation` ''' stretch_translocate = Translocation(chrom, self.genome, start_pos, end_pos, target_chrom, insert_pos, invert) if verbose: print 'translocating stretch' print 'start_pos', start_pos, 'end_pos', end_pos, 'insert_pos', insert_pos stretch_translocate.mutate(time) self.mutations['stretch'].append(stretch_translocate) return stretch_translocate
[docs] def duplicate_chromosome(self, chrom, time): ''' Chromosome duplication. Creates a mutation object that is then responsible for calling the appropriate genomic operations (duplication methods in chromosome and genome updation functions of genome. The Cell then updates its gene product counts accordingly. Parameters ---------- chrom : :class:`VirtualMicrobes.virtual_cell.Chromosome.Chromosome` chromosome to be duplicated time : int simulation time Returns ------- :class:`VirtualMicrobes.mutation.Mutation.ChromosomeDuplication` ''' dup = ChromosomeDuplication(chrom, self.genome) dup.mutate(time) for g in chrom.positions: self.add_gene_copy(g) self.mutations['chromosomal'].append(dup) return dup
[docs] def delete_chromosome(self, chrom, time): ''' Chromosome deletion. Creates a mutation object that is then responsible for calling the appropriate genomic operations (deletion methods of chromosome and genome updation functions of genome. The Cell then updates its gene product counts accordingly. Parameters ---------- chrom : :class:`VirtualMicrobes.virtual_cell.Chromosome.Chromosome` chromosome to be deleted time : int simulation time Returns ------- :class:`VirtualMicrobes.mutation.Mutation.ChromosomeDeletion` ''' deletion = ChromosomeDeletion(chrom, self.genome) deletion.mutate(time) for g in chrom.positions: self.reduce_gene_copies(g) self.mutations['chromosomal'].append(deletion) return deletion
[docs] def fuse_chromosomes(self, chrom1, chrom2, end1, end2, time): ''' Fusion of two chromosomes. Two chromosomes are fused end to end. The new product replaces the original two chromosomes in the genome. chrom1 : :class:`VirtualMicrobes.virtual_cell.Chromosome.Chromosome` first chromosome to be fused chrom2 : :class:`VirtualMicrobes.virtual_cell.Chromosome.Chromosome` second chromosome to be fused end1 : bool indicate end or start of the first chromosome will be fused end2 : bool indicate end or start of the second chromosome will be fused Returns ------- :class:`VirtualMicrobes.mutation.Mutation.Fusion` ''' fusion = Fusion(chrom1, chrom2, self.genome, end1, end2) fusion.mutate(time) self.mutations['chromosomal'].append(fusion) return fusion
[docs] def fiss_chromosome(self, chrom, pos, time): ''' Chromosome fission. Breaks apart a chromosome at a given position. The two resulting parts will become new chromosome replacing the original in the genome. Creates a mutation object that is then responsible for calling the appropriate genomic operations. Parameters ---------- chrom : :class:`VirtualMicrobes.virtual_cell.Chromosome.Chromosome` chromosome to be broken pos : int position in chromosome of the break time : int simulation time Returns ------- :class:`VirtualMicrobes.mutation.Mutation.Fission` ''' fission = Fission(chrom, self.genome, pos) fission.mutate(time) self.mutations['chromosomal'].append(fission) return fission
[docs] def is_clone(self, ref_cell): ''' Is clone Using string representation of genome to see if cells have the same genome Parameters ---------- ref_cell : :class:`VirtualMicrobes.virtual_cell.Cell.Cell` Returns ------- bool ''' if self == ref_cell: raise Exception("Comparing a cell with itself, are you sure that's your idea?") return str(ref_cell.genome) == str(self.genome)
[docs] def hgt_external(self, hgt_rate, global_mut_mod, environment, time, rand_gene_params, rand_gen): ''' Insert a randomly generated (external) gene into the genome. Gene is created with random parameters and inserted (as a stretch) into a randomly picked chromosome and position. Parameters ---------- hgt_rate : float probability external hgt global_mut_mod : float mutation scaling parameter of all mutation rates environment : :class:`VirtualMicrobes.environment.Environment.Environment` simulation environment containing all possible reactions to draw a random gene for external HGT. time : int simulation time rand_gene_params : dict parameter space for properties of externally HGTed genes rand_gen : RNG Returns ------- :class:`VirtualMicrobes.mutation.Mutation.Insertion` ''' if (rand_gen.uniform(0,1) > hgt_rate * global_mut_mod or not len(self.genome.chromosomes)): return hgt_gene = Gene.random_gene(environment, rand_gene_params, rand_gen, params=self.params, keep_transport_direction=False) stretch = [hgt_gene] chrom = rand_gen.choice(self.genome.chromosomes) insert_pos = rand_gen.randint(0, len(chrom)-1) if len(chrom) else 0 prev_size = self.genome_size insertion = self.insert_stretch(chrom, insert_pos, stretch, time, is_external=True, verbose=False) assert self.genome_size == prev_size + len(stretch) return insertion
