Source code for VirtualMicrobes.environment.Grid

Created on Nov 3, 2014

@author: thocu
import itertools
from VirtualMicrobes.my_tools.utility import CircularList, Coord
import numpy as np
import collections
import copy

[docs]class GridError(Exception): def __init__(self, value): self.value = value def __str__(self): return repr(self.value)
[docs]class PositionOutsideGridError(GridError): def __init__(self, x,y): self.value = (x,y) def __str__(self): return repr(self.value)
[docs]class Neighborhood(object): ''' Neighborhood as grid indices (x,y coord tuples) relative to a focal gridpoint. ''' def __init__(self, neighbors): ''' Constructs neighborhood object :param neighbors: either a scalar, determining the 'radius of x and y relative to focal gp or a list of (x,y) tuples of neighbor coordinates relative to focal gp ''' if isinstance(neighbors, list): self.construct_neighbors(neighbors) elif isinstance(neighbors, int): self.construct_moore_n(neighbors) elif isinstance(neighbors, str): self.construct_named_neighborhood(neighbors) else: raise Exception('Could not construct neighborhood from argument', neighbors)
[docs] def construct_neighbors(self, neighbors): self.nei_rel_coords = [ Coord(x,y) for (x,y) in neighbors ]
[docs] def construct_moore_n(self, perim=1, exclude_self=True): self.nei_rel_coords = [ Coord(x,y) for x in range(-perim, perim+1) for y in range(-perim, perim+1) if ( not (exclude_self and x==0 and y==0) ) ]
[docs] def construct_neumann_n(self, manhatten=1, exclude_self=True): self.nei_rel_coords = [ Coord(x,y) for x in range(-manhatten, manhatten+1) for y in range(-manhatten, manhatten+1) if ( not (exclude_self and x==0 and y==0) ) and abs(x)+abs(y) <=manhatten ]
[docs] def construct_named_neighborhood(self, name): if name in ['neumann', 'neumann4']: self.construct_neumann_n(1) elif name in ['moore', 'moore8']: self.construct_moore_n(1) elif name == 'moore9': self.construct_moore_n(1, exclude_self=False) elif name == 'neumann5': self.construct_neumann_n(1, exclude_self=False) elif name == 'neumann12': self.construct_neumann_n(2) elif name == 'moore24': self.construct_moore_n(2) elif name == 'neumann13': self.construct_neumann_n(2, exclude_self=False) elif name == 'moore25': self.construct_moore_n(2, exclude_self=False) else: raise Exception('no matching neighborhood found to construct', name)
[docs] def get_rel_coords(self, area=None): """ Return a list of neighborhood coordinates that lie in an area of the compass relative to (0,0) Parameters ---------- area : {'north', 'south', 'east', 'west'} The named area (or 'hemisphere') in grid space relative to the origin (0,0). Notes ----- Compass directions translate to relative coordinates as shown below: _________________________________________ | | | | | N (0, 1) | | W E (-1,0) (1,0) | | S (0,-1) | | | |________________________________________| Returns ------- list of :class:`VirtualMicrobes.my_tools.utility.Coord`s The coordinates that lie within the named area. """ coords = [] if area is not None: if area == 'north': coords = [ coord for coord in self.nei_rel_coords if coord.y > 0 ] elif area == 'south': coords = [ coord for coord in self.nei_rel_coords if coord.y < 0 ] elif area == 'east': coords = [ coord for coord in self.nei_rel_coords if coord.x > 0 ] elif area == 'west': coords = [ coord for coord in self.nei_rel_coords if coord.x < 0 ] else: raise Exception('{0} is not a area'.format(area)) else: coords = self.nei_rel_coords return coords
[docs] def has_coord(self, rel_coord): """ Check that relative coordinate is part of this neighborhood. Parameters ---------- rel_coord : :class:`VirtualMicrobes.my_tools.utility.Coord` """ for nei_coord in self.nei_rel_coords: if nei_coord == rel_coord: return True return False
[docs] def remove_coord(self, remove_coord): ''' Remove a relative coordinate from the neighborhood. Parameters ---------- remove_coord : :class:`VirtualMicrobes.my_tools.utility.Coord` ''' found = False for coord in self.nei_rel_coords[:]: if coord == remove_coord: self.nei_rel_coords.remove(coord) found = True if not found: raise Exception('coord {0} not found. It cannot be removed'.format(remove_coord))
