Source code for VirtualMicrobes.post_analysis.lod

from __builtin__ import int
import collections
import copy
import glob
import os
import random
import re
import shutil

from VirtualMicrobes.cython_gsl_interface import integrate
from VirtualMicrobes.environment.Environment import Locality
from VirtualMicrobes.readwrite import write_obj
import VirtualMicrobes.my_tools.utility as util
from VirtualMicrobes.plotting.Graphs import BindingNetwork, MetabolicNetwork, Genome, PhyloTreeGraph
import VirtualMicrobes.simulation.Simulation as simu
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import networkx as nx
import pandas as pd

def _plot_cell_graphs(cell, GRN_grapher, metabolome_grapher, genome_grapher, max_genome_size, suffixes):
    Draw all graphs for cell

    cell : :class:`VirtualMicrobes.virtual_cell.Cell.Cell`
    GRN_grapher : :class:`VirtualMicrobes.plotting.Graphs.BindingNetwork`
        draws gene regulatory network graphs
    metabolome_grapher : :class:`VirtualMicrobes.plotting.Graphs.MetabolicNetwork`
        draws metabolic network
    genome_grapher : :class:`VirtualMicrobes.plotting.Graphs.Genome`
        draws genome layout graphs
    #for nodes in cell.nodes_edges():
    #    print str(nodes[1])


#    label_set.append('apo')

    for suffix in suffixes:
        GRN_grapher.save_fig(labels=[str(cell.time_birth).zfill(10), 'nwx'], suffix=suffix, bbox_inches='tight')
    for suffix in suffixes:
        GRN_grapher.save_fig(labels=[str(cell.time_birth).zfill(10), 'bound', 'dot'], suffix=suffix, bbox_inches='tight')

    for suffix in suffixes:
        GRN_grapher.save_fig(labels=[str(cell.time_birth).zfill(10), 'apo', 'dot'], suffix=suffix, bbox_inches='tight')

    GRN_grapher.write_to_file(labels=[str(cell.time_birth).zfill(10), 'apo','dot'],suffix='.dot')


    genome_grapher.plot_genome_structure(cell, labels=[str(cell.time_birth).zfill(10)],
    for suffix in suffixes:
        genome_grapher.save_fig(labels=[str(cell.time_birth).zfill(10)], suffix=suffix)

def _plot_cell_time_course(cell, sim_graphs, save_dir, suffixes):
    Plot all time courses within the life span of an individual.

    cell : :class:`VirtualMicrobes.virtual_cell.Cell.Cell`
    sim_graphs : :class:`VirtualMicrobes.plotting.Graphs.Graphs`
        simulation grapher object that draws the plots
    save_dir : str
    suffixes : list of file suffixes

    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,12))
    mol_ax = fig.add_subplot(321)
    mol_ax.set_title('internal molecule conc')
    prot_ax = fig.add_subplot(323)
    prot_ax.set_title('protein concentration')
    size_ax = fig.add_subplot(322)
    size_ax.set_title('cell size')
    tox_ax = fig.add_subplot(324)
    prod_ax = fig.add_subplot(326)

    size_dat = cell.get_cell_size_time_course()
    if not len(size_dat[0,:]):

    mol_dat = cell.get_mol_time_course_dict()
    prot_dat = cell.get_gene_type_time_course_dict()

    tox_dat = cell.get_toxicity_time_course()
    prod_dat = cell.get_raw_production_time_course()

    sim_graphs.plot_mol_class_data(mol_ax, mol_dat)
    sim_graphs.plot_prot_data(prot_ax, prot_dat)
    title = size_ax.get_title()

    title = tox_ax.get_title()
    tox_ax.plot(tox_dat[0,:], tox_dat[1,:])

    title = prod_ax.get_title()
    prod_ax.plot(prod_dat[0,:], prod_dat[1,:])

    for suffix in suffixes:

def _lod_time_course_data(ancestors, base_save_dir, viewer_path, chunk_size=100 ):
    Write time series data in the line of descent.

    Concatenates time courses of individuals along a :class:`LOD`.
    Concatenations are done in *chunks* of a chosen `chunk_size`. For each chunk
    **.csv** files are stored in a directory named part*n*, where *n* is the
    chunk number.

    ancestors : list of :class:`VirtualMicrobes.virtual_cell.Cell.Cell`\s
    base_save_dir : str
    viewer_path : str
        path to utility files for html data viewer
    chunk_size : int
        length of chunks of concatenated data

    # divide the ancestors in LOD into chunks; concatenate time courses per chunk
    for part, anc_chunk in enumerate(util.chunks(ancestors, chunk_size)):
        num = str(part).zfill(5)
        save_dir = os.path.join(base_save_dir, 'part{}'.format(num))

        for filename in glob.glob(os.path.join(viewer_path, '*')):
            shutil.copy2(filename, save_dir)

        prod_series = []
        cell_size_series = []
        tox_series = []
        mol_dfs = []
        prot_dfs = []
        for anc in anc_chunk:
            # production data
            ts_dat =  anc.get_raw_production_time_course()
            ts = pd.Series(data=ts_dat[1], index=ts_dat[0])

            # cell size data
            ts_dat =  anc.get_cell_size_time_course()
            ts = pd.Series(data=ts_dat[1], index=ts_dat[0])