[docs] def hgt_internal(self, hgt_rate, global_mut_mod, gp, time, rand_gene_params, rand_gen, rand_gen_np): ''' Insert a randomly chosen gene (stretch) from a neighboring individual into the genome. Potential donor individuals come from the neighbourhood of a focal grid point. Once a donor individual is selected, a random gene is chosen to be transferred to this individual. Parameters ---------- hgt_rate : float probability external hgt global_mut_mod : float mutation scaling parameter of all mutation rates gp : :class:`VirtualMicrobes.environment.Grid.GridPoint` focal grid point to select donor individual time : int simulation time rand_gene_params : dict parameter space for properties of externally HGTed genes rand_gen : RNG Returns ------- :class:`VirtualMicrobes.mutation.Mutation.Insertion` ''' # NOTE: we implemented as a 1 gene only HGT. Could later be changed to stretch HGT !! if (rand_gen.uniform(0,1) > hgt_rate * global_mut_mod or not len(self.genome.chromosomes) ): return potential_donors = [] '''Taking a set ensures that we do not look at the same locality more than once due to grid wrapping.''' neighborhood_localities = orderedset.OrderedSet(gp.neighbors('hgt')) for locality in neighborhood_localities: potential_donors += locality.get_cells() '''Do not take "self" as a donor''' potential_donors = [ c for c in potential_donors if c != self ] if(self.hgt_neigh < rand_gen.uniform(0,1)): potential_donors = [ self ] # Thus, when hgt_neigh evolved to 0, all will be psuedoduplications if self.params.hgt_self: potential_donors = [ self ] if not len(potential_donors): print 'Warning: HGT failure since no donors found!' return if self.params.hgt_donor_scaling: sizes = [ c.genome_size for c in potential_donors ] sizes = map(float,sizes) sumgen = sum(sizes) weights = [x / sumgen for x in sizes] donor = rand_gen_np.choice(potential_donors,p=weights) else: donor = rand_gen.choice(potential_donors) potential_chromosomes = [ chrom for chrom in donor.genome.chromosomes if len(chrom) > 0 ] if not len(potential_chromosomes): print 'Warning: HGT failure since donor has no chromosome!' return donor_chrom = rand_gen.choice(potential_chromosomes) hgt_gene = rand_gen.choice(donor_chrom.positions)._hgt_copy(time) acceptor_chrom = rand_gen.choice(self.genome.chromosomes) insert_pos = rand_gen.randint(0, len(acceptor_chrom) - 1) if len(acceptor_chrom) else 0 stretch = [hgt_gene] prev_size = self.genome_size insertion = self.insert_stretch(acceptor_chrom, insert_pos, stretch, time, is_external=False, verbose=False) assert self.genome_size == prev_size + len(stretch) return insertion
[docs] def point_mutate_gene_param(self, chrom, pos, param, mut_modifier, environment, mutation_param_space, rand_gene_params, time, rand_gen): ''' Mutate a particular parameter of a gene at a particular position. A random new value is drawn for the parameter. Then the point mutation is initialized and applied. The Cell's gene products are updated to reflect the introduction of a new, mutated protein. Parameters ---------- chrom : :class:`VirtualMicrobes.virtual_cell.Chromosome.Chromosome` chromosome that holds the gene pos : int position index of the gene to mutate param : str name of parameter to mutate mut_modifier : func function that from parameter value to new parameter value environment : :class:`VirtualMicrobes.environment.Environment.Environment` environment holds Metabolites that can be potential ligands mutation_param_space : :class:`VirtualMicrobes.my_tools.utility.MutationParamSpace` parameter space and bounds for mutation effect rand_gene_params : :class:`VirtualMicrobes.my_tools.utility.ParamSpace` parameter space to draw new random parameter values time : int simulation time point that mutation is applied rand_gen : RNG Returns ------- :class:`VirtualMicrobes.mutation.Mutation.PointMutation` ''' gene = chrom.positions[pos] new_val = None if param == "bind": change_magnitude = mut_modifier binding_sequence = gene.binding_sequence._mutation_copy() binding_sequence.mutate(rand_gen=rand_gen, change_magnitude=change_magnitude) new_val = binding_sequence elif param == "operator": change_magnitude = mut_modifier operator = gene.operator._mutation_copy() operator.mutate(rand_gen=rand_gen, change_magnitude=change_magnitude) new_val = operator elif param == 'promoter': promoter = gene.promoter._mutation_copy() promoter.strength = mut_modifier(promoter.strength, rand_gen, mutation_param_space) new_val = promoter elif param == 'exporting' or param == 'sense_external': new_val = mut_modifier(gene[param]) elif param =='ligand_class': current = gene.ligand_class choices = list(environment.molecule_classes) choices.remove(current) # make sure we cannot select the old ligand_class new_class = rand_gen.choice(choices) new_ligand_ks_dict = Gene.init_molecule_ks(new_class, 1.) for l in new_ligand_ks_dict: new_ligand_ks_dict[l] = Gene.randomized_param(rand_gene_params, rand_gen) new_val = new_class, new_ligand_ks_dict else: old_copy = deepcopy(gene[param]) new_val = mut_modifier(old_copy, rand_gen, mutation_param_space) point_mut = PointMutation(gene, chrom, param, new_val, pos) point_mut.mutate(time) self.update_mutated_gene_product(point_mut.genomic_target, point_mut.post_mutation) return point_mut
