Source code for VirtualMicrobes.simulation.Simulation

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Top level Simulation class that contains all objects and parameters of the
simulation. Has a simulate method that executes the simulation loop, methods to
save and reload, as well as initiate data storage and plotting.

from blessings import Terminal
from multiprocessing.queues import SimpleQueue
import subprocess
import sys, os, time, itertools, collections, shutil, json, psutil
import warnings

import VirtualMicrobes
from VirtualMicrobes.cython_gsl_interface import integrate
from import DataStore
from VirtualMicrobes.environment.Environment import Environment
import VirtualMicrobes.my_tools.utility as util
from VirtualMicrobes.plotting.Graphs import Graphs
from VirtualMicrobes.readwrite import write_obj
from VirtualMicrobes.virtual_cell.Population import Population
import cPickle as pickle
import class_settings
import multiprocessing as mp

# from pycallgraph import PyCallGraph
# from pycallgraph.output import GraphvizOutput
#runtime profilomg @UnusedImport
# import guppy #memory profiler
#import pickle
#import dill as pickle

[docs]class Simulation(object): ''' Base class for Simulation objects. Stores the simulation parameters. Initializes output and storage paths and file for stdout and stderr logging. Initializes a data store class for storing data points and time series. Initializes a graphs class for output graphing, that will be fed with data points from the data store. Has method for the main simulation loop. Stores simulation snapshots that can be reloaded for further simulation or post analysis. ''' class_version = '2.6' def __init__(self, params): ''' The Simulation is fully defined by the `params` dictionary. Parameters that are not explicitly chosen on the command line or in a config file are initialized to a default value. These are necessary and sufficient to: * create a simulation directory and log files * initialize the evolutionary `system` containing the :class:`VirtualMicrobes.environment.Environment.Environment` and :class:`VirtualMicrobes.population.Population.Population` objects. Parameters ---------- params : dict dict with *all* settable simulation parameters ''' self.version = self.__class__.class_version self.params = params self.utility_path = os.path.join(self.params.source_path, self.params.utility_dir) self.init_save_dir() self.init_log_files() self.write_params_to_file() self.init_phylo_linker_dict() self.init_unique_phylo_key() self.init_unique_gene_key() self.system = EvoSystem(self.params) # initilizes Environment and Population print 'Initializing graphs.' self.init_graphs() print 'Initializing movies.' self.init_ffmpeg() print 'Initialising data store.' self.init_data_store() self.params.clean_save_path = False # so we do not clean when reloading self.subprocesses=[] self.run_time = 0 self.simulation_time = 0 self.current_dump_name = '' self.simulation_saves = [] self.sim_saves_retry_list = [] @property def save_dir(self): ''' Return the simulation save path. ''' return os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.base_dir, #@profile()
[docs] def simulate(self): ''' The main simulation loop. Clear the population changes from previous iteration. Run the ode system. Apply HGT. Calculate death rates, determine deaths. Compete and reproduce. Mutate the offspring. Update the phylogeny. Store data and plot. ''' consumers = None term = Terminal(force_styling=False) if not self.params.load_file and self.params.burn_in_time: self.simulation_burn_in() self.init_spatial_integrator() # create first simulation save, and object dumps if self.run_time == 0: dump_file_name = write_obj.write_env(self.system.environment, os.path.join(self.save_dir, 'environment.env')) save_and_quit = False # hold dynamically updated parameters of the integrator diffusion_steps, delta_t_between_diff, release_delay, relative_error = None,None,None,None # repeat until the end of the simulation, or other exit event while self.run_time <= self.params.duration: V = self.run_time % self.params.print_time == 0 # Determine whether or not to print output to stdout if V: start = time.time() # Profiling temporary code # print out some current parameters of the systems if self.run_time % self.params.plot_time == 0: print '\nEnvironmental state parameters:' self.print_system_details() if V: print "\nTime:", self.run_time, time.strftime("{}\t[%H:%M:%S] [%m-%d]{t.normal}".format(t=term)) # clear population changes from the previous simulation step, (make new_offspring list empty, etc) self.system.population.clear_pop_changes() self.system.population.update_stored_variables() # lineages will be remarked, depending on current # of markers in # population and lineage marking rule self.system.population.update_lineage_markers() if V: print 'Running ODEs.' # compute ODE dynamics of the system (self.simulation_time, diffusion_steps, delta_t_between_diff, release_delay, relative_error, errors) = self.simulation_step(global_time=self.simulation_time, diffusion_steps=diffusion_steps, delta_t_between_diff=delta_t_between_diff, release_delay=release_delay, update_relative_error=relative_error, verbal=V) if errors: print 'cannot recover from errors in integration after maximum number of tries' print 'try using a different step_function for integration' print 'ending simulation, it is for the best' break # reset update flag on spatial grid points to False self.system.environment.grid_toggle_update() # reset flag for external updates to localities to False self.system.environment.reset_locality_updates() # apply spatially explicit Horizontal Gene Transfer by iterating # over the grid points if V: print 'Applying HGT.' if self.params.wipe_population is not None: if self.params.wipe_poisson: if self.run_time != 0 and (self.system.environment.env_rand.uniform(0.,1.) < 1./self.params.wipe_population.interval): self.system.population.wipe_pop(self.params.wipe_population.fraction, min_surv=self.params.min_wipe_survivors, time=self.run_time) elif self.run_time % self.params.wipe_population.interval == 0: print 'Applying bottleneck!' self.system.population.wipe_pop(self.params.wipe_population.fraction, min_surv=self.params.min_wipe_survivors, time=self.run_time) # Don't kill more than this number # Killing a lineage from the command line if self.params.kill_time == self.run_time: if self.params.kill_lineage != None: print 'Killing lineage ' + str(self.params.kill_lineage) self.system.population.kill_cells_lineage([self.params.kill_lineage], self.run_time, 1.0) # calculate death rates, according to toxicity levels self.system.population.calculate_death_rates() # microbes die from natural causes (including toxicity) cells_to_kill = self.system.population.mark_for_death() #print 'Marked {t.yellow}{}{t.normal} cells.'.format(cells_to_kill,t=term) if self.system.population.current_pop_size == cells_to_kill: print 'Total Extinction detected, skipping simulation step and plotting and saving directly.' save_and_quit = True # randomly remove (a fraction of) microbes #start = time.time() # Profiling temporary code #end = time.time() #print 'Step took {}{0:.9g}s{t.normal}.'.format(end-start,t=term) if not save_and_quit: cells_died = self.system.population.die_off(self.run_time) if V: print 'Killed {t.yellow}{}{t.normal} cells.'.format(cells_died,t=term) # remove dead microbes from the grid self.system.environment.clear_dead_cells_from_grid() # reset flag indicating microbe divided in previous simulation step self.system.population.reset_divided() # competition between microbes to reproduce in available space # microbes that are large enough and win competition, reproduce if self.params.competition == 'local': if V: print 'Reproducing to max', self.params.max_cells_per_locality, 'cells per grid point.' if V: print "Population before reproduction is {}{}{t.normal}.".format(self.system.population.current_pop_size,t=term) new_offspring_grid_point_dict = self.system.population.reproduce_on_grid(grid=self.system.environment.grid, max_pop_per_gp=self.params.max_cells_per_locality, time=self.run_time) self.system.environment.add_new_cells_to_grid(new_offspring_grid_point_dict) if V: print 'Created {}{}{t.normal} new offspring.'