            # toxicity data
            ts_dat =  anc.get_toxicity_time_course()
            ts = pd.Series(data=ts_dat[1], index=ts_dat[0])

            # metabolite data
            mol_time_courses = anc.get_mol_time_course_dict()
            mol_series = dict()
            for mol, tc in mol_time_courses.items():
                mol_series[mol] = pd.Series(data=tc[1], index=tc[0], name=mol)
            mol_df = pd.DataFrame(mol_series)

            # protein data
            prot_time_courses = anc.get_total_reaction_type_time_course_dict()
            prot_series = dict()
            for _reac_type, tc_dict in prot_time_courses.items():
                for reac, tc in tc_dict.items():
                    if isinstance(reac, tuple):
                        reac, exp = reac
                        name = str(reac)
                        name += '-e' if exp else '-i'
                        name = str(reac)
                    prot_series[name] = pd.Series(data=tc[1],
                                                   name=name )
            prot_df = pd.DataFrame(prot_series)

        # concatenate each data type and write to file
        prod_series = pd.concat(prod_series)
        prod_series = prod_series[~prod_series.index.duplicated(keep='last')]
        ts_base_name = os.path.join(save_dir,'production_time_course')
        prod_series.to_csv(ts_base_name+'.csv', index_label='time point')

        cell_size_series = pd.concat(cell_size_series)
        cell_size_series = cell_size_series[~cell_size_series.index.duplicated(keep='last')]
        ts_base_name = os.path.join(save_dir,'cell_size_time_course')
        cell_size_series.to_csv(ts_base_name+'.csv', index_label='time point')

        tox_series = pd.concat(tox_series)
        tox_series = tox_series[~tox_series.index.duplicated(keep='last')]
        ts_base_name = os.path.join(save_dir,'toxicity_time_course')
        tox_series.to_csv(ts_base_name+'.csv', index_label='time point')

        mol_df_combine = pd.concat(mol_dfs)
        mol_df_combine = mol_df_combine[~mol_df_combine.index.duplicated(keep='last')]
        df_base_name = os.path.join(save_dir,'mol_time_courses')
        mol_df_combine.to_csv(df_base_name+'.csv', index_label='time point')

        prot_df_combine = pd.concat(prot_dfs)
        prot_df_combine = prot_df_combine[~prot_df_combine.index.duplicated(keep='last')]
        df_base_name = os.path.join(save_dir,'prot_time_courses')
        prot_df_combine.to_csv(df_base_name+'.csv', index_label='time point')