[docs] def point_mutate_gene(self, chrom, pos, mut_dict, point_mut_ratios, environment, mutation_param_space, rand_gene_params, time, rand_gen): ''' Mutate a gene at a particular position of a chromosome. Depending on the 'type' of the gene, a different set of parameters may be mutated. One parameter of the gene randomly selected to be mutated, according to a weighted roulette wheel draw, with the probabilities given by the `point_mut_ratios` associated with each parameter. The selected parameter for the gene will be modified using a particular `mut_modifier` function for this parameter type. A :class:`VirtualMicrobes.mutate.Mutation.PointMutation` object is constructed that holds references to the original and mutated gene and the old and new parameter value, and allowing for reversal of the mutation operation. Finally, append the mutation in the Cell's list of single gene mutations. Parameters ---------- chrom : :class:`VirtualMicrobes.virtual_cell.Chromosome.Chromosome` chromosome that holds the gene to be mutated pos : int position index of the gene to mutate mut_dict : dict maps gene types to type specific parameter-> modifier-function mapping point_mut_ratios : dict mapping from parameter type to type specific relative mutation ratio environment : :class:`VirtualMicrobes.environment.Environment.Environment` environment holds Metabolites that can be potential ligands mutation_param_space : :class:`VirtualMicrobes.my_tools.utility.MutationParamSpace` parameter space and bounds for mutation effect rand_gene_params : :class:`VirtualMicrobes.my_tools.utility.ParamSpace` parameter space to draw new random parameter values time : int simulation time point that mutation is applied rand_gen : RNG Returns ------- :class:`VirtualMicrobes.mutation.Mutation.PointMutation` ''' gene = chrom.positions[pos] mutations_dict = mut_dict[gene["type"]] mut_probabilities = [ ((par,mut) , getattr(point_mut_ratios ,par) ) for (par,mut) in mutations_dict.items() ] (param, mut_modifier), _prob, _i = util.roulette_wheel_draw(mut_probabilities, rand_gen.uniform(0,1.) ) point_mut = self.point_mutate_gene_param(chrom, pos, param, mut_modifier, environment, mutation_param_space, rand_gene_params, time, rand_gen) self.mutations['sg'].append(point_mut) return point_mut
[docs] def point_mutate_genome(self, p_mutate, mut_dict, global_mut_mod, point_mut_ratios, excluded_genes, environment, mutation_param_space, rand_gene_params, time, rand_gen): ''' Apply point mutations to genes in the genome, according to point mutation rate. p_mutate : float point mutation probability mut_dict : dict maps gene types to type specific parameter-> modifier-function mapping global_mut_mod : float modifier for Cell wide mutation rate point_mut_ratios : dict mapping from parameter type to type specific relative mutation ratio environment : :class:`VirtualMicrobes.environment.Environment.Environment` environment holds Metabolites that can be potential ligands mutation_param_space : :class:`VirtualMicrobes.my_tools.utility.MutationParamSpace` parameter space and bounds for mutation effect rand_gene_params : :class:`VirtualMicrobes.my_tools.utility.ParamSpace` parameter space to draw new random parameter values time : int simulation time point that mutation is applied rand_gen : RNG Returns ------- list of mutations applied in this round ''' if excluded_genes is None: excluded_genes = [] mutations = [] for chrom in self.genome.chromosomes: for pos in range(len(chrom.positions)): if chrom.positions[pos].params["type"] not in excluded_genes: if rand_gen.uniform(0, 1) < p_mutate * global_mut_mod: #print 'POINT' point_mut = self.point_mutate_gene(chrom, pos, mut_dict, point_mut_ratios, environment, mutation_param_space, rand_gene_params,time, rand_gen) mutations.append(point_mut) return mutations
[docs] def mutate_neigh(self, p_mutate, mutation_param_space, global_mut_mod, rand_gen): ''' Evolvable chance to ALWAYS take up a gene from a neighbour (1.0), OR, duplicate your own gene (0.0) p_mutate : float mutation probability mutation_param_space : :class:`VirtualMicrobes.my_tools.utility.MutationParamSpace` parameter space and bounds for mutation effect global_mut_mod : float modifier for Cell wide mutation rate rand_gen : RNG Returns (void for now) ''' min_v = 0.0 max_v = 1.0 if rand_gen.uniform(0,1) < p_mutate * global_mut_mod: if rand_gen.uniform(0,1) < mutation_param_space.randomize: self.hgt_neigh = rand_gen.uniform(min_v,max_v) else: self.hgt_neigh = max(min_v,min(max_v,self.hgt_neigh + rand_gen.uniform(mutation_param_space.lower/10,mutation_param_space.upper/10)))