.format(len(self.system.population.new_offspring),t=term) elif self.system.population.reproduction_cost != None: self.system.population.reproduce_at_minimum_production(time=self.run_time) else: self.system.population.reproduce_production_proportional(time=self.run_time) # the new offspring from the reproduction step is mutated if self.run_time > self.params.evo_grace_time: self.system.population.mutate_new_offspring(time=self.run_time, gp_dict=new_offspring_grid_point_dict, environment=self.system.environment) ''' Apply HGT during lifetime of cells, rather than a mutation at birth ''' if not self.params.hgt_at_div_only and self.run_time > self.params.evo_grace_time: hgt_grid_point_dict = self.system.population.horizontal_transfer(time=self.run_time, grid=self.system.environment.grid, environment=self.system.environment) # set update flags on grid points if an resident microbe had HGT self.system.environment.update_cells_on_grid(hgt_grid_point_dict) ''' A neat little trick to accurately control the environment ''' if self.params.microfluid is not None: self.system.environment.microfluid_chemostat(self.run_time) ''' Perfectly mix all microbes + Perfectly mix all metabolites. ''' if self.params.mix_metabolites and self.run_time % self.params.mix_metabolites == 0: self.system.environment.mix_metabolites() if self.params.perfect_mix and self.run_time % self.params.perfect_mix == 0: self.system.environment.perfect_mix() ''' Diffusion of cells on grid (note to user: not extensively tested yet!) ''' if self.params.cells_grid_diffusion: self.system.environment.cells_grid_diffusion() if self.params.chemostat: cells_died = self.system.population.die_off(self.run_time) if V: print 'Chemostat has washed out {t.yellow}{}{t.normal} cells.'.format(cells_died,t=term) # remove dead microbes from the grid self.system.environment.clear_dead_cells_from_grid() assert len(self.system.population.cells) == sum( map(lambda gp: len(gp.content.cells), self.system.environment.grid.gp_iter)) self.system.population._update_current_ancestors() # add new offspring to the set of all ancestors self.system.population._clear_extinct_lineages()# prunes extinct lineages if V: end = time.time() if V: print "Population after is {}{}{t.normal}.".format(self.system.population.current_pop_size,t=term) if V: print 'Simulation step took {}{0:.9g}s{t.normal}.'.format(end-start,t=term) # set markers on the microbes to visualise and count their metabolic type self.system.population.store_pop_characters() # Data is stored into a DataStore object. Writing to a data file is # postponed until plots have been drawn. Plotting uses the data in # the DataStore object. After plotting functions have started, data # is written to file and the written time points are purged from the # DataStore. if not save_and_quit and self.run_time % self.params.store_data_time == 0 and self.system.population.current_pop_size > 0: print 'Storing new data point.' self.system.population.update_phylogeny() self.data_store.add_pop_data_point(self.system, self.run_time) if not self.params.less_eco_dat: # Adding less data: only add at store time (see below*) self.data_store.add_eco_data_point(self.system, self.run_time) self.data_store.add_expression_data_point(self.system, self.run_time) if (self.params.plot_time is not None and self.run_time % self.params.plot_time < self.params.store_data_time): if not self.params.skip_plots: print 'Starting plotting functions.' if self.params.less_eco_dat: # * If not added at store_time, ad it at plot time :) self.data_store.add_eco_data_point(self.system, self.run_time) self.data_store.add_expression_data_point(self.system, self.run_time) self.add_graphs_data(self.run_time) self.data_store.save_phylo_tree(self.system.population, self.run_time) self._clean_up_processes(consumers) jobs = [] if not self.params.skip_plots: jobs += self.plot_and_save_graphs(self.run_time) if self.run_time % self.params.save_time == 0: # Dirty patch for missing data at save_time. self.add_graphs_data(self.run_time) if not self.params.skip_plots: jobs += self.plot_and_save_graphs(self.run_time) consumers = self._start_parallel_jobs(jobs) print 'Writing stored data and purging.' self.write_data() # vary the influx rates of metabolites on the grid if self.params.influx_variance_shape is not None or self.params.influx_range is not None: self.system.environment.fluctuate(self.run_time) # reset concentrations of metabolites on the grid if (self.params.resource_cycle is not None and self.run_time % self.params.resource_cycle == 0 and self.params.wipe_population is not None and self.run_time > 0): self.system.environment.reset_grid_concentrations() # increment simultion steps count if len(self.system.population.cells) == 0: self._clean_up_processes(consumers) if self.params.auto_restart is not None: print 'Total Extinction, auto-restarting.' load_file, param_updates = self.auto_restart_opts() return load_file, param_updates else: print 'Total Extinction, ending simulation.' break if save_and_quit: print 'Save and quit.\nStoring new data point.' self.data_store.add_pop_data_point(self.system, self.run_time) self.data_store.add_eco_data_point(self.system, self.run_time) self.data_store.add_expression_data_point(self.system, self.run_time) self.data_store.add_eco_data_point(self.system, self.run_time) self.data_store.add_expression_data_point(self.system, self.run_time) self.add_graphs_data(self.run_time) self._clean_up_processes(consumers) if not self.params.skip_plots: jobs = self.plot_and_save_graphs(self.run_time) print 'Starting plotting functions.' consumers = self._start_parallel_jobs(jobs) print 'Writing stored data and purging.' self.write_data() break self.run_time += 1 # (obsolete) writing a fraction of the objects in the phylogenetic tree to disk if self.params.shelve_time is not None and self.run_time % self.params.shelve_time == 0: self.phylo_linker_dict.partial_sync(self.params.shelve_fraction, select=lambda x: not x.alive) # save the current population to a file if self.run_time % self.params.pop_snapshot_time == 0 and self.run_time != 0: print 'Saving population snapshot.' dump_file_name = save_pop_cells(self, labels=[self.run_time]) # save the best individual in the population to a file if self.run_time % self.params.pop_best_save_time == 0: pop_best, _ = self.system.population.most_offspring() save_single_cell(self, pop_best ) # Store a snapshot of the population to a file. This snapshot can be # can used to restart and continue the simulation or to perform post # analysis. if self.run_time % self.params.save_time == 0 or self.run_time in self.params.extra_save_times: print 'Writing stored data and purging.' self.write_data() print 'Cleaning up subprocesses.' self._clean_up_processes(consumers) print 'Saving simulation.' dump_file_name = % self.params.store_save_time == 0) self.init_spatial_integrator(global_time=self.run_time) # Added by brem to avoid non-determinism because of integrator drivers resetting if self.params.load_cycle and len(self.simulation_saves) % self.params.load_cycle == 0 and self.run_time > 0: print 'Exiting for load cycle of % {}.'.format(self.params.load_cycle) return dump_file_name, {} if self.params.load_test: #for testing purposes self = load_sim(dump_file_name) self.init_spatial_integrator() # save a snapshot before exiting if self.run_time % self.params.save_time != 0 and not save_and_quit: # we haven't saved last time point, save and quit means it's is already called upon for extinction print 'Writing stored data and purging.' self.write_data() print 'Cleaning up subprocesses.' self._clean_up_processes(consumers) print 'Saving simulation.' self.close_phylo_shelf()
[docs] def auto_restart_opts(self, retry_list=None, time=None): ''' Automatically restart the simulation after the population became extinct. A simulation can be automatically restarted from a previous save point. The save points to retry from in the `retry_list` are updated such that the most recent point is retried first and removed from this list. This ensures that a subsequent restart will not be attempted from the same save point, but will instead skip back to a preceding save point. When restarting the simulation, new parameter values will be chosen for a selected set of parameters, by applying a scaling factor `v`. Parameters ---------- retry_list : list list of population snapshots that can still be retried for restart Returns ------- (population save to retry, new parameter settings for retry) ''' if retry_list is None: retry_list = self.sim_saves_retry_list if time is None: time = self.run_time param_updates = {'extinction':True} for k,v in self.params.auto_restart.items(): try: prev_val = self.params[k] try: param_updates[k] = prev_val * v except ValueError: warnings.warn('Parameter "{}" cannot be scaled with constant "{}"'.format(k,v)) except KeyError: warnings.warn('"{}" is not an existing parameter. Scaling value "{}" ignored.'.format(k,v)) try: sim_save = retry_list.pop() except IndexError: sim_save = self.current_dump_name return sim_save, param_updates
def __del__(self): print 'closing phylo shelf on exit' self.close_phylo_shelf()
[docs] def save(self, time=None, store=False): '''Save the simulation state as a snapshot. Parameters ---------- time : simulation time point Returns ------- filename of simulation save ''' if time is None: time = self.run_time if store: name = "_".join( map(str,[self.run_time])) else: name = "_".join( dump_file_name = os.path.join(self.save_dir, name) + '.sav' self.current_dump_name = dump_file_name if time > 0: self.simulation_saves.append(self.current_dump_name) self.sim_saves_retry_list.append(self.current_dump_name) try: print 'Creating simulation save file', self.current_dump_name save_sim(self, labels=[self.run_time]) print 'Done saving.' except Exception: warnings.warn('Exception in save_sim') raise return dump_file_name