[docs]class LOD_Analyser(object): ''' Analyses the evolutionary history of a population by tracing ancestors in the line of descent. Loads a simulation save from a file, keeping a reference in :attr:`ref_sim`. From this, initialise :attr:`ref_pop_hist` as a :class:`PopulationHistory` object that analyses the phylogenetic tree of the population. The :class:`PopulationHistory` generates a :class:`LOD` for 1 or more individuals in the saved population. For each :class:`LOD`, evolutionary data and network and genome plots can be produced. It is possible to load additional simulation snapshots that preceed the :attr:`ref_pop_hist` and compare individuals to their contemporaries present in the preceding populations. :attr:`compare_saves` contains a list of file names of populations-saves that should be compared. ''' args = None '''config and command line arguments used for initialisation''' ref_sim = None ''':class:`VirtualMicrobes.simulation.Simulation` snapshot to analyse''' ref_pop_hist = None ''':class:`PopulationHistory` for the reference simulation (`ref_sim`) snapshot ''' compare_saves = [] '''names of snapshot files to copmare to `ref_sim`''' def __init__(self, args): ''' Initialize the analyzer from an argument dictionary. Load the population save from file :param:`args`.pop_save and initialize special fields in its :class:`` that can hold ancestor tracing data. From :attr:`ref_sim` initialize :attr:`ref_pop_hist` as a :class:`PopulationHistory` that can be used to generate and analyze the evolutionary history of the population stored in :attr:`ref_sim`. Parameters ---------- args : dict arguments attribute dictionary ''' self.args = args self.init_compare_saves(args.compare_saves) self.ref_sim = simu.load_simulation(args.pop_save, **vars(args)) print 'historic maximum of production medium:', self.ref_sim.system.population.historic_production_max self.init_ref_history()
[docs] def init_compare_saves(self, compare_saves): ''' Parse and check compare saves parameter. Compare saves can be either a list of file names or a list of generation times (or None). In the latter case, the file names should be constructed using the time point and the file name of the reference simulation. Checks are made to ensure files exist and also to ensure that no compares save points come after the reference simulation save point, as this would not make sense in the comparison functions. ''' gen_re = re.compile(r'(\d+)(?=\.sav)') if compare_saves is None: self.compare_saves = compare_saves return elif all(map(lambda v: isinstance(v, int), compare_saves)): sub = lambda i: gen_re.sub(str(i), self.args.pop_save) self.compare_saves = map(sub, compare_saves) else: self.compare_saves = compare_saves m = if m: ref_gen = int( else: raise Exception('Could not find a generation time for pop_save "{}"'.format(self.args.pop_save)) for f in self.compare_saves: if not os.path.exists(f): raise Exception('compare save file "{}" could not be found'.format(f)) m = if m: gen = int( if gen > ref_gen: raise Exception('Can not compare a save point "{}"' ' beyond the simulation time "{}" ' 'of the reference simulation'.format(gen, ref_gen)) else: raise Exception('Could not find a generation time ' 'for compare save "{}"'.format(f))
[docs] def init_ref_history(self, ref_sim=None, nr_lods=None, prune_depth=0, pop_hist_dir='population_history'): ''' Create a :class:`PopulationHistory` from the :attr:`ref_sim` :class:`VirtualMicrobes.simulation.Simulation.Simulation` object. For the :class:`PopulationHistory` object constructs its phylogenetic tree and prune back the tree to a maximum depth of (max_depth - prune_depth) counted from the root. Then create :class:`LOD` objects representing the *line of descent* of the `nr_lods` *most diverged* branches in the tree. Parameters ---------- ref_sim : :class:`VirtualMicrobes.simulation.Simulation.Simulation` object simulation snapshot that is the basis for `LOD` analysis nr_lods : int nr_lods nr of separate (most distant) :class:`LOD`\s to initialize prune_depth : int prune back the phylogenetic tree with this many timesteps pop_hist_dir : str name of directory to store lod analysis output ''' if ref_sim is None: ref_sim = self.ref_sim if nr_lods is None: nr_lods = self.args.nr_lods tp = ref_sim.run_time save_dir = os.path.join(ref_sim.save_dir, pop_hist_dir+'_'+str(tp)) self.ref_pop_hist = PopulationHistory(sim=self.ref_sim, params=self.ref_sim.params, save_dir=save_dir, prune_depth=prune_depth) self.ref_pop_hist.init_phylo_tree() self.ref_pop_hist.init_lods(nr_lods) self.ref_pop_hist._init_pop_hist_data_store()
[docs] def compare_to_pops(self): ''' Compare reference simulation to a set of previous population snapshots. Compares each of the simulation snapshot saves in :attr:`compare_saves` to the :attr:`ref_pop_hist`. A :class:`PopulationHistory` is constructed for each of the compare snapshots. Within the compare snapshot, individuals that correspond to the are part of (any of) the :class:`LOD`(s) of the :attr:`ref_pop_hist` will be identified. Properties of these *ancestors* will then be compare with their statistical values for the whole population. ''' # TODO check that compare saves are not older than the reference # and raise error when it is the case: if not self.args.skip_store: self.ref_sim.data_store.init_ancestry_compare_stores(self.ref_pop_hist) for compare_save in sorted(self.compare_saves, key=lambda n: int(n.strip('.sav').split('_')[-1])): self.ref_pop_hist.compare_to_pop(compare_save)