[docs] def mutate_uptake(self, p_mutate, mutation_param_space, global_mut_mod, rand_gen): ''' Apply mutations to rate of uptake of eDNA. Currently this uptake is a multiplier modulating the already existing natural occurence of transformation. p_mutate : float mutation probability mutation_param_space : :class:`VirtualMicrobes.my_tools.utility.MutationParamSpace` parameter space and bounds for mutation effect global_mut_mod : float modifier for Cell wide mutation rate rand_gen : RNG Returns (void for now) ''' if rand_gen.uniform(0,1) < p_mutate * global_mut_mod: if rand_gen.uniform(0,1) < mutation_param_space.randomize: self.uptake_dna = rand_gen.uniform(mutation_param_space.min,mutation_param_space.max) else: self.uptake_dna = max(mutation_param_space.min,min(mutation_param_space.max,self.uptake_dna + rand_gen.uniform(mutation_param_space.lower,mutation_param_space.upper)))
[docs] def regulatory_region_mutate(self, chrom, genome, pos, mut_dict, mut_ratios, stretch_exp_lambda, time, rand_gen, rand_gen_np): ''' Mutate part of the sequence of a regulatory region of a gene. The mutation may be either a copying and translocation of an existing sequence somewhere in the genome to new position, or the insertion of a random sequence. chrom : :class:`VirtualMicrobes.virtual_cell.Chromosome.Chromosome` chromosome that holds the gene to be mutated genome : :class:`VirtualMicrobes.virtual_cell.Genome.Genome` full genome to find donor sequence pos : int position on chromosome of gene to be mutated mut_dict : dict maps gene types to type specific parameter-> modifier-function mapping mut_ratios : dict mapping from parameter type to type specific relative mutation ratio stretch_exp_lambda : float geometric distribution parameter that determines expected stretch length time : int simulation time rand_gen : RNG rand_gen_np : RNG numpy random number generator Returns ------- :class:`VirtualMicrobes.mutation.Mutation.OperatorInsertion` ''' gene = chrom.positions[pos] mutations_dict = mut_dict[gene["type"]] mut_probabilities = [ ((par,mut) , getattr(mut_ratios ,par) ) for (par,mut) in mutations_dict.items() ] (param, _mut_modifier), _prob, _i = util.roulette_wheel_draw(mut_probabilities, rand_gen.uniform(0,1.) ) operator = gene.operator._mutation_copy() if param == 'translocate': # select donor chromosome with non-zero length donor_chrom = rand_gen.choice([ c for c in genome.chromosomes if len(c) ]) # select donor gene donor_gene = rand_gen.choice(donor_chrom.positions) donor_sequence = list(donor_gene.operator.sequence) if rand_gen.choice([True,False]): # reverse donor sequence donor_sequence.reverse() start = rand_gen.randint(0,len(donor_sequence) - 1) ideal_stretch_len = rand_gen_np.geometric(stretch_exp_lambda) sequence_stretch = donor_sequence[start:start + ideal_stretch_len] insert_pos = rand_gen.randint(0,len(operator.sequence) - 1) # insert sequence operator.insert_mutate(insert_pos, sequence_stretch) elif param == 'random_insert': ideal_stretch_len = rand_gen_np.geometric(stretch_exp_lambda) insert_pos = rand_gen.randint(0,len(operator.sequence) - 1) sequence_stretch = operator.random_sequence(ideal_stretch_len, rand_gen) operator.insert_mutate(insert_pos, sequence_stretch) new_val = operator op_insert = OperatorInsertion(gene, chrom, new_val, pos) op_insert.mutate(time) self.update_mutated_gene_product(op_insert.genomic_target, op_insert.post_mutation) self.mutations['sg'].append(op_insert) return op_insert
[docs] def regulatory_region_mutate_genome(self, mutation_rates, mut_dict, global_mut_mod, reg_mut_ratios, time, rand_gen, rand_gen_np): ''' Apply regulatory region mutations to genes in the genome. mutation_rates : attr_dict dict with all mutation rates mut_dict : dict maps gene types to type specific parameter-> modifier-function mapping global_mut_mod : float modifier for Cell wide mutation rate reg_mut_ratios : dict mapping from parameter type to type specific relative mutation ratio time : int simulation time point that mutation is applied rand_gen : RNG rand_gen_np : RNG numpy random number generator Returns ------- list of mutations applied in this round ''' p_mutate = mutation_rates.regulatory_mutation stretch_exp_lambda = mutation_rates.reg_stretch_exp_lambda mutations = [] for chrom in self.genome.chromosomes: for pos in range(len(chrom.positions)): if rand_gen.uniform(0, 1) < p_mutate * global_mut_mod: regulatory_mut = self.regulatory_region_mutate(chrom, self.genome, pos, mut_dict, reg_mut_ratios, stretch_exp_lambda, time, rand_gen, rand_gen_np) mutations.append(regulatory_mut) return mutations
[docs] def stretch_mutate_genome(self, time, mutation_rates, global_mut_mod, rand_gen, rand_gen_np, mut_types = ['tandem_dup','stretch_del', 'stretch_invert', 'stretch_translocate'], verbose=True): ''' Iterate over chromosomes and positions to select stretches of genes for mutational events. For every chromosome, iterate over positions and select front and end positions of stretch mutations. The direction of iteration is randomly chosen (back-to-front or front-to-back). Multiple mutations per chromosome may occur. Every position may be independently selected as the front site of a stretch mutation. The length of the stretch is a geometrically distributed random variable, using a lambda parameter. The end position is the minimum of the remaining chromosome length and the