def _start_parallel_jobs(self, jobs, num_procs = None): '''Start a number of jobs in parallel. Put a set of (plotting) jobs in a queue, to be run by parallel 'consumer' processes. Start the Consumer threads, that read from the jobs queue. Parameters ---------- jobs: list Processes or tuples of (object, method) to initialize a :class:`VirtualMicrobes.my_tools.utility.Task` num_procs: number of parallel consumer processes Returns ------- tuple with the new tasks queue and consumers assigned to the jobs in the queue ''' #tasks_queue = mp.Manager().Queue() -> this makes it very very slow to put jobs in the queue if not any(jobs): return [] new_tasks_queue = SimpleQueue() # changed 2-9-2015 because still the queue is not effectively emptied by _clean_up_processes print 'distributing', len(jobs), 'jobs' for job in jobs: if isinstance(job, mp.Process): self.subprocesses.append(job) job.start() elif isinstance(job, tuple): time.sleep(.01) print 'putting a job in queue' new_tasks_queue.put(util.Task(*job)) print '.', if num_procs is None: num_procs = self.params.num_parallel_plot_proc for _ in range(num_procs): print 'putting a poison pill on queue' time.sleep(.01) new_tasks_queue.put(None) # add 'poison pills' for consumer processes new_consumers = [util.Consumer(new_tasks_queue, None) for _ in range(num_procs) ] for p in new_consumers: p.start() return new_consumers def _clean_up_consumers(self, consumers, time_out=.5): '''Terminate consumer processes and their associated process trees. Parameters ---------- consumers : list of consumer :class:multiprocessing.Process time_out : timeout before terminating long running ''' for p in consumers: #p.join() p.join(timeout=0) #Remove the timeout argument to make the program wait for every plot time_ = 0 dt = .1 print 'terminating long running tasks', while p.is_alive(): parent = util.kill_proc_tree(, including_parent=False) print '.', time.sleep(dt) time_+= dt if time_ > time_out: print 'terminating long running consumer processes', p p.terminate() try: parent.kill() except psutil.NoSuchProcess: pass break else: print 'consumer with pid' ,, 'done' print def _clean_up_processes(self, consumers=None): for p in self.subprocesses[:]: p.join(timeout=0) #Remove the timeout argument to make the program wait for every plot if p.is_alive(): parent = util.kill_proc_tree(, including_parent=False) print 'terminating long running plot processes', p p.terminate() parent.kill() else: print 'process with pid',, 'done' self.subprocesses.remove(p) if consumers is not None: self._clean_up_consumers(consumers)
[docs] def update_sim_params(self, params_dict): ''' Update simulation parameters with values in an update dict. Parameters ---------- params_dict : dict dict with updated parameter values ''' self.params.update(params_dict)
[docs] def init_save_dir(self, clean=None, remove_globs=['*.txt','*.sav', '*.pck', '*.log', '*.err']): if clean is None: clean = self.params.clean_save_path self.base_dir = os.path.abspath(self.params.base_dir) = remove_globs = remove_globs if clean else [] util.ensure_dir(self.save_dir, remove_globs=remove_globs) print 'Saving simulation data in', self.save_dir
[docs] def write_params_to_file(self, save_dir=None, name='params', suffix='.txt', labels=[]): if save_dir is None: save_dir = self.save_dir name = "_".join(name.split()+ map(str,labels)) param_file_path = os.path.join(save_dir, name + time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") +suffix) print 'Writing simulation parameters to file', param_file_path with open(param_file_path, 'w') as fp: json.dump(self.params, fp, default=util.as_attrdict) param_file_path = os.path.join(save_dir, name +suffix) # also write without date with open(param_file_path, 'w') as fp: json.dump(self.params, fp, default=util.as_attrdict)
[docs] def copy_config_files(self): if self.params.config_files is not None: for cfg in self.params.config_files: try: shutil.copy2(cfg, os.path.join(self.save_dir, os.path.basename(cfg) )) except: print 'Could not copy', cfg, 'to save dir', self.save_dir
[docs] def store_command_line_string(self, fn='command_line_string.txt'): if self.params.command_line_string is not None: print 'Saving command line string in file', fn with open(os.path.join(self.save_dir, fn), 'a') as fp: fp.write('\n{time} : {cl}\n'.format(time=time.strftime("[%H:%M:%S] [%m-%d]"), cl=self.params.command_line_string) )
[docs] def init_log_files(self): self.init_log_file() self.init_error_log_file()
[docs] def init_log_file(self, save_dir=None, name='log', suffix='.out', labels=[]): if save_dir is None: save_dir = self.save_dir name = "_".join(name.split()+ map(str,labels)) + suffix self.log_file = self.open_log_file(os.path.join(save_dir, name)) self.log_file_name =
[docs] def init_error_log_file(self, save_dir=None, name='log', suffix='.err', labels=[]): if save_dir is None: save_dir = self.save_dir name = "_".join(name.split()+ map(str,labels)) + suffix self.error_log_file = self.open_log_file(os.path.join(save_dir, name)) self.error_log_file_name =
[docs] def open_log_file(self, name): return util.FormatMessageFile(name, 'a')
[docs] def open_phylo_shelf(self, name, flag): ''' Open a Shelf like database object that can store (part of) phylogenetic units (PhyloUnit) to disk. ''' return util.open_fifolarder(name, flag=flag, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL), flag, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL, writeback=True)#
[docs] def reopen_phylo_shelf(self, save_file=None): # else, phylo_linker opens the remembered db_file self.phylo_linker_dict.reopen_db(save_file=save_file, flag='c') util.ugly_globals['PhyloLinkerDict'] = self.phylo_linker_dict
[docs] def reload_unique_phylo_count(self): try: util.ugly_globals['UniquePhyloKey'] = self.unique_phylo_key except AttributeError: util.ugly_globals['UniquePhyloKey'] = itertools.count()
[docs] def reload_unique_gene_count(self): try: util.ugly_globals['UniqueGeneKey'] = self.unique_gene_key except AttributeError: util.ugly_globals['UniqueGeneKey'] = itertools.count()
[docs] def close_phylo_shelf(self): self.phylo_linker_dict.close()
[docs] def save_phylo_shelf(self, name=None, labels=[], suffix='.pck'): ''' Save a snapshot of the phylo_shelf, the global store of PhyloUnit objects. Creating the snapshot enables reloading simulation saves with a correct state of the phylo_shelf. ''' if name is None: name = self.phylo_shelf_name.rstrip(suffix) file_name = "_".join(name.split()+ map(str,labels)) + suffix self.phylo_shelf_save = os.path.join(self.save_dir, file_name) current_phylo_shelf = os.path.join(self.save_dir, self.phylo_shelf_name) shutil.copy2(current_phylo_shelf, self.phylo_shelf_save )
[docs] def set_phylo_shelf_file_name(self, name=None,suffix='.pck', labels=[] ): if name is None: name = self.params.phylo_shelf self.phylo_shelf_name = "_".join(name.split()+ map(str,labels)) + suffix
[docs] def update_shelf_location(self, current_save_path=None): if current_save_path is not None: old_shelf_save = os.path.join(current_save_path, os.path.basename(self.phylo_shelf_save) ) else: old_shelf_save = self.phylo_shelf_name print old_shelf_save self.set_phylo_shelf_file_name() new_phylo_shelf_path = os.path.join(self.save_dir, self.phylo_shelf_name) shutil.copy2(old_shelf_save, new_phylo_shelf_path)
[docs] def init_phylo_linker_dict(self): ''' Create a linker dict that maps phylogenetic units (PhyloUnit) to unique indices. This linker dict is used to mediate parent-child relations, while preventing that pickling recurses (heavily) on the phylogeny (no direct references to the objects) ''' self.set_phylo_shelf_file_name() self.phylo_linker_dict = self.open_phylo_shelf(os.path.join(self.save_dir, self.phylo_shelf_name), flag='n') util.ugly_globals['PhyloLinkerDict'] = self.phylo_linker_dict
[docs] def init_unique_phylo_key(self): ''' Initialize a generator for unique keys for use in the linker dict (see above). ''' self.unique_phylo_key = itertools.count() util.ugly_globals['UniquePhyloKey'] = self.unique_phylo_key
[docs] def init_unique_gene_key(self): ''' Initialize a generator for unique keys for use in the linker dict (see above). ''' self.unique_gene_key = itertools.count() util.ugly_globals['UniqueGeneKey'] = self.unique_gene_key
[docs] def init_data_store(self, clean=True, create=True): ''' Initialize a DataStore object for storage of simulation data. Data are kept in storage for retrieval by plotting functions until a call is made to write the raw data to a file (write_data). ''' self.data_store = DataStore(base_save_dir=self.save_dir, name='data', utility_path=self.utility_path, n_most_frequent_metabolic_types=5, n_most_frequent_genomic_counts=10, species_markers=range(*self.system.population.markers_range_dict['lineage']), reactions_dict=self.system.environment.reactions_dict, small_mols=self.system.environment.internal_molecules, clean=clean, create=create)
[docs] def upgrade_graphs(self): self.graphs.init_pop_stats(range(self.system.population.max_pop_size * 2), self.system.environment.reactions_dict, self.system.environment.mols_per_class_dict, create=False) self.graphs.init_grid_graphs(self.system.environment.mols_per_class_dict, self.params.marker_names, create=False)