[docs] def lod_stats(self, stride=None, time_interval=None, lod_range=None): ''' Write time series of evolutionary changes along all :class:`LOD`\s. Parameters ---------- stride : int stride in generations for sampling individuals along the :class:`LOD` time_interval : int interval in simulation time for sampling individuals along the :class:`LOD` lod_range : (float,float) bounds in fractions of the total range of the :class:`LOD` ''' if stride is not None and time_interval is not None: raise Exception('defining both lod_generation_interval and lod_time_interval is not allowed') if stride is None: stride = self.args.lod_generation_interval if time_interval is None: time_interval = self.args.lod_time_interval if lod_range is None: lod_range = self.args.lod_range print 'Running LOD stats' self.ref_pop_hist.lod_stats(stride, time_interval, lod_range)
[docs] def lod_cells(self, stride=None, time_interval=None, lod_range=None, runtime=None): ''' Write time series of evolutionary changes along all :class:`LOD`\s. Parameters ---------- stride : int stride in generations for sampling individuals along the :class:`LOD` time_interval : int interval in simulation time for sampling individuals along the :class:`LOD` lod_range : (float,float) bounds in fractions of the total range of the :class:`LOD` ''' if stride is not None and time_interval is not None: raise Exception('defining both lod_generation_interval and lod_time_interval is not allowed') if stride is None: stride = self.args.lod_generation_interval if time_interval is None: time_interval = self.args.lod_time_interval if lod_range is None: lod_range = self.args.lod_range if runtime is None: runtime=-1 print 'Saving LOD cells' self.ref_pop_hist.dump_lod_cells(runtime)
[docs] def anc_cells(self, runtime=None, tcs=False): ''' Dump all cells in the fossil record (e.g. to map onto the newick trees)''' print 'saving anc cells' if runtime is None: runtime = -1 self.ref_pop_hist.dump_anc_cells(runtime)
[docs] def pop_cells(self, runtime=None, tcs=False): '''Dump all cells in this save file''' if runtime is None: runtime = -1 prunegens = self.args.prune_pop_cells print 'dumping pop cells' #for p in cell.parents: # print p # print cell.parents[0] self.ref_pop_hist.dump_pop_cells(runtime,prunegens)
[docs] def lod_network_stats(self,stride=None, time_interval=None, lod_range=None): ''' Write time series for evolutionary network property changes along all :class:`LOD`\s. Parameters ---------- stride : int stride in generations for sampling individuals along the :class:`LOD` time_interval : int interval in simulation time for sampling individuals along the :class:`LOD` lod_range : (float,float) bounds in fractions of the total range of the :class:`LOD` ''' if stride is not None and time_interval is not None: raise Exception('defining both lod_generation_interval and lod_time_interval is not allowed') if stride is None: stride = self.args.lod_generation_interval if time_interval is None: time_interval = self.args.lod_time_interval if lod_range is None: lod_range = self.args.lod_range print 'Running LOD Network stats' self.ref_pop_hist.lod_network_stats(stride, time_interval, lod_range)
[docs] def lod_binding_conservation(self, stride=None, time_interval=None, lod_range=None): ''' Write time series for TF binding conservation for :class:`LOD`\s. Parameters ---------- stride : int stride in generations for sampling individuals along the :class:`LOD` time_interval : int interval in simulation time for sampling individuals along the :class:`LOD` lod_range : (float,float) bounds in fractions of the total range of the :class:`LOD` ''' if stride is not None and time_interval is not None: raise Exception('defining both lod_generation_interval and lod_time_interval is not allowed') if stride is None: stride = self.args.lod_generation_interval if time_interval is None: time_interval = self.args.lod_time_interval if lod_range is None: lod_range = self.args.lod_range print 'Running LOD binding conservation' self.ref_pop_hist.lod_binding_conservation(stride, time_interval, lod_range)
[docs] def draw_ref_trees(self): '''Draw a reference phylogenetic tree, with individual, selected :class:`LOD`\s marked''' self.ref_pop_hist.draw_ref_trees()
[docs] def lod_graphs(self, stride=None, time_interval=None, lod_range=None, formats=None): '''Draw network and genome graphs for :class:`LOD`\s It is possible to set an interval and a range to sample individuals in the :class:`LOD`. Parameters ---------- stride : int stride in generations for sampling individuals along the :class:`LOD` time_interval : int interval in simulation time for sampling individuals along the :class:`LOD` lod_range : (float,float) bounds in fractions of the total range of the :class:`LOD` Note ---- Either use a stride or a time interval to sample individuals from the lod. ''' if stride is not None and time_interval is not None: raise Exception('defining both lod_generation_interval and lod_time_interval is not allowed') if stride is None: stride = self.args.lod_generation_interval if time_interval is None: time_interval = self.args.lod_time_interval if lod_range is None: lod_range = self.args.lod_range if formats is None: formats = self.args.image_formats self.ref_pop_hist.plot_lod_graphs(stride, time_interval, lod_range, formats)
[docs] def lod_time_courses(self, lod_range=None, chunk_size=None): ''' Write time series of molecule concentrations within the :class:`LOD` It is possible to set a range to sample individuals in the :class:`LOD`. Parameters ---------- lod_range : (float,float) bounds in fractions of the total range of the :class:`LOD` chunk_size : int number of generations in LOD to concatenate per chunk ''' if lod_range is None: lod_range = self.args.lod_range if chunk_size is None: chunk_size = self.args.time_course_chunk_size self.ref_pop_hist.lods_time_course_data(lod_range, chunk_size)