randomly drawn stretch length. If any positions remain in the chromosome after the stretch mutation, these positions are then iterated over in a random direction (direction of iteration is reversed at random after the application of the stretch mutation). Reversing direction is significant, because it randomizes the locations of 'truncated' stretches when reaching the end of a chromosome. Parameters ---------- time : int simulation time mutation_rates : attr_dict dict with all mutation rates mut_dict : dict maps gene types to type specific parameter-> modifier-function mapping global_mut_mod : float modifier for Cell wide mutation rate rand_gen : RNG rand_gen_np : RNG numpy random number generator mut_types : list of str mutation types to apply ''' mutation_dict = mutation_rates._asdict() prev_size = self.genome_size size_change = 0 verbal = False if(verbal): print 'start...' for chrom in self.genome.chromosomes: front, back = 0, len(chrom) # determine the (reversion-independent) front and back of chromosome while len(chrom) and front < back+1: positions = range(front, back) #reverse = rand_gen.choice([True, False]) reverse = False #if reverse: # positions.reverse() # NOTE # Thomas FYI. V0.2.3 update # Reversing caused a lot of trouble without double linked lists, so I'm now removing it temporarily # To be honest though, it is biologically more reasonable to include truncated ends anyway. Why # do we want to avoid that? positions_iter = iter(positions) if verbal: print [pos for pos in positions_iter] print 'full chrom: ', print [str( for g in chrom.positions] print 'remaining : ', print [str( for g in chrom.positions[front:back]] positions_iter = iter(positions) mutated = False for pos in positions_iter: if pos >= len(chrom): break prevpos = pos # Asserting that you don't mutate anything twice if reverse: if verbal: print '<'+str(chrom.positions[pos].id), else: if verbal: print '>'+str(chrom.positions[pos].id), potential_muts = [] for mut_type in mut_types: if rand_gen.uniform(0,1) < mutation_dict[mut_type] * global_mut_mod: potential_muts.append(mut_type) if verbal: print potential_muts if not potential_muts: continue mut_type = rand_gen.choice(potential_muts) start_pos = pos ideal_stretch_len = rand_gen_np.geometric(mutation_rates.stretch_exp_lambda) end_pos = pos if isinstance(chrom.positions, util.CircularList): # stretch_len bounded by size of chromosome ideal_stretch_len = min( len(chrom), ideal_stretch_len ) if reverse: end_pos -= ideal_stretch_len else: end_pos += ideal_stretch_len else: #try to reach ideal stretch length and set end_pos for _ in range(ideal_stretch_len): try: end_pos = except StopIteration: end_pos += 1 #end_pos = back+1 break if end_pos == start_pos: # don't mutate when stretch length == 0 continue if verbal: print mut_type # reverse the chosen start and end position # indices, because the # actual mutation functions take positive stretches # only ( start_pos < end_pos ) if reverse: start_pos, end_pos = end_pos, start_pos if mut_type == 'tandem_dup': #print 'DUPLICATION' dup = self.tandem_duplicate_stretch(chrom, start_pos, end_pos, time, verbose=verbal) size_change += len(dup.stretch) if reverse: back = start_pos # the back of the remainder of 'unseen' chromosome positions is 1 pos before # the start of the selected stretch else: back += end_pos - start_pos +1 # The chromosome has become (end-start) longer so the back of the iterator should be moved front = end_pos +1 #+ (end_pos - start_pos) # go beyond the inserted stretch copy elif mut_type == 'stretch_del': #print 'DELETION' #if verbal: print 'start, end: ' + str( start_pos) + ', ' + str(end_pos) dele = self.delete_stretch(chrom, start_pos, end_pos, time, verbose=verbal) size_change -= len(dele.stretch) if reverse: back = start_pos - 1 # see tandem_dup else: front = start_pos back -= (end_pos - start_pos) + 1 # move the last chromosome position more frontal by the stretch length # # because that many positions were deleted elif mut_type == 'stretch_invert': if verbal: print 'inv' self.invert_stretch(chrom, start_pos, end_pos, time, verbose=verbal) if reverse: back = start_pos+1 # see tandem_dup else: front = end_pos # inverted positions remain in chromosome, therefore front moves ahead 1 position elif (mut_type == 'stretch_translocate' and len(self.genome.chromosomes) > 1): if verbal: print 'tran' invert = rand_gen.choice([False, True]) target_chroms = self.genome.chromosomes[:] target_chroms.remove(chrom) # Currently, no translocations to self implemented target_chrom = rand_gen.choice(target_chroms) insert_pos = rand_gen.randint(0, (len(target_chrom))) self.translocate_stretch(chrom, start_pos, end_pos, target_chrom, insert_pos, invert, time, verbose=verbal) if reverse: back = start_pos -1 # see tandem_dup else: front = start_pos back -= (end_pos - start_pos) # see stretch_del mutated = True break # break to restart mutation processes with new front and end vals if not mutated: # reached here by iterating to the end, so break break # print '\ndone...\n\n\n' assert self.genome_size == prev_size + size_change