[docs] def init_ffmpeg(self): self.ffmpeg = None if self.params['graphs_video']: try: # First check if ffmpeg-static is installed (true for machines at TBB-UU) proc = subprocess.Popen(["ffmpeg-static","-version"],stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) proc.communicate() self.ffmpeg = 'ffmpeg-static' print '\033[1m\033[01;36mFFMPEG: set to ffmpeg-static \033[00m' except Exception as exc: print str(exc), 'occurred' try: # Then check if ffmpeg v>2 is installed, will also work proc = subprocess.Popen(["ffmpeg","-version"],stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) out, _err = proc.communicate() print out version = out.split('\n')[0].split()[1].split('-')[0].split('.')[0] print 'ffmpeg version {} found'.format(version) if int(version) < 2: print '\033[1m\033[01;31mYour version of FFMPEG is outdated.\, Please upgrade to ffmpeg version 2 or higher if you want mp4-video output in the webapplication.\033[00m' else: self.ffmpeg = 'ffmpeg' print '\033[1m\033[01;36mFFMPEG: set to ffmpeg v2, hoping for the best \033[00m' except Exception as exc: # Throw a final exception if none of these work. print str(exc), 'occurred'
[docs] def init_graphs(self, show=None, clean=True, create=True): ''' Initialize a Graphs object that contains simulation graphs. :param show: plot graphs on the X (blocking) ''' if show is None: show = self.graphs = Graphs(base_save_dir=self.save_dir, name="plots", utility_path=self.utility_path, mol_class_dict=self.system.environment.mols_per_class_dict, reactions_dict=self.system.environment.reactions_dict, population_markers=self.params.marker_names, species_markers=range(self.system.population.max_pop_size * 2), # cell_markers('lineage'), show=show, clean=clean, create=create)
[docs] def plot_and_save_graphs(self, time_point): ''' Depending on the initialization parameter 'graphs_single_core' this will either run all plotting in functions in sequence (appending None to processes) or construct a list of job processes/ task tuples, to be run in parallel batch processes, separate from the main thread. These processes will be either put in a job queue or separately started by '_start_parallel_jobs'. :param time_point: simulation time point ''' processes = [] processes += self.plot_time_course(time_point) #processes += self.plot_pop_stats() -> Use browser to see population data now processes += self.plot_grid_graphs(time_point) #Zero padding added by Brem processes += self.plot_best_genome_structure(time_point) processes += self.plot_networks(time_point) #Zero padding added by Brem return processes
#def plot_and_save_phylo_graphs(self, max_tree_depth, time_point): # return self.plot_phylo_tree(max_tree_depth, labels=[time_point]) #def plot_phylo_tree(self, max_tree_depth, labels): # process = self.graphs.plot_phylo_tree(pop=self.system.population, # env=self.system.environment, # max_depth=max_tree_depth, # labels=labels, save=True) # return [process]
[docs] def plot_time_course(self, time_point): labels=[format(time_point,'010')] pop = self.system.population most_fecundant, _nr = pop.most_offspring() per_type_time_courses = most_fecundant.get_gene_type_time_course_dict() internal_res_conc_dict = most_fecundant.get_mol_time_course_dict() external_res_conc_dict = self.system.environment.localities[0].get_mol_time_course_dict() toxicity_time_course = most_fecundant.get_toxicity_time_course() raw_production_time_course = most_fecundant.get_raw_production_time_course() cell_size_time_course = most_fecundant.get_cell_size_time_course() process = self.graphs.plot_time_course(internal_res_conc_dict, external_res_conc_dict, per_type_time_courses, cell_size_time_course, toxicity_time_course, raw_production_time_course, labels=labels, save_no_labels=True) return [process]
[docs] def plot_pop_stats(self): process = self.graphs.plot_pop_stats() return [process]
[docs] def plot_grid_graphs(self, time_point): labels=[format(time_point,'010')] title=format(time_point,'010') process = self.graphs.plot_grid_graphs(map(str,self.system.environment.internal_molecules), self.system.environment.reactions_dict, self.system.population.markers_range_dict.keys(), video=self.ffmpeg, data_range = self.params.grid_graph_data_range, labels=labels, save_no_labels=True, title=title) return [process]
[docs] def write_data(self): self.data_store.write_data()
[docs] def add_graphs_data(self, time_point): pop = self.system.population most_fecundant, _nr = pop.most_offspring() mf_death_rate = pop.death_rates([most_fecundant])[0] mf_production = pop.production_rates([most_fecundant])[0] affix = 'fecundant' self.graphs.add_pop_stats_data(time_point, mf_death_rate, mf_production, self.data_store) self.data_store.add_best_data_point(most_fecundant, self.graphs.attribute_mapper, time_point, affix) oldest_cell = pop.oldest_cell() affix = 'old' self.data_store.add_best_data_point(oldest_cell, self.graphs.attribute_mapper, time_point, affix) halfway_l_index = len(self.system.environment.localities)/2 external_res_conc_dict = self.system.environment.localities[halfway_l_index ].get_mol_concentration_dict() self.graphs.add_mol_evo_time_course_data(time_point, external_res_conc_dict) markers_range_dict = self.system.population.markers_range_dict #print markers_range_dict.keys() = lineage and metabolic dict pop_grid_data_dict = self.system.environment.population_grid_data_dict(markers_range_dict.keys(), self.system.population.most_abundant_marker) min_cell_vol = min(self.params.cell_init_volume, self.params.cell_division_volume / 2.) if self.params.cell_division_volume else self.params.cell_init_volume scaling_dict_updates = {'death_rate_min':0.0, 'cell_size_min': min_cell_vol, 'cell_size_max': self.params.max_cell_volume, 'crossfeed_max' : len(self.system.environment.molecule_classes) } self.graphs.add_grid_graphs_data(time_point, pop_grid_data_dict, map(str, self.system.environment.internal_molecules), self.data_store, scaling_dict_updates, markers_range_dict) self.graphs.add_prot_grid_graphs_data(time_point, map(str, self.system.environment.internal_molecules), self.system.environment.reactions_dict, self.data_store)
[docs] def plot_networks(self, time_point): labels = [format(time_point,'010')] title = format(time_point,'010') pop = self.system.population most_fecundant, _nr = pop.most_offspring() oldest_cell = pop.oldest_cell() processes = [] marker = most_fecundant.marker_dict['lineage'] building_blocks = most_fecundant.building_blocks_dict.keys() no_labels = [] fig_dict = {'png': [ no_labels, labels ], 'svg': [ no_labels, labels] } write_dict = {'.gml': [labels], '.dot': [labels]} processes.append(self.graphs.plot_binding_network(cell=most_fecundant, fig_ext_label_dict=fig_dict, text_ext_label_dict=write_dict, prog='dot', video = self.ffmpeg, write=True, title=title) ) no_labels.append('old') labels.append('old') processes.append(self.graphs.plot_binding_network(cell=oldest_cell, fig_ext_label_dict=fig_dict, text_ext_label_dict=write_dict, prog='dot', video=self.ffmpeg, write=False, title=title) ) labels = [format(time_point,'010')] no_labels = [] fig_dict = {'png': [ no_labels, labels ], 'svg': [ no_labels, labels] } write_dict = {'.gml': [labels], '.dot': [labels]} processes.append(self.graphs.plot_metabolic_network(fig_ext_label_dict=fig_dict, text_ext_label_dict=write_dict, reactions_dict=most_fecundant.reaction_set_dict, building_blocks=building_blocks, self_marker=marker, video=self.ffmpeg, title=title)) labels.append('pan') no_labels.append('pan') processes.append(self.graphs.plot_metabolic_network(fig_ext_label_dict=fig_dict, text_ext_label_dict=write_dict, reactions_dict=pop.pan_reactome_dict(), video=self.ffmpeg, title=title, video_frame_name='Metabolome_pan.png')) return processes
[docs] def plot_best_genome_structure(self, time_point): labels=[format(time_point,'010')] pop = self.system.population most_fecundant, _nr = pop.most_offspring() processes = [] processes.append(self.graphs.plot_genome_structure(most_fecundant, labels, video=self.ffmpeg)) return processes
[docs] def describe_environment(self): processes = [] imports = ([ (i, True) for i in self.system.environment.reactions_dict['import'] ] + [ (i, False) for i in self.system.environment.reactions_dict['import'] ] ) conversions = [ (c,True) for c in self.system.environment.reactions_dict['conversion'] ] proc = self.graphs.plot_metabolic_network({'import':imports, 'conversion':conversions}, with_labels_suffix='_env.png', save_no_labels=False) processes.append(proc) for process in processes: if isinstance(process, mp.Process): self.subprocesses.append(process) process.start() print '.', print 'done'
[docs] def store_previous_save_dir(self): ''' Save the location for data storage presently used in the simulation. Useful to keep a history of save locations when simulations are reloaded and run with different data storage locations. ''' if hasattr(self, 'old_save_dirs'): self.old_save_dirs.append(self.save_dir) else: self.old_save_dirs = [self.save_dir]