[docs] def lod_time_course_plots(self, stride=None, time_interval=None, lod_range=None, formats=None): ''' Draw time course diagrams for individuals in the :class:`LOD`\s. It is possible to set an interval and a range to sample individuals in the :class:`LOD`. Parameters ---------- stride : int stride in generations for sampling individuals along the :class:`LOD` time_interval : int interval in simulation time for sampling individuals along the :class:`LOD` lod_range : (float,float) bounds in fractions of the total range of the :class:`LOD` Note ---- Either use a stride or a time interval to sample individuals from the lod. ''' if stride is not None and time_interval is not None: raise Exception('defining both lod_generation_interval and lod_time_interval is not allowed') if stride is None: stride = self.args.lod_generation_interval if time_interval is None: time_interval = self.args.lod_time_interval if lod_range is None: lod_range = self.args.lod_range if formats is None: formats = self.args.image_formats self.ref_pop_hist.lods_time_course_plots(stride, time_interval, lod_range, formats)
[docs] def write_newick_trees(self): '''write newick trees for all phylogenies in attr:`ref_pop_hist`''' self.ref_pop_hist.write_newick_trees()
def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, _type, _value, _traceback): self.ref_sim.close_phylo_shelf() def __str__(self): return str(self.ref_pop_hist)
[docs]class PopulationHistory(object): ''' Performs and stores evolutionary history analysis of :class:`VirtualMicrobes.simulation.Simulation.Simulation` snapshots. Generates :class:`LOD`\s for 1 or more individuals in the population. Reconstruct the evolutionary events along the line of descent. A reference :class:`PopulationHistory` can also be compared to *population history* at earlier simulation time points. In this case the ancestors of individuals in the reference *population history* will be identified and compared to the rest of the population at that point in time. In this way, evolutionary biases on the line of descent can be brought to light. ''' sim = None '''The :class:`VirtualMicrobes.simulation.Simulation.Simulation` snapshot for which this pophist was made.''' params = None '''The (updated) simulation parameters.''' prune_depth = 0 '''Number of generations from leaves to prune the phylogenetic tree of the pophist.''' population = None '''Short cut to :class:`VirtualMicrobes.virtual_cell.Population.Population` of `sim`.''' environment = None '''Short cut to :class:`VirtualMicrobes.environment.Environment` of `sim`.''' time_point = None '''Last simulation time of the `sim`.''' tree_lods = [] '''List of lists of :class:`LOD`\s. One list for each independent phylogenetic tree within the population.''' def __init__(self, sim, params, save_dir=None ,prune_depth=None): ''' Set parameters for phylogenetic analysis. Parameters ---------- sim : :class:`VirtualMicrobes.simulation.Simulation.Simulation params : dict the simulation parameters save_dir : str path to save analysis data to prune_depth : int number of generations to prune from the leafs of phylogenetic tree ''' print 'Initialising population history' self.save_dir = save_dir if self.save_dir is not None: util.ensure_dir(self.save_dir) self.sim = sim self.params = params self.prune_depth = prune_depth self.population = sim.system.population for anc in self.population.current_ancestors: if self.params.reconstruct_grn: anc.update_grn() self.environment = sim.system.environment self.time_point = sim.run_time self._init_rand_gens() self._init_test_bed() self.tree_lods = list() self.lods = collections.OrderedDict() # storing all the lods in this dictionary, keyed by their leaf
[docs] def init_phylo_tree(self, prune_depth=None): ''' Update the phylogenetic tree of the population. Clears the change in the population of the final regular simulation step. Prunes back the tree to a maximum depth. Parameters ---------- prune_depth : int number of generations to prune from the leafs of phylogenetic tree ''' if prune_depth is None: prune_depth = self.prune_depth self.population.clear_pop_changes() self.population.update_phylogeny()
[docs] def init_lods(self, nr_lods, save_dir=None, stride=None, time_interval=None, lod_range=None): ''' Initialize the line of descent (:class:`LOD`) container objects. Iterate over the phylogenetic trees of the :attr:`population` and for each tree select `nr_lods` leaf nodes that are at maximum phylogenetic distance. For each of the selected leafs, construct a line of descent object (:class:`LOD`). Parameters ---------- nr_lods : int number of :class:`LOD` objects per phylogenetic tree save_dir : str stride : int stride in generations for sampling individuals along the :class:`LOD` time_interval : int interval in simulation time for sampling individuals along the :class:`LOD` lod_range : (float,float) bounds in fractions of the total range of the :class:`LOD` ''' if save_dir is None: save_dir = self.save_dir if stride is None: stride = self.params.lod_generation_interval if time_interval is None: time_interval = self.params.lod_time_interval if lod_range is None: lod_range = self.params.lod_range # iterate (potentially multiple) phylogenetic trees for the population myleafs = [l for l in self.population.phylo_tree.leafs] myleafs = sorted(myleafs, key=lambda x: int(x.val._unique_key), reverse=True) sampled_leafs = myleafs[0:nr_lods] #sampled_leafs = sorted(sampled_leafs, key=lambda x: str(x.val._unique_key), reverse=True) for i,leaf in enumerate(sampled_leafs): print 'constructing LOD nr ' + str(i+1) if str( == '1': # This rare thing can happen when the population goes extinct almost immediately, but it can be insightful to make a LOD to see why it went extinct iterlod = leaf.val.lods_down() else: iterlod = leaf.val.lods_up() for lod in iterlod: name = str(leaf.val._unique_key) lod_save_dir = os.path.join(save_dir, name) self.lods[leaf] = LOD(list(lod), name=name, save_dir = lod_save_dir, stride=stride, time_interval=time_interval, lod_range=lod_range) break # record 1 lod per leaf (in clonal pop, there is only 1 per leaf) print 'done'