[docs] def chromosome_mutate_genome(self, time, mutation_rates, global_mut_mod, rand_gen, rand_gen_np, verbose): ''' Apply chromosomal mutations to the genome. Each type of chromosome mutation is applied independently. When a mutation is selected, one or two random chromosomes are chosen for the mutation. The mutation method return a Mutation instance, that is appended to a list of chromosome mutations. This list is returned. Parameters ---------- time : int simulation time mutation_rates : attr_dict dict with all mutation rates global_mut_mod : float modifier for Cell wide mutation rate rand_gen : RNG rand_gen_np : RNG numpy random number generator verbose : bool verbosity Returns ------- list of Mutation objects ''' chromosome_muts = [] if (len(self.genome.chromosomes) and rand_gen.uniform(0, 1) < mutation_rates.chrom_dup * global_mut_mod): chrom = rand_gen.choice(self.genome.chromosomes) dup = self.duplicate_chromosome(chrom, time) chromosome_muts.append(dup) if (len(self.genome.chromosomes) and rand_gen.uniform(0, 1) < mutation_rates.chrom_del * global_mut_mod): chrom = rand_gen.choice(self.genome.chromosomes) dele = self.delete_chromosome(chrom, time) chromosome_muts.append(dele) if (len(self.genome.chromosomes) > 1 and rand_gen.uniform(0, 1) < mutation_rates.chrom_fuse * global_mut_mod): chrom1, chrom2 = rand_gen.sample(self.genome.chromosomes, 2) end1, end2 = rand_gen.randint(0, 1), rand_gen.randint(0, 1) fuse = self.fuse_chromosomes(chrom1, chrom2, end1, end2, time) chromosome_muts.append(fuse) if (len(self.genome.chromosomes) and rand_gen.uniform(0, 1) < mutation_rates.chrom_fiss * global_mut_mod): chrom = rand_gen.choice(self.genome.chromosomes) if len(chrom) > 1: if verbose: print len(chrom), "positions in chromosome" pos = rand_gen.randint(1, len(chrom) - 2) if len(chrom) > 2 else 1 fiss = self.fiss_chromosome(chrom, pos, time) chromosome_muts.append(fiss) else: if verbose: print "no fission on chromosome with length", len(chrom) return chromosome_muts
[docs] def mutate(self, time, environment, rand_gene_params=None, mutation_rates=None, mutation_param_space=None, global_mut_mod=None, excluded_genes=None, point_mutation_dict=None, point_mutation_ratios=None, regulatory_mutation_dict=None, regulatory_mutation_ratios=None, rand_gen=None, rand_gen_np=None, verbose=False): ''' Apply mutations to the genome. In turn, chromosome mutations, gene stretch mutations, point mutations and regulatory region mutations are applied. Mutations happen with probabilities supplied in a mutation_rates dict. The parameter spaces of the different types of mutations are supplied in the `mutation_param_space` Parameters ---------- time : int simulation time environment : :class:`VirtualMicrobes.environment.Environment.Environment` environment holds Metabolites that can be potential ligands rand_gene_params : :class:`VirtualMicrobes.my_tools.utility.ParamSpace` parameter space to draw new random parameter values mutation_rates : attr_dict dict with all mutation rates mutation_param_space : :class:`VirtualMicrobes.my_tools.utility.MutationParamSpace` parameter space and bounds for mutation effect global_mut_mod : float modifier for Cell wide mutation rate point_mutation_dict : dict maps gene types to type specific parameter-> modifier-function mapping point_mutation_ratios : dict mapping from parameter type to type specific relative mutation ratio regulatory_mutation_dict : dict maps gene types to type specific parameter-> modifier-function mapping regulatory_mutation_ratios : dict mapping from parameter type to type specific relative mutation ratio rand_gen : RNG rand_gen_np : RNG numpy random number generator verbose : bool verbosity Returns ------- list of mutations ''' if mutation_param_space is None: mutation_param_space = self.params.mutation_param_space if mutation_rates is None: mutation_rates = self.params.mutation_rates if global_mut_mod is None: global_mut_mod = self.params.universal_mut_rate_scaling if point_mutation_ratios is None: point_mutation_ratios = self.params.point_mutation_ratios if point_mutation_dict is None: point_mutation_dict = self.params.point_mutation_dict if regulatory_mutation_ratios is None: regulatory_mutation_ratios = self.params.regulatory_mutation_ratios if regulatory_mutation_dict is None: regulatory_mutation_dict = self.params.regulatory_mutation_dict if rand_gene_params is None: rand_gene_params = self.params.rand_gene_params if excluded_genes is None: excluded_genes = self.params.exclude_gene_from_mutation if verbose: print "mutating cell", self.chromosome_mutate_genome(time, mutation_rates, global_mut_mod, rand_gen, rand_gen_np, verbose) self.stretch_mutate_genome(time, mutation_rates, global_mut_mod, rand_gen, rand_gen_np) self.point_mutate_genome(mutation_rates.point_mutation, point_mutation_dict, global_mut_mod, point_mutation_ratios, excluded_genes, environment, mutation_param_space, rand_gene_params, time, rand_gen=rand_gen) self.regulatory_region_mutate_genome(mutation_rates, regulatory_mutation_dict, global_mut_mod, regulatory_mutation_ratios, time, rand_gen, rand_gen_np ) self.mutate_uptake(mutation_rates.uptake_mutrate,mutation_param_space, global_mut_mod, rand_gen=rand_gen) self.mutate_neigh(mutation_rates.neigh_mutrate,mutation_param_space, global_mut_mod, rand_gen=rand_gen) self.update_grn() return self.mutations