[docs] def update_data_location(self, save_dir=None, graphs_name='plots', data_name='data', clean=False, copy_data=True, create=True, current_save_path=None): ''' Moves existing data to a new location (e.g. when name of project has changed after propagating an existing population) ''' if save_dir is None: save_dir = self.save_dir self.graphs.change_save_location(base_save_dir=save_dir, name=graphs_name, clean=clean, create=create) self.data_store.change_save_location(base_save_dir=save_dir, name=data_name, clean=clean, copy_orig=copy_data, create=create, current_save_path=current_save_path)
[docs] def prune_data_store_files(self): self.data_store.prune_data_files_to_time(self.params.prune_csv_from_time, self.run_time)
[docs] def backup_pop_stats(self): self.graphs['population stats'].backup_plots()
[docs] def print_system_details(self): self.system.environment.print_values()
[docs] def upgrade(self, odict): ''' Upgrading from older pickled version of class to latest version. Version information is saved as class variable and should be updated when class invariants (e.g. fields) are added. (see also __setstate__) Adapted from recipe at ''' version = float(self.version) if version < 1.: self.base_dir, = os.path.split(odict['save_dir']) del self.__dict__['save_dir'] if version < 2.: self.init_graphs(clean=False) if version < 2.1: self.simulation_time = self.run_time * self.params.delta_t_between_diff * self.params.diffusion_steps if version < 2.2: self.simulation_saves = [self.current_dump_name] self.sim_saves_retry_list = self.simulation_saves[:] if version < 2.5: self.params.pos_horizontal_bars = None self.params.pos_vertical_bars = None if version < 2.6: try: self.data_store.copy_utility_files() except IOError: warnings.warn('Could not copy new utility files. Perhaps the save path is not recognized during loading.') self.params.energy_transcription_cost = 0.0 if version < 2.7: self.params.reset_data_store = None #print self.class_version #self.save_dir , = os.path.split(odict['save_dir']) self.version = self.class_version if version > float(self.class_version): print 'upgraded class', else: print 'reset class', print self.__class__.__name__, ' from version', version ,'to version', self.version
def __getstate__(self): odict = self.__dict__.copy() del odict['graphs'] del odict['subprocesses'] del odict['log_file'] del odict['error_log_file'] del odict['spatial_integrator'] return odict def __setstate__(self, d): self.__dict__ = d self.subprocesses = [] # upgrade class if it has an older version if not hasattr(self, 'version'): self.version = '0.0' if self.version != self.class_version: self.upgrade(d) def __getitem__(self, key): return self.params[key]
[docs]def save_single_cell(sim, cell, name=None, save_dir=None, labels=[], suffix='.sav'): if name is None: name = sim.params.gen_best_save_name name = "_".join(name.split()+ map(str,labels)) if save_dir is None: save_dir = sim.save_dir sim.close_phylo_shelf() dump_file_name = os.path.join(save_dir, name)+suffix dump_file = open(dump_file_name, 'w') pickle.dump(cell, dump_file, protocol=PICKLE_PROTOCOL) write_obj.write_cell(cell, filename=os.path.join(save_dir, 'data/best_dat/', name+str(sim.run_time)+'.cell')) dump_file.close() sim.reopen_phylo_shelf() return dump_file_name
[docs]def save_pop_cells(sim, name=None, save_dir=None, labels=[], suffix='.sav'): if name is None: name = sim.params.pop_save_name name = "_".join(name.split()+ map(str,labels)) if save_dir is None: save_dir = sim.save_dir sim.close_phylo_shelf() dump_file_name = os.path.join(save_dir, name)+suffix dump_file = open(dump_file_name, 'w') #first save the number of cells that will be stored pickle.dump(len(sim.system.population.cells), dump_file, protocol=PICKLE_PROTOCOL) for cell in sim.system.population.cells: pickle.dump(cell, dump_file, protocol=PICKLE_PROTOCOL) dump_file.close() sim.reopen_phylo_shelf() return dump_file_name
[docs]@util.processify def save_sim(sim, dump_file_name=None, labels=[]): ''' Make a pickled save state of the simulation. It (nearly) completely creates a pickle representation of the simulation, from which the simulation can be reloaded and continued, with parameters and state fully restored. Because a global linker dict with database functionality is used to store phylogenetic elements such as Genes, Chromosomes and Cells, a snapshot of this database needs to be created simultaneously. The snapshot of the DB is remembered within the simulation, to allow it to be reloaded when the saved simulation state is reloaded. ''' if dump_file_name is None: dump_file_name = sim.current_dump_name #: sync and close the phylo shelf to prepare it for pickling sim.close_phylo_shelf() # take snapshot of the phylo shelf sim.save_phylo_shelf(labels=labels) dump_file = open(dump_file_name, 'w') #First dump the parameters, so when loading these can be retrieved #first. This is necessary to dynamically initialize the Graphs class #with the correct decorator parameter for optionally subprocessed #functions (see Graphs class) pickle.dump(class_settings.phylo_types, dump_file, protocol=PICKLE_PROTOCOL) pickle.dump(sim.params, dump_file, protocol=PICKLE_PROTOCOL) #pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) pickle.dump(sim, dump_file, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) dump_file.close() sim.reopen_phylo_shelf()
[docs]def load_sim_params(file_name): file_name = os.path.abspath(file_name) load_file = file(file_name,'r') params = pickle.load(load_file) return params
[docs]def load_sim(file_name, verbose=False, **param_updates): ''' Load a pickled representation of a saved simulation state. Complementary method to :save_sim: to load and restore a simulation state. There is a possibility to update simulation parameters. The first stage of unpickling will reload the simulation parameters. This is necessary, because we need to set the 'as_subprocess' parameter for decorating Graph methods to be set before class initialization, by retrieving the 'graphs_single_core' parameter from the simulation 'temp_params' prior to reloading and recreating the pickled Graphs instance in the simulation object. ''' import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.close('all') file_name = os.path.abspath(file_name) load_file_path = os.path.dirname(file_name) print 'loading sim from', file_name with open(file_name, 'r') as load_file: _phylo_types = pickle.load(load_file) temp_params = pickle.load(load_file) _param_updates = dict() for k,v in param_updates.items(): o_val = temp_params.get(k, '**NOT FOUND**') if o_val == '**NOT_FOUND**' or o_val != v: _param_updates[k] = v param_updates = _param_updates print 'updating parameters:' for k,v in param_updates.items(): print k, v # If a new name (or basedir) is given for the simulation, a new base_dir will be made for file storage change_location = False copy_data = False create = False if ( (param_updates.has_key('name') and param_updates['name'] != ) or (param_updates.has_key('base_dir') and param_updates['base_dir'] != temp_params.base_dir) ): change_location = True create = True copy_data = True # overwrite simulation parameters by values explicitly set on command line temp_params.update(param_updates) print 'done updating params' util.ugly_globals['graphs_as_subprocesses'] = not temp_params.graphs_single_core # Use a custom unpickler so that we can map pickles using the old # package structure to the new (VirtualMicrobes) package structure and # allowing to return the correct class definitions for the pickle # objects. unpickler = pickle.Unpickler(load_file) unpickler.find_global = util.map_old_package_path sim = unpickler.load() # detect if the folder containing the simulation has been moved/copied before loading or # its path changed from relative to absolute specification current_save_path = sim.save_dir path_name_change, different_content = util.detect_sim_folder_move(sim.save_dir, load_file_path) if path_name_change: change_location = True current_save_path = load_file_path #rel_path_change = util.detect_rel_path_change(sim.save_dir, file_name) if different_content or different_content is None: # We do not know the original save_path # assume that the simulation dir is the parent of the load_file copy_data = True create = True if different_content: warnings.warn('Path content changed after copying the save path.\n' 'Assuming that the load path ({}) contains simulation data.\n' 'Continuing loading...'.format(current_save_path)) elif different_content is None: warnings.warn('Cannot compare load path content with original simulation path ({}).\n' 'Assuming that the load path ({}) contains simulation data.\n' 'Continuing loading...'