def _init_pop_hist_data_store(self): '''Configure the DataStore for PopulationHistory data.''' self.sim.data_store.init_phylo_hist_stores(phylo_hist=self)
[docs] def identify_lod_ancestor(self, ete_tree_struct, lod): ''' Identify the individual in the population that is on the line of descent (lod) under consideration. The nodes in the ete tree corresponding to the *lod* will be annotated with a tag. Parameters ---------- ete_tree_struct : :class:`VirtualMicrobes.my_tools.utility.ETEtreeStruct` container structure for phylogenetic tree representations lod : :class:`LOD` line of descent Returns ------- (:class:`VirtualMicrobes.virtual_cell.Cell.Cell`, :class:`ete3.TreeNode`) (oldest ancestor cell, its tree node representation) ''' last, last_ete = None, None phylo2ete_dict = self.population.phylo_tree.ete_get_phylo2ete_dict(ete_tree_struct) phylo_id2phylo = dict([ ( (str(,phylo_unit.time_birth), phylo_unit) for phylo_unit in phylo2ete_dict ]) for anc in lod.lod: # going from oldest to youngest anc_id = (str(, anc.time_birth) if anc_id not in phylo_id2phylo: # reached an ancestor that lives later than the leafs in the tree break last = phylo_id2phylo[anc_id] last_ete = phylo2ete_dict[last][0] for ete_node in phylo2ete_dict[last]: ete_node.add_feature('lod', True) # annotate the ete nodes as being on the lod return last, last_ete
def _init_rand_gens(self, rand_seed=None): if rand_seed is None: test_rand_seed = self.params.test_rand_seed self.test_rand = random.Random(int(test_rand_seed)) def _init_test_bed(self): self.test_bed = Locality(self.params, internal_molecules=self.environment.internal_molecules, influx_reactions=self.environment.influx_reactions, degradation_reactions=self.environment.degradation_reactions, env_rand=self.test_rand ) def _init_integrator(self, diffusion_steps=None, between_diffusion_reports=None, max_retries=3, retry_steps_factor=2.): if diffusion_steps is None: diffusion_steps = self.params.diffusion_steps if between_diffusion_reports is None: between_diffusion_reports = self.params.between_diffusion_reports max_time_steps_store = max(int(diffusion_steps * between_diffusion_reports * retry_steps_factor ** (max_retries)), 1) integrator = integrate.Integrator(locality = self.test_bed, # @UndefinedVariable nr_time_points=max_time_steps_store, nr_neighbors=0, num_threads=1, step_function=self.params.step_function, hstart=self.params.init_step_size, epsabs=self.params.absolute_error, epsrel=self.params.relative_error, init_time=0.) return integrator
[docs] def write_newick_trees(self): ''' Write newick representation of phylogenetic trees to files. ''' for ete_tree_struct, _lods in self.tree_lods: name ='_')[0] filename = 'tree' + '_' + name suffix = '.nw' ete_tree_struct.tree.write(format=1, outfile=os.path.join(self.save_dir, filename + suffix))
[docs] def lod_stats(self, stride, time_interval, lod_range): ''' Write time series for line of descent properties such as network connectivity, protein expression etc. Either use a stride or a time interval to sample individuals from the lod. Parameters ---------- stride : int stride in generations for sampling individuals along the :class:`LOD` time_interval : int interval in simulation time for sampling individuals along the :class:`LOD` lod_range : (float,float) bounds in fractions of the total range of the :class:`LOD` ''' cumulative_features = self.sim.data_store.mut_stats_names + self.sim.data_store.fit_stats_names + ['iterage'] simple_features = self.sim.data_store.functional_stats_names for key,lod in self.lods.items(): #print lod print 'Saving lod statistics for lod ' + str ( # DEPRECATED SINCE REMOVAL OF ETE3 #self.population.annotate_phylo_tree(ete_tree_struct=ete_tree_struct, # features=cumulative_features) #self.population.annotate_phylo_tree(ete_tree_struct=ete_tree_struct, # features=simple_features, cummulative=False) #for ref, l in lod.items(): self.sim.data_store.add_lod_data(lod,self.population,self.environment, stride, time_interval, lod_range) print 'done'
[docs] def lod_cells(self, stride, time_interval, lod_range, runtime): ''' Write cell files for line of descent The leaf of the tree is saved as CellLeaf<LOD_ID>, and all it's ancestors are saved as CellNode<BIRTHTIME>_<LOD_ID>.cell Parameters ---------- stride : int stride in generations for sampling individuals along the :class:`LOD` time_interval : int interval in simulation time for sampling individuals along the :class:`LOD` lod_range : (float,float) bounds in fractions of the total range of the :class:`LOD` ''' for key, lod in self.lods.items(): #for ref, lod in lods.items(): #for l in lod: #print 'saving cells for ' , l._unique_key self.sim.data_store.save_lod_cells(lod, stride, time_interval, lod_range,runtime) print 'done'
[docs] def anc_cells(self, pop, time): ''' Write cell files for all cells in the ancestry, which can be mapped on the newick tree Parameters ---------- pop : current population that contains the current_ancestry list time: run_time ''' print 'saving all cells in the current ancestry' self.sim.data_store.save_anc_cells(pop,time) print 'done'