[docs] def apply_hgt(self, time, gp, environment, rand_gene_params=None, mutation_rates=None, global_mut_mod=None, rand_gen=None, rand_gen_np=None, verbose=False): ''' Applies HGT to a cell, and updates the GRN. If applied HGT is applied, the gp updated flag is set to True, to inform integrator update in next timestep. Parameters ---------- time : int time point in the simulation gp : :class:`VirtualMicrobes.environment.Grid.GridPoint` location of cell on the grid environment : :class:`VirtualMicrobes.environment.Environment.Environment` simulation environment containing all possible reactions to draw a random gene for external HGT rand_gene_params : dict parameter space for properties of externally HGTed genes mutation_rates : dict contains rates for eHGT and iHGT global_mut_mod : double scaling factor for all mutation rates rand_gen: RNG rand_gen_np: RNG numpy Returns ------- The applied mutations are returned ''' if mutation_rates is None: mutation_rates = self.params.mutation_rates if global_mut_mod is None: global_mut_mod = self.params.universal_mut_rate_scaling if rand_gene_params is None: rand_gene_params = self.params.rand_gene_params hgt_multiplier = 1.0*self.uptake_dna hgt_num_times = 1 if self.params.hgt_acceptor_scaling: # Scale the change to integrate DNA with the genome size (higher change of integration or recombination for larger genomes) hgt_num_times = self.genome_size if verbose: print "\n\nApplying HGT for cell",, '(before HGT) [genome size: ' + str(self.genome_size) +']' print "\n\nWith rate ", global_mut_mod*hgt_multiplier*mutation_rates.internal_hgt applied = False if self.hgt_external(mutation_rates.external_hgt, global_mut_mod, environment, time, rand_gene_params, rand_gen) is not None: applied = True self.update_grn() # Recalculate GRN for permuted genome if verbose: print "Applied eHGT" for x in range(0,hgt_num_times): if verbose: print x, ") attempt iHGT" if self.hgt_internal(mutation_rates.internal_hgt, global_mut_mod*hgt_multiplier, gp, time, rand_gene_params, rand_gen, rand_gen_np) is not None: applied = True self.update_grn() # Recalculate GRN for permuted genome #print "iHGT" return applied
[docs] def get_ancestor(self, gen_back, verbose=False): for lod in self.lods_up(): # in theory, multiple lods exist for each cell, but just take the first.. cells = list(lod) cells.reverse() for gen, parent in enumerate(cells): if gen > gen_back: if verbose: print 'Found ' return parent
[docs] def get_ancestor_at_time(self, time): if time > self.time_birth: warnings.warn('Cannot retrieve ancestor from the future {}') for lod in self.lods_up(): # in theory, multiple lods exist for each cell, but just take the first.. cells = list(lod) cells.reverse() for parent in cells: if parent.time_birth <= time: return parent
[docs] def delete_genes(self, genes, time): deleted = set() for chrom in self.genome.chromosomes: pos = 0 while pos < len(chrom): gene = chrom.positions[pos] if gene in genes: self.delete_stretch(chrom, pos, pos+1, time, verbose=True) deleted.add(gene) else: pos +=1 self.update_grn() if set(genes) - deleted: warnings.warn('some genes could not be deleted') for gene in set(genes) - deleted: print gene
@classmethod def __unique_id(cls, gen_id=None): ''' a classmethod that should be called whenever a new 'unique' cell is created to increase the cell count. It returns this number so that the cell can acquire this unique id. :return int : :author ''' if gen_id is None: gen_id = _gen_id_func cls.uid = gen_id(cls.uid) return cls.uid def __str__(self): out_str = "cell" + str( + ":\n" + str(self.genome) return out_str def _reproduction_add_gene_products(self, previous_mol_dict, orig_copy_genes_map): ''' Add the reproduction copies of original genes back to the molecules dictionary. Puts new gene products in the `molecules` map that represent copies of the parental genes. If no copy was made a KeyError raised, meaning that the gene is no longer present in the genome (due to deletion or mutation), but the gene product is still present. In that case we use the original gene as a key for the mapping. Parameters ---------- previous_mol_dict : dictionary of dictionaries Mapping from molecules/ genes to the gene products present in the cell. orig_copy_genes_map : dictionary Mapping from original genes to the copies resulting from copying the cell's :class:`VirtualMicrobes.virtual_cell.Genome.Genome` ''' for gene_prod, mol_struct in previous_mol_dict["gene_products"].items(): try: new_copy = orig_copy_genes_map[gene_prod] self.molecules["gene_products"][new_copy] = copy(mol_struct) except KeyError: # The gene is no longer in the genome, but the gene product is still # present in the cell