.format(current_save_path, sim.save_dir)) if not param_updates.has_key('base_dir') and path_name_change: print 'detected simulation data move, updating internal paths' if not param_updates.has_key('name'): new_base_dir, new_save_dir = os.path.split(load_file_path) param_updates['name'] = new_save_dir else: new_base_dir = load_file_path print 'setting base_dir to', new_base_dir param_updates['base_dir'] = new_base_dir create = True sim.store_previous_save_dir() if param_updates.get('extinction', None): # when reloading after extinction, remove last retry save try: sim.sim_saves_retry_list.pop() except IndexError: pass del param_updates['extinction'] # update the simulation parameters sim.update_sim_params(param_updates) # don't clean, because we may be continuing a simulation in the original simulation directory sim.init_save_dir(clean=False) if param_updates.get('reset_data_store',False): print "Resetting data store..." sim.init_data_store(clean=False) sim.init_log_files() sim.set_phylo_shelf_file_name() sim.write_params_to_file() if change_location: # Change location, data location will be updated and files will be copied sim.init_graphs(clean=True, create=True) # init graphs here after detecting a potential change in save path clean = param_updates.get('clean_save_path',False) # only clean when not loading in original run path sim.update_data_location(clean=clean, copy_data=copy_data, create=create, current_save_path=current_save_path) else: sim.init_graphs(clean=False, create=False) # init graphs here after detecting a potential change in save path shutil.copy2(os.path.join(sim.save_dir, 'params.txt'), os.path.join(sim.save_dir, 'data')) #prune the data files to the current run_time of the simulation if param_updates.get('reset_data_store',False): sim.prune_data_store_files() sim.update_shelf_location(current_save_path=current_save_path) sim.reopen_phylo_shelf(os.path.join(sim.save_dir, sim.phylo_shelf_name)) # Below sets the unique ID for phylo units and genomic elements to correct value again sim.reload_unique_phylo_count() # Below sets the unique ID for genomic units to correct value again sim.reload_unique_gene_count() sim.backup_pop_stats() sim.system.reinit_system_params(sim.params, **param_updates) # CHECK FOR LOADCYCLE OKAY sim.params.upgrade_environment = False sim.params.env_from_file = None if param_updates.get('reset_historic_max', None) is not None: if sim.params.selection_pressure != 'historic_fixed': print 'Warning: if you reset the historic max, but dont fix the selection pressure, it will immediatly bump back to its previous value!' print 'resetting historic max to ', str(sim.params.reset_historic_max) sim.system.population.historic_production_max = sim.params.reset_historic_max return sim
[docs]class ODE_simulation (Simulation): ''' Set up a simulation. Initialize an EvoSystem and an Integrator. EvoSystem consists of a Population and Environment that are co-dependent. This is because a Cell in a Population can only choose its Reactions once the environment is set up and the reaction space is ready, while the reaction space can only be fully known, when all internal molecules have been defined in relation to Cells in the Population. To circumvent the problem, internal molecules will only exist as 'ideal' type molecules and then every Cell will contain a mapping from 'ideal' molecules to actual variables of the system. ''' def __init__(self, params): ''' Initialize the EvoSystem, defining all parameters of the model :param duration: evolutionary time steps/generations ''' super(ODE_simulation, self).__init__(params) self.init_time_course_lengths()
[docs] def init_time_course_lengths(self): max_len = self.max_time_course_length() self.system.population.resize_time_courses(max_len) self.system.environment.resize_time_courses(max_len)
[docs] def init_spatial_integrator(self, diffusion_steps=None, report_frequency=None, step_function=None, init_step_size=None, absolute_error=None, relative_error=None, global_time=0.): if diffusion_steps is None: diffusion_steps = self.params.diffusion_steps if report_frequency is None: report_frequency = self.params.report_frequency if step_function is None: step_function = self.params.step_function if init_step_size is None: init_step_size = self.params.init_step_size if absolute_error is None: absolute_error = self.params.absolute_error if relative_error is None: relative_error = self.params.relative_error self.system.environment.map_variables() product_scaling = self.system.population.historic_production_max self.spatial_integrator = integrate.SpatialIntegrator(self.system.environment.grid, # @UndefinedVariable step_function, hstart=init_step_size, epsabs=absolute_error, epsrel=relative_error, time=global_time, product_scaling=product_scaling)
[docs] def max_time_course_length(self): tps = 1 if hasattr(self.params, 'report_frequency'): tps = ( self.params.diffusion_steps * self.params.delta_t_between_diff) * self.params.report_frequency return max(int(tps * (1/self.params.base_death_rate) * 4 ), 1)
[docs] def simulation_burn_in(self, burn_in_time=None, simulation_steps=1): if burn_in_time is None: burn_in_time = self.params.burn_in_time diffusion_steps = burn_in_time / self.params.delta_t_between_diff self.init_spatial_integrator(diffusion_steps, report_frequency=0) for _ in range(simulation_steps): self.simulation_step(global_time=0, diffusion_steps=diffusion_steps, report_frequency=0) self.system.population.reset_production_toxicity_volume()
[docs] def simulation_step(self, global_time=None, diffusion_steps=None, delta_t_between_diff=None, report_frequency=None, release_delay=None, update_relative_error=None, verbal=False): ''' A simulation step will run the integration of cycle of a cell's life: * setup the variables_map needed * simulate internal dynamics * save variables states back to python objects (if no errors occured or > maxtries) ''' if global_time is None: global_time = self.simulation_time if diffusion_steps is None: diffusion_steps = self.params.diffusion_steps if report_frequency is None: report_frequency = self.params.report_frequency if delta_t_between_diff is None: delta_t_between_diff = self.params.delta_t_between_diff if update_relative_error is None: update_relative_error = self.params.relative_error self.system.environment.map_variables() errors, start = False, True tries = 0 while (errors or start): if release_delay: if verbal: print 'Release delay: Waiting', release_delay, 'more steps to lower diffusion steps.' # if necessary grow the arrays to hold the time course data self.system.population.grow_time_course_arrays() product_scaling = self.system.population.historic_production_max if verbal: print 'Production scaling:', product_scaling if verbal: print 'Updating spatial integrator.' #start = time.time() self.spatial_integrator.update_integrators(product_scaling=product_scaling, time=global_time, reset=errors, ) tries += 1 start = False errors = self.spatial_integrator.run_spatial_system(diffusion_steps, delta_t_between_diff, self.params.diffusion_constant, report_frequency, self.params.num_threads) if not errors: if diffusion_steps > self.params.diffusion_steps: # diffusion_steps have been increased previously if release_delay is not None and release_delay > 0: release_delay -= 1 else: diffusion_steps /= self.params.retry_steps_factor delta_t_between_diff *= self.params.retry_steps_factor if self.params.relative_error is not None and self.params.rel_err_incr_fact is not None: update_relative_error /= self.params.rel_err_incr_fact self.spatial_integrator.update_drivers(epsrel=update_relative_error) if diffusion_steps > self.params.diffusion_steps: release_delay = self.params.wait_release_t_diff elif self.params.max_retries is not None and tries == self.params.max_retries + 1: warnings.warn('Still errors after ' + str(self.params.max_retries + 1) + ' tries. Saving state and hoping for the best.') break else: diffusion_steps *= self.params.retry_steps_factor delta_t_between_diff /= self.params.retry_steps_factor warnings.warn('Errors in integration, increasing the number of ' 'diffusion steps to ' + str(diffusion_steps) + ' at smaller ' 'interval ' + str(delta_t_between_diff)) if update_relative_error is not None and self.params.rel_err_incr_fact is not None: update_relative_error *= self.params.rel_err_incr_fact warnings.warn('Reducing allowed relative error to ' + str(update_relative_error)) self.spatial_integrator.update_drivers(epsrel=update_relative_error) release_delay = self.params.wait_release_t_diff # set release delay for returning to less diffusion_steps warnings.warn('Setting release delay for reverting to smaller step size to ' + str(release_delay) ) self.spatial_integrator.store_nr_time_points_py() global_time += diffusion_steps * delta_t_between_diff #end = time.time() #print 'Step took ' + str(end-start) + ' seconds.' return ( global_time, diffusion_steps, delta_t_between_diff, release_delay, update_relative_error, errors )
[docs]class EvoSystem(object): ''' Sets up the Environment and the Population. ''' def __init__(self, params): self.environment = Environment(params) self.population = Population(params, self.environment) self.setup_environment()
[docs] def setup_environment(self): self.environment.populate_localities(self.population)