[docs] def lod_network_stats(self, stride, time_interval, lod_range): ''' Write time series for line of descent properties such as network connectivity, protein expression etc. Either use a stride or a time interval to sample individuals from the lod. Parameters ---------- stride : int stride in generations for sampling individuals along the :class:`LOD` time_interval : int interval in simulation time for sampling individuals along the :class:`LOD` lod_range : (float,float) bounds in fractions of the total range of the :class:`LOD` ''' for ete_tree_struct, lods in self.tree_lods: print 'ete_tree', for ref, lod in lods.items(): print 'lod', self.sim.data_store.add_lod_network_data(lod, stride, time_interval, lod_range) print 'done'
[docs] def lod_binding_conservation(self, stride, time_interval, lod_range): ''' Write time series for line of descent properties such as network connectivity, protein expression etc. Either use a stride or a time interval to sample individuals from the lod. Parameters ---------- stride : int stride in generations for sampling individuals along the :class:`LOD` time_interval : int interval in simulation time for sampling individuals along the :class:`LOD` lod_range : (float,float) bounds in fractions of the total range of the :class:`LOD` ''' for ete_tree_struct, lods in self.tree_lods: print 'ete_tree', for ref, lod in lods.items(): print 'lod', self.sim.data_store.add_lod_binding_conservation(lod, stride, time_interval, lod_range) print 'done'
[docs] def plot_lod_graphs(self, stride, time_interval, lod_range, formats): ''' Output metabolic, GRN and genome graphs for the line of descent. Either use a stride or a time interval to sample individuals from the lod. Parameters ---------- stride : int stride in generations for sampling individuals along the :class:`LOD` time_interval : int interval in simulation time for sampling individuals along the :class:`LOD` lod_range : (float,float) bounds in fractions of the total range of the :class:`LOD` ''' metabolites = self.environment.mols_per_class_dict conversions = self.environment.reactions_dict['conversion'] imports = self.environment.reactions_dict['import'] suffixes = map(lambda fmt: '.'+fmt, formats) for ete_tree_struct, lods in self.tree_lods: print 'ete_tree', for ref, lod in lods.items(): print 'adding network graphs for lod', str( attr_dict = self.sim.graphs.attribute_mapper GRN_grapher = BindingNetwork(lod.save_dir, 'GRN', attribute_dict=attr_dict, show=False) metabolome_grapher = MetabolicNetwork(lod.save_dir, 'Metabolome', mol_class_dict=metabolites, conversions=conversions, imports=imports, attribute_dict=attr_dict, show=False) genome_grapher = Genome(lod.save_dir, 'Genome', attribute_dict=attr_dict, show=False) # Initialise grapher for genome structure (and make directory) ancestors = lod.strided_lod(stride, time_interval, lod_range) max_genome = max( [ anc.genome_size for anc in ancestors ] ) for anc in ancestors: _plot_cell_graphs(anc, GRN_grapher, metabolome_grapher, genome_grapher, max_genome, suffixes)
[docs] def lods_time_course_plots(self, stride, time_interval, lod_range, formats): ''' Output time course graphs for the line of descent. Either use a stride or a time interval to sample individuals from the lod. Parameters ---------- stride : int stride in generations for sampling individuals along the :class:`LOD` time_interval : int interval in simulation time for sampling individuals along the :class:`LOD` lod_range : (float,float) bounds in fractions of the total range of the :class:`LOD` ''' suffixes = map(lambda fmt: '.'+fmt, formats) for ete_tree_struct, lods in self.tree_lods: print 'ete_tree', for ref, lod in lods.items(): print 'lod', save_dir = os.path.join(lod.save_dir, 'time_course_plots') util.ensure_dir(save_dir) ancestors = lod.strided_lod(stride, time_interval, lod_range) for anc in ancestors: _plot_cell_time_course(anc, self.sim.graphs, save_dir = save_dir, suffixes=suffixes)
[docs] def lods_time_course_data(self, lod_range, chunk_size): ''' Write time series data in the line of descent to files. Concatenates time courses of individuals along a :class:`LOD`. Concatenations are done in *chunks* of a chosen `chunk_size`. For each chunk **.csv** files are stored in a directory named part*n*, where *n* is the chunk number. Parameters ---------- ancestors : list of :class:`VirtualMicrobes.virtual_cell.Cell.Cell`\s base_save_dir : str viewer_path : str path to utility files for html data viewer chunk_size : int length of chunks of concatenated data ''' for ete_tree_struct, lods in self.tree_lods: print 'ete_tree', for ref, lod in lods.items(): print 'lod', save_dir = os.path.join(lod.save_dir, 'time_courses') util.ensure_dir(save_dir) ancestors = lod.strided_lod(stride=None, time_interval=None, lod_range=lod_range) _lod_time_course_data(ancestors, base_save_dir = save_dir, viewer_path=os.path.join(self.sim.utility_path, 'time_course_viewer'), chunk_size=chunk_size)
[docs] def draw_ref_trees(self, rescale=False): ''' Output reference trees for phylogenetic trees with lods labeled. Uses phylogenetic tree drawing methods to annotate the leaf nodes of lods. Reference trees give a visual overview of the position of the lods that are analysed in the tree. ''' for ete_tree_struct, lods in self.tree_lods: save_loc = os.path.join(self.save_dir,'_')[0], 'ancestry_plots') util.ensure_dir(os.path.join(save_loc+'/reftree_cells')) cells_in_tree = self.population.phylo_tree.ete_nodes_to_phylo_units(ete_tree_struct) for cell in cells_in_tree: for parent in cell.parents: write_obj.write_cell(cell, os.path.join(save_loc, 'reftree_cells/Node_' + str( '_' + str(cell.time_birth) + '.cell'), alive=True) for leaf, lod in lods.items(): self.population.phylo_tree.annotate_phylo_units_feature(ete_tree_struct, lod.lod, 'in_lod') self.population.phylo_tree.annotate_leafs(ete_tree_struct, leaf) self.population.phylo_tree.ete_prune_internal(ete_tree_struct) func_features={'metabolic_type':self.population.metabolic_type_color} self.population.annotate_phylo_tree(ete_tree_struct, func_features=func_features, cummulative=False, prune_internal=True, to_rate=False ) attr_dict = self.sim.graphs.attribute_mapper rescale_factor = None if rescale: rescale_factor = 500.0 / self.population.phylo_tree.ete_calc_lca_depth(ete_tree_struct.tree) print 'rescale factor is ', rescale_factor phylo_grapher = PhyloTreeGraph(save_loc, name='Phylotree', attribute_dict=attr_dict, show=False) phylo_grapher.update(ete_tree_struct.tree) phylo_grapher.save_fig(feature='metabolic_with_lod', name='lodstree', rescale=rescale_factor, dpi=10, suffix=".svg") print 'Plotted reference tree'