self.molecules["gene_products"][gene_prod] = copy(mol_struct) def _reproduction_copy_molecule_dict(self): ''' Copying of the molecule dictionary. The result should be a new independent dict, where the molecules used as keys are the exact same objects as in the parent's dictionary. In other words, it avoids making copies of the actual molecules used as keys to index the dict. Returns ------- new internal molecule dictionary ''' new_molecules = dict() # NOTE: unordered ok new_molecules["small_molecules"] = OrderedDefaultdict(SmallMol) new_molecules["gene_products"] = OrderedDefaultdict(GeneProduct) for mol, mol_struct in self.molecules["small_molecules"].items(): new_molecules["small_molecules"][mol] = copy(mol_struct) # deepcopy(mol_struct) return new_molecules def _update_inherited_hgt(self, mut_dict): self.inherited_hgt['external'] += [ s for s in mut_dict['stretch'] if isinstance(s, Insertion) and s.is_external ] self.inherited_hgt['internal'] += [ s for s in mut_dict['stretch'] if isinstance(s, Insertion) and not s.is_external ] def _reproduction_copy(self, time): child = super(Cell, self)._copy(new_id=True, flat_id=True) for k, v in self.__dict__.items(): if k in child.__dict__: continue # taken care of by super call if k == "genome": new_genome = v._reproduction_copy(time) setattr(child, k, new_genome) elif k == "molecules": new_molecules = self._reproduction_copy_molecule_dict() setattr(child, k, new_molecules) elif k in ["mutations", 'production_toxic_effect']: # print "skpping copying of", k atr_cls = v.__class__ setattr(child, k, atr_cls.__new__(atr_cls)) elif k in ['params', 'init_rand_gen', 'toxicity_func', 'toxic_effect_func', 'product_toxicity_func', 'production_function', 'transcription_cost', 'energy_transcription_cost', 'energy_transcription_scaling', 'homeostatic_bb_scaling', '_volume', 'max_volume', 'growth_rate','shrink_rate', 'growth_cost', 'energy_for_growth', 'v_max_growth', 'building_blocks_dict','energy_mols', 'iterage', 'max_time_course_length', 'version']: setattr(child, k, v) elif k in ["small_mols", "gene_products", '_raw_production', '_raw_production_change_rate', '_pos_production', '_toxicity', '_toxicity_change_rate', 'raw_death_rate', 'wiped', 'time_points', 'toxicity_time_course', 'raw_production_time_course', 'cell_size_time_course', 'pos_prod_time_course','arrays_changed', 'nr_time_points_stored', 'divided', 'inherited_hgt']: pass else: #print "deep copying", k , "of cell", setattr(child, k, deepcopy(v)) child._reproduction_add_gene_products(self.molecules, child.genome.orig_copy_genes_map) child.init_mol_views() child.init_time_courses() child.init_mutations_dict() child._update_inherited_hgt(self.mutations) child.arrays_changed = False child.raw_production = 0. child.pos_production = 0. child.raw_production_change_rate = 0. child.toxicity = 0. child.toxicity_change_rate = 0. child.production_toxic_effect = 0. child.raw_death_rate = 0. child.wiped = False child.divided = False child.remove_unproduced_gene_products() return child
[docs] def update(self, state): version = float(state.get('version', '0.0')) if version < 2.0: del state['nr_time_points_stored'] self.nr_time_points_stored = 0
[docs] def upgrade(self): ''' Upgrading from older pickled version of class to latest version. Version information is saved as class variable and should be updated when class invariants (e.g. fields) are added. ''' version = float(self.version) # if version < 1.1: # self.init_time_courses() # self.pos_production = 0. # if version < 2.0: # self.divided = False # self.arrays_changed = False # for attr in ['cum_time_points', 'cum_toxicity_time_course', # 'cum_raw_production_time_course', # 'cum_cell_size_time_course', 'cum_pos_prod_time_course']: # delattr(self, attr) # if version < 2.1: # self.homeostatic_bb_scaling = 0 if version < 2.2: for tf in self.tfs: tf.params['binding_coop'] = 1 if version < 2.3: self.inherited_hgt = make_inherited_hgt_dict() if version < 2.4: if not self.alive: self.truncate_time_courses() if version < 2.5: for tf in self.tfs: tf.params['ligand_coop'] = 1. if version < 2.6: self.toxic_effect_func = self.toxicity_effect_func try: del self.toxicity_effect_func except AttributeError: pass if version < 2.7: self.marked_for_death = False if version < 2.8: self.uptake_dna = 1.0 if version < 3.0: self.hgt_neigh = 1.0 self.age = 0 self.divided_n_times = 0 self.version = self.class_version
#print 'upgraded class', self.__class__.__name__, #print 'from version', version ,'to version', self.version def __setstate__(self, state): self.update(state) super(Cell, self).__setstate__(state) if not hasattr(self, 'version'): self.version = '0.0' if self.version != self.class_version: self.upgrade()
#=========================================================================== # def __setstate__(self, obj_dict): # self.__dict__ = obj_dict # if not hasattr(self, 'version'): # self.version = '0.0' # if self.version != self.class_version: # self.upgrade() # #===========================================================================