[docs] def reinit_system_params(self, params, **param_updates): if (param_updates.has_key('influx_range') or param_updates.has_key('influx') or param_updates.has_key('influx_frequencies')): self.environment.reset_grid_influx() if param_updates.get('resource_cycle', None) is not None: self.environment.reset_grid_concentrations() if param_updates.has_key('env_rand_seed'): self.environment._init_rand_gens(param_updates['env_rand_seed']) if param_updates.has_key('evo_rand_seed'): self.population.init_evo_rand_gens(param_updates['evo_rand_seed']) if param_updates.has_key('small_mol_ext_degr_const'): print 'updating dgr dict' + str(params.small_mol_ext_degr_const) self.environment.init_degradation_dict(params.small_mol_ext_degr_const, params.ene_ext_degr_const, params.bb_ext_degr_const, degradation_variance_shape=params.degradation_variance_shape) self.environment.func_on_grid(lambda l: l.update_small_mol_degradation_rates(self.environment.degradation_dict)) if param_updates.has_key('small_mol_diff_const'): print 'updating diff dict to' + str(params.small_mol_diff_const) self.environment.init_membrane_diffusion_dict() for cell in self.population.cells: cell.update_small_molecules_diff(self.environment) if param_updates.has_key('per_grid_cell_volume'): self.environment.update_volume(param_updates['per_grid_cell_volume']) if hasattr(params, 'env_from_file'): # Compatibility with old version of Vmicrobes if params.env_from_file is not None and params.upgrade_environment: self.environment.update_reaction_universe(params.env_from_file) # updates reaction universe, currently only supports ADDING reactions/molecules, not substracting them
[docs]def mut_func_single_param(val, rand_g, mut_par_space, up): #step = val + val * mut_par_space.base** (rand_g.uniform(mut_par_space.lower, mut_par_space.upper)) - val if(up): step = val + rand_g.uniform(mut_par_space.lower, mut_par_space.upper) else: step = val - rand_g.uniform(mut_par_space.lower, mut_par_space.upper) return max(min(val+step,mut_par_space.max),mut_par_space.min)
[docs]def mut_func_single_param_step_uniform(val, rand_g, mut_par_space, up): if (rand_g.uniform(0.0,1.0) < mut_par_space.randomize): return rand_g.uniform(mut_par_space.min, mut_par_space.max) else: if(up): step = rand_g.uniform(mut_par_space.lower, mut_par_space.upper) else: step = -1.0*rand_g.uniform(mut_par_space.lower, mut_par_space.upper) return max(min(val+step,mut_par_space.max),mut_par_space.min)
[docs]def partial_mut_func_single_param(val, rand, mut_par_space, up=True): if mut_par_space.uniform: return mut_func_single_param_step_uniform(val, rand, mut_par_space, up) else: return mut_func_single_param(val, rand, mut_par_space, up)
[docs]def mut_ks_dict_func(kss, rand_gen, mut_par_space, mutate_single_param, up): single_ks = rand_gen.choice(kss.keys()) kss[single_ks] = mutate_single_param(kss[single_ks], rand_gen, mut_par_space, up) return kss
[docs]def partial_mut_ks_dict_func(val, rand, mut_par_space, up=False): return mut_ks_dict_func(val, rand, mut_par_space, partial_mut_func_single_param, up)
[docs]def pump_exporting_mut_func(val): return not val
[docs]def tf_ext_sense_mut_func(val): return not val
[docs]def default_params(): simulate_params, env_params, pop_params = dict(), dict(), dict() # NOTE: unordered ok point_mutation_dict = { "pump" : collections.OrderedDict([ ("v_max", partial_mut_func_single_param), ("ene_ks", partial_mut_ks_dict_func), ("subs_ks",partial_mut_ks_dict_func), ("exporting",pump_exporting_mut_func), ("promoter",partial_mut_func_single_param), ("operator",1)] ), "tf" : collections.OrderedDict([ ("eff_apo", partial_mut_func_single_param), ("eff_bound", partial_mut_func_single_param), ("ligand_ks", partial_mut_ks_dict_func), ("promoter", partial_mut_func_single_param), ('k_bind_op', partial_mut_func_single_param), ("operator", 1), ('ligand_class', None), ("bind", 1), ('sense_external', tf_ext_sense_mut_func) ] ), "enz" : collections.OrderedDict([ ("v_max", partial_mut_func_single_param), ("subs_ks", partial_mut_ks_dict_func), ("promoter", partial_mut_func_single_param), ("operator", 1)] ) } simulate_params['point_mutation_ratios'] = util.PointMutationRatios( v_max = 1, ene_ks = 1, subs_ks = 1, exporting = 1 , promoter = 1, operator = 1, eff_bound = 1, eff_apo = 1, ligand_ks = 1, k_bind_op = 1, ligand_class = 0, bind = 1, sense_external=1 ) regulatory_mutation_dict = { "pump" : collections.OrderedDict([ ('translocate',None), ('random_insert',None)] ), "tf" : collections.OrderedDict([ ('translocate',None), ('random_insert',None)] ), "enz" : collections.OrderedDict([ ('translocate',None), ('random_insert',None)] ) } simulate_params['regulatory_mutation_ratios'] = util.RegulatorytMutationRatios( translocate=1, random_insert=1 ) #SIMULATE PARAMETERS # integrator params simulate_params['burn_in_time'] = 0 simulate_params['postpone_mutate'] = 0 simulate_params['absolute_error'] = 0. simulate_params['report_frequency'] = 2 simulate_params['delta_t_between_diff'] = 0.1 simulate_params['diffusion_constant'] = 0.008 simulate_params['diffusion_steps'] = 10 simulate_params['init_step_size'] = 1e-5 simulate_params['max_retries'] = None simulate_params['wait_release_t_diff'] = 100 simulate_params['num_threads'] = 4 simulate_params['relative_error'] = 1e-2 simulate_params['step_function'] = 'rk8pd' #'rkck' # simulate_params['retry_steps_factor'] = 2 simulate_params['rel_err_incr_fact'] = 1.2 # path options simulate_params['base_dir'] = '.' simulate_params['load_file'] = None simulate_params['source_path'] = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(VirtualMicrobes.__file__)) simulate_params['utility_dir'] = 'utility_files' simulate_params['clean_save_path'] = False simulate_params['reset_data_store'] = False simulate_params['config_files'] = None simulate_params['command_line_string'] = None # competition simulate_params['competition'] = 'local' # general simulate_params['profile'] = False simulate_params['duration'] = 100000 simulate_params['kill_lineage'] = None # jeroen simulate_params['kill_time'] = None simulate_params['proctitle'] = 'virtualmicrobes' simulate_params['fluctuate_frequencies'] = [ (0, 0.1), (5000,0.05),(10000,0.01) ] simulate_params['fluctuate_extremes'] = False simulate_params['evo_grace_time'] = 0 simulate_params['graphs_single_core'] = True simulate_params['graphs_video'] = True simulate_params['grid_graph_data_range'] = None simulate_params['num_parallel_plot_proc'] = 2 simulate_params['mark_time'] = 2000 simulate_params['name'] = 'dummy' simulate_params['pop_save_name'] = 'population_snapshot' simulate_params['gen_best_save_name'] = 'generation_bests' #simulate_params['phylo_plot_time'] = 1000 # DEPRECATED simulate_params['living_phylo_units'] = False simulate_params['tree_prune_depth'] = 500 simulate_params['prune_csv_from_time'] = 0 simulate_params['phylo_types'] = {'Cell':'ancestry', 'GenomicElement':'ancestry', 'Sequence':'base', 'Promoter':'base', 'Chromosome':'ancestry'} simulate_params['store_data_time'] = 100 simulate_params['less_eco_dat'] = False simulate_params['plot_time'] = 200 simulate_params['print_time'] = 100 simulate_params['skip_plots'] = False simulate_params['save_time'] = 5000 simulate_params['store_save_time'] = 50000 simulate_params['extra_save_times'] = [] simulate_params['pop_snapshot_time'] = 1000000000 simulate_params['pop_best_save_time'] = 100 simulate_params['regscore_clonesize'] = 100 simulate_params['show'] = False simulate_params['auto_restart'] = None # hidden simulate_params['mem_limit'] = None # maximum heap memory of this (including children) process 20 GB! simulate_params['mem_test'] = False simulate_params['load_test'] = False simulate_params['marker_names'] = ['lineage', 'metabolic_type'] simulate_params['phylo_shelf'] = 'phylo_shelf' simulate_params['shelve_fraction'] = 0.0 simulate_params['shelve_time'] = 100000 simulate_params['environment_stats'] = False simulate_params['load_cycle'] = 1 simulate_params['errand_boy'] = False #ENVIRONMENT PARAMETERS # grid env_params['env_from_file'] = None env_params['upgrade_environment'] = False env_params['grid_cols'] = 50 env_params['grid_rows'] = 50 env_params['per_grid_cell_volume'] = 10. env_params['wrap_ew'] = ['diffusion','competition'] env_params['wrap_ns'] = ['diffusion','competition'] # influx env_params['building_block_influx'] = False env_params['bb_class_influx'] = True env_params['energy_influx'] = False env_params['influx_energy_precursor'] = False env_params['fraction_influx'] = 1. env_params['prioritize_energy_rich_influx'] = False env_params['prioritize_energy_poor_influx'] = False env_params['high_energy_bbs'] = False env_params['influx'] = None env_params['influx_range'] = util.ParamSpace(base=10, lower=-4.5,upper=-3) # setting influx_range excludes the 'influx' and 'influx_variance_shape' options env_params['influx_variance_shape'] = None #higher shape values give tighter distributions env_params['resource_cycle'] = None env_params['min_lineage_marking'] = 1 # metabolismsimu # reaction space env_params['nr_cat_reactions'] = 20 env_params['nr_ana_reactions'] = 30 env_params['max_cat_path_conv'] = 10 env_params['max_ana_path_conv'] = 10 env_params['max_nr_cat_products'] = 2 env_params['min_cat_energy'] = 1 env_params['nr_ana_reactants'] = 2 env_params['max_nr_ana_products'] = 1 env_params['max_ana_free_energy'] = 