[docs] def dump_pop_cells(self,time,prunegens): ''' Output current population cells as cellfiles ''' print 'Now saving all cellfiles of loaded population' print '(stepping back ' + str(prunegens) + ' generations)' directory = os.path.join(self.save_dir, 'pop_cells/', str(time)) print directory util.ensure_dir(directory, remove_globs=['*.cell', '*.json', '*.mp4']) stored_cells = [] for i,cell in enumerate(self.sim.system.population.cells): storecell = cell for x in range(0,prunegens): storecell = storecell.parents.__iter__().next() if(storecell._unique_key not in stored_cells): write_obj.write_cell(storecell, os.path.join(directory+'/Cellfile_inpop_' + str(storecell._unique_key).zfill(16) +'.cell')) self.sim.data_store.add_cell_tc(storecell,directory, self.sim.graphs.attribute_mapper, time, cell._unique_key) stored_cells.append(storecell._unique_key) print 'Saved all cellfiles'
[docs] def dump_anc_cells(self,time): ''' Dump all ancestors (perfect fossil record) to files, and also save the newick tree. Should be all in there? ''' directory = os.path.join(self.save_dir, 'anc_cells/') util.ensure_dir(directory) f = open(directory+str(time)+".nw", "w") for tree in self.population.phylo_tree.nh_formats(): f.write(tree) f.write('\n') print 'Now saving all cellfiles of ancestry (fossil record)' directory = os.path.join(self.save_dir, 'anc_cells/', str(time)) util.ensure_dir(directory) print directory for cell in self.population.current_ancestors: write_obj.write_cell(cell, os.path.join(directory+'/Cellfile_ancestor_' + str(cell._unique_key).zfill(16) +'.cell'), alive=True) self.sim.data_store.add_cell_tc(cell,directory, self.sim.graphs.attribute_mapper, time, cell._unique_key) print 'Saved all cellfiles for ancestry (fossil record)'
[docs] def dump_lod_cells(self,time): ''' Dump all cells used in LOD analysis to files (i.o.w. a single lineages / subset of anc_cells) ''' print 'Now saving all cellfiles of line of descent (LOD)' directory = os.path.join(self.save_dir, 'lod_cells/', str(time)) util.ensure_dir(directory) print directory for key, lod in self.lods.items(): directory = os.path.join(self.save_dir, 'lod_cells/', str(time), str( util.ensure_dir(directory) for cell in lod: write_obj.write_cell(cell, os.path.join(directory+'/Cellfile_lod_' + str(cell._unique_key).zfill(16) +'.cell'), alive=True) self.sim.data_store.add_cell_tc(cell,directory, self.sim.graphs.attribute_mapper, time, cell._unique_key) print 'Saved all cellfiles for LOD'
# def compare_to_pop(self, compare_save, prune_depth=None, leafs_sample_size=None): # REMOVED BY BREM 02-2019 AS FUNCTIONS IS OUTDATED, UNTESTED AND NO LONGER USED def __str__(self): return '\n'.join([ str(lod) for tree_lods in self.tree_lods for lod in tree_lods[1] ])
[docs]class LOD(object): ''' classdocs ''' def __init__(self, lod, name, stride, time_interval, lod_range, save_dir=None): ''' Store the line of descent to analyse. ''' self.lod = lod = name self.stride = stride self.time_interval = time_interval self.lod_range = lod_range self.save_dir = save_dir if self.save_dir is not None: util.ensure_dir(self.save_dir)
[docs] def standardized_production(self, test_params): for c in self.lod: self.test_bed.clear_locality() self.test_bed.add_cell(c) integrator = self._init_integrator() self.run_system(integrator)
[docs] def strided_lod(self, stride, time_interval, lod_range): ''' Sample individuals within a range of the LOD at regular intervals. Either use a stride or a time interval to sample individuals from the lod. If a time interval is provided, ancestors are sampled that have a time of birth that is approximately separated by `time_interval` in the evolutionary simulation. Parameters ---------- stride : int stride in generations for sampling individuals along the :class:`LOD` time_interval : int interval in simulation time for sampling individuals along the :class:`LOD` lod_range : (float,float) bounds in fractions of the total range of the :class:`LOD` Returns ------- list of ancestor :class:`VirtualMicrobes.virtual_cell.Cell.Cell` s ''' if lod_range is None: lod_range = (0.,1.) if stride is not None and time_interval is not None: raise Exception('defining both stride and time_interval is not allowed') lod_all = list(self) if stride is not None: ancestors = lod_all[::stride] elif time_interval is not None: ancestors = list(self.t_interval_iter(time_interval)) else: ancestors = lod_all if ancestors[-1] != lod_all[-1]: ancestors.append(lod_all[-1]) from_root, from_leaf = int(lod_range[0]*len(ancestors)), int(lod_range[1]*len(ancestors)) return ancestors[from_root:from_leaf]
[docs] def t_interval_iter(self, time_interval): ''' Iterate ancestors that are approximately 'time_interval' timesteps apart in their time of birth. ''' mod_time = time_interval for anc in self: prev_mod_time = mod_time mod_time = anc.time_birth % time_interval if mod_time > prev_mod_time: continue yield anc
def __iter__(self): return iter(self.lod)