1 env_params['consume_range'] = (1,2) env_params['ene_energy_range'] = (1,1) env_params['fraction_mol_transports'] = 1. env_params['fraction_realized_reactions'] = 1. env_params['transport_cost_range'] = (1,1) env_params['max_ene_yield'] = 5 env_params['max_yield'] = 3 env_params['mol_per_ene_class'] = 2 env_params['mol_per_res_class'] = 2 env_params['nr_building_blocks'] = 2 env_params['nr_cell_building_blocks'] = 2 env_params['nr_energy_classes'] = 1 env_params['nr_resource_classes'] = 8 env_params['pathway_branching'] = 3 env_params['pathway_convergence'] = 4 env_params['reaction_schemes'] = [ #ReactionScheme(2,1), util.ReactionScheme(1,1), util.ReactionScheme(1,2)] #, ReactionScheme(2,2)] env_params['res_energy_range'] = (3,6) env_params['prioritize_energy'] = False # dynamics env_params['ene_ext_degr_const'] = 0.05 env_params['bb_ext_degr_const'] = 0.05 env_params['small_mol_ext_degr_const'] = 0.005 env_params['degradation_variance_shape'] = 15 env_params['init_external_conc'] = None env_params['init_external_conc_vals'] = None env_params['microfluid'] = None env_params['chemostat'] = False env_params['diff_energy_prop'] = False # toxicity env_params['toxicity'] = 0.1 # concentration above which the molecule becomes toxic env_params['inherit_toxicity'] = False # concentration above which the molecule becomes toxic env_params['toxicity_variance_shape'] = 1.5 # general env_params['env_rand_seed'] = 90 env_params['frac_horizontal_bar'] = 0. env_params['pos_horizontal_bars'] = None env_params['max_frac_horizontal'] = 0. env_params['frac_vertical_bar'] = 0. env_params['pos_vertical_bars'] = None env_params['max_frac_vertical'] = 0. env_params['barrier_neighborhoods'] = ['diffusion', 'competition'] env_params['influx_rows'] = None #range(5, 50, 10) env_params['influx_cols'] = None #range(5, 50, 10) env_params['grid_sub_div'] = util.GridSubDiv(row=1, col=1) env_params['sub_env_part_influx'] = None env_params['sub_env_influx_combinations'] = None env_params['cells_grid_diffusion'] = 0. env_params['perfect_mix'] = None env_params['mix_metabolites'] = None #POPULATION PARAMETERS # mutation pop_params['cells_from_files'] = None pop_params['init_mixed'] = None pop_params['knockout'] = None pop_params['cell_files_query'] = None pop_params['evo_rand_seed'] = 42 pop_params['mutation_param_space'] = util.MutationParamSpace(base=None, lower=-0.5, upper=0.5, min=0.05, max=10., uniform=True,randomize=0.1) pop_params['mutation_rates'] = util.MutationRates(chrom_dup=0.05, chrom_del=0.05, chrom_fiss=0.02, chrom_fuse=0.02, point_mutation=0.01, tandem_dup=0.001, stretch_del=0.001, stretch_invert=0.001, stretch_translocate=0.001, stretch_exp_lambda=0.5, external_hgt=0.00001, internal_hgt=0.00005, regulatory_mutation=0.01, reg_stretch_exp_lambda=0.02, uptake_mutrate=0.0, # Mutate the uptake of genes (hgt) neigh_mutrate=0.0 # Mutate the odds of 'selfing' or taking up a gene from a neighbour ) pop_params['exclude_gene_from_mutation'] = [] pop_params['universal_mut_rate_scaling'] = 1. pop_params['hgt_at_div_only'] = False pop_params['hgt_donor_scaling'] = False pop_params['hgt_self'] = False pop_params['hgt_acceptor_scaling'] = False pop_params['point_mutation_dict'] = point_mutation_dict pop_params['regulatory_mutation_dict'] = regulatory_mutation_dict pop_params['rand_gene_params'] = util.ParamSpace(base=10, lower=-.5 ,upper=.5) # genome pop_params['chromosome_compositions'] = [util.GeneTypeNumbers(tf=10, enz=10, pump=10)] pop_params['circular_chromosomes'] = False pop_params['prioritize_influxed_metabolism'] = True pop_params['pop_rand_seed'] = 414 pop_params['operator_seq_len'] = 50 pop_params['better_tf_params'] = False #Only use when you know what this does ;D See pop_params['binding_seq_len'] = 10 pop_params['tf_binding_cooperativity'] = 1 pop_params['ligand_binding_cooperativity'] = 1 pop_params['min_bind_score'] = 0.85 # internal dynamics pop_params['building_block_stois'] = (1,1) pop_params['cell_init_volume'] = 1. pop_params['max_cell_volume'] = 5 pop_params['min_cell_volume'] = 0.2 pop_params['cell_growth_rate'] = 0.4 pop_params['cell_shrink_rate'] = 0.1 pop_params['cell_growth_cost'] = 0.5 pop_params['uptake_dna'] = 1.0 # = multiplier of native HGT rate. Can be evolvable pop_params['cell_division_volume'] = 2. pop_params['growth_rate_scaling'] = 1. pop_params['transcription_cost'] = 0.001 pop_params['energy_transcription_cost'] = 0.001 pop_params['energy_transcription_scaling'] = 0.001 pop_params['homeostatic_bb_scaling'] = 0 pop_params['init_prot_mol_conc'] = 1.# 1. pop_params['gene_product_conc_cutoff'] = 1e-6 pop_params['init_small_mol_conc'] = 0. #.005 pop_params['product_degradation_rate'] = 0.07 pop_params['prot_degr_const'] = 1. pop_params['prot_diff_const'] = None pop_params['small_mol_degr_const'] = None # when None, it is the same as external degradation rate pop_params['small_mol_diff_const'] = 0.005 pop_params['ene_degr_const'] = None # when None, it is the same as external energy degradation rate pop_params['bb_degr_const'] = None pop_params['ene_diff_const'] = 0.005 pop_params['v_max_growth'] = 10 pop_params['universal_rate_scaling'] = 1.0 pop_params['energy_for_growth'] = False pop_params['divide_cell_content'] = False pop_params['no_death_frac'] = None pop_params['deathrate_density_scaling'] = None #pop_params['divide_conc_factor'] = 1. # deprecated; if divide_cell_content == True, divide equally between parent and offspring pop_params['spill_conc_factor'] = 0. pop_params['spill_product_as_bb'] = False pop_params['transporter_membrane_occupancy'] = 0. pop_params['enzyme_volume_occupancy'] = 0. # population dynamics pop_params['base_death_rate'] = 0.01 pop_params['stochastic_death'] = True pop_params['global_reproduction'] = False pop_params['init_pop_size'] = None pop_params['max_cells_per_locality'] = 1 pop_params['max_die_off_fraction'] = None #1. pop_params['wipe_population'] = None pop_params['min_wipe_survivors'] = None pop_params['wipe_poisson'] = False #pop_params['measured_non_scaling'] = 1.5 pop_params['non'] = 1 pop_params['competition_scaling'] = 1 # raise production to this power when computing competition values of competing cells pop_params['life_time_prod'] = False pop_params['product_spending_fraction'] = 0. pop_params['product_toxicity'] = 5. pop_params['reproduction_cost'] = None pop_params['reproduce_size_proportional'] = None pop_params['reproduce_neutral'] = None pop_params['historic_production_weight'] = 1. pop_params['reset_historic_max'] = 0. pop_params['max_historic_max'] = None pop_params['start_scaling_selection_pressure'] = 0 # Default = always, but for initialisation period you can skip the first n timesteps pop_params['scale_prod_hist_to_pop'] = False pop_params['historic_production_window'] = 1000 pop_params['selection_pressure'] = 'historic_window_scaled' # 'constant' ; 'current_scaled' , historic_window_scaled pop_params['toxic_building_blocks'] = True pop_params['toxicity_scaling'] = 10. # general params pop_params['single_clone_init'] = False return simulate_params, env_params, pop_params
[docs]def load_simulation(file_name, **param_updates): param_updates['load_file'] = file_name sim = load_sim(file_name, **param_updates) keep_unrecognized = False if param_updates.has_key('run_type') and param_updates['run_type'] == 'ancestry': keep_unrecognized = True sim.update_sim_params(update_default_params(keep_unrecognized=keep_unrecognized, **sim.params)) sim.system.population.update_cell_params() sim.store_command_line_string() return sim
[docs]def update_default_params(keep_unrecognized=False, verbose=False, **kwargs): ''' Use simulate_params, pop_params and env_params as defaults and overwrite them with kwargs to construct a parameter dictionary. Warn for all kwargs that have not been consumed. ( default_params() generates all default parameters ) :param simulate_params: dictionary with general simulation parameters :param pop_params: dictionary with population specific parameters :param env_params: dictionary with environment specific params ''' simulate_params, env_params, pop_params = default_params() params=dict() # NOTE: unordered ok for (param, default) in pop_params.iteritems(): params[param] = kwargs.pop(param, default) if verbose: print param, params[param] for (param, default) in env_params.iteritems(): params[param] = kwargs.pop(param, default) if verbose: print param, params[param] for (param, default) in simulate_params.items(): params[param] = kwargs.pop(param, default) if verbose: print param, params[param] if params['init_pop_size'] is None and params['env_from_file'] is None: params['init_pop_size'] = params['grid_rows'] * params['grid_cols'] * params['max_cells_per_locality'] for k,v in kwargs.items(): if keep_unrecognized: params[k] = v else: warnings.warn('unrecognized option {0}={1}'.format(k,v)) params_dict = util.pickles_adict(params, recursive=False) return params_dict
[docs]def create_simulation(**param_updates): params_dict = update_default_params(**param_updates) sim = ODE_simulation(params_dict) sim.copy_config_files() sim.store_command_line_string() return sim