[docs] def remove_direction(self, direction): ''' Remove coordinates lying to the given direction on the grid, where the main compass points are translated into coordinates as follows: The main compass points are translated into coordinates as follows: N (0, 1) W E (-1,0) (1,0) S (0,-1) e.g. when direction is 'north', all relative coordinates that lie northerly of the (0,0) will be removed. Parameters ---------- direction : {'north', 'south', 'east', 'west'}, optional Selects those coordinates in the neighborhood that lie in a particular direction (default is None, which implies returninng all coordinates. ''' if direction == 'north': self.nei_rel_coords = [ coord for coord in self.nei_rel_coords if coord.y <= 0 ] elif direction == 'south': self.nei_rel_coords = [ coord for coord in self.nei_rel_coords if coord.y >= 0 ] elif direction == 'east': self.nei_rel_coords = [ coord for coord in self.nei_rel_coords if coord.x <= 0 ] elif direction == 'west': self.nei_rel_coords = [ coord for coord in self.nei_rel_coords if coord.x >= 0 ] else: raise Exception('{0} is not a direction'.format(direction))
def __len__(self): return len(self.nei_rel_coords) def __str__(self): return ', '.join(["("+ str(coord.x)+ "," + str(coord.y) + ")" for coord in self.nei_rel_coords])
[docs]class GridPoint(object): def __init__(self, (x,y) , val, neighborhood_dict, grid): self.coord = Coord(x,y) self.content = val self.grid = grid self.neighborhoods = neighborhood_dict self.updated = True @property def updated(self): return self._updated @updated.setter def updated(self, val): if not isinstance(val, bool): raise ValueError('updated should be of type bool, not {}'.format(type(val))) self._updated = val @property def content(self): return self._content @content.setter def content(self, val): self._content = val @property def coord(self): return self._coord @coord.setter def coord(self, new_coord): self._coord = new_coord
[docs] def nei_grid_coords(self, neighborhood_name, area=None): return [ Coord(self.coord.x + nei_x, self.coord.y + nei_y) for (nei_x,nei_y) in self[neighborhood_name].get_rel_coords(area) ]
[docs] def nei_rel_to_grid_coords(self, neighborhood_name, area=None): """ List of (relative-coordinate, grid-coordinate) tuples of the named neighborhood. Parameters ---------- neighborhood_name : str Name of the neighborhood area : {'north', 'south', 'east', 'west'}, optional Select only neighbors lying in a specific area Returns ------- list of (:class:`VirtualMicrobes.my_tools.utility.Coord`, :class:`VirtualMicrobes.my_tools.utility.Coord`) tuples """ return [ (nei_coord, Coord(self.coord.x + nei_coord.x, self.coord.y + nei_coord.y) ) for nei_coord in self[neighborhood_name].get_rel_coords(area) ]
[docs] def nei_rel_coord_to_gp(self, neighborhood_name, area=None): """ List of (relative-coordinate,grid-point) tuples of the named neighborhood. Parameters ---------- neighborhood_name : str Name of the neighborhood area : {'north', 'south', 'east', 'west'}, optional Select only neighbors lying in a specific area. Returns ------- list of (:class:`VirtualMicrobes.my_tools.utility.Coord`, :class:`GridPoint`) tuples """ return [ (nei_coord, self.get_neighbor_at(nei_coord, neighborhood_name) ) for nei_coord in self[neighborhood_name].get_rel_coords(area) ]
[docs] def get_neighbor_at(self, rel_coord, neighborhood_name): """ Get neighboring grid point at a relative coordinate. Parameters ---------- rel_coord : :class:`VirtualMicrobes.my_tools.utility.Coord` coordinate relative to self neighborhood_name : str Name of the neighborhood. Returns ------- :class:`GridPoint` The neighboring grid point. """ if not self[neighborhood_name].has_coord(rel_coord): raise Exception('coordinate {} not in neighborhood {}'.format(rel_coord, neighborhood_name)) return self.grid.get_gp( self.coord.x + rel_coord.x, self.coord.y + rel_coord.y)
[docs] def remove_neighbor_at(self, rel_coord, neighborhood_name): """ Remove a coordinate from a named neighborhood. After removing the relative coordinate `rel_coord`, the corresponding grid point is no longer considered a neighbor of `self` when applying neighborhood functions. Parameters ---------- rel_coord : :class:`VirtualMicrobes.my_tools.utility.Coord` Coordinate relative to self. neighborhood_name : str Name of the neighborhood. """ self[neighborhood_name].remove_coord(rel_coord)
[docs] def neighbors(self, neighborhood_name, area=None): """ Return list of grid point content values of neighbors in named neighborhood. Parameters ---------- neighborhood_name : str Name of the neighborhood. area : {'north', 'south', 'east', 'west'}, optional Select only neighbors lying in a specific area. Returns ------- """ return self.grid._get_neighbors(self, neighborhood_name, area)
[docs] def neighbor_gps(self, neighborhood_name, area=None): ''' Return list of grid points in a named neighborhood. Parameters ---------- neighborhood_name : str Name of the neighborhood. area : {'north', 'south', 'east', 'west'}, optional Select only neighbors lying in a specific area. """ ''' return self.grid._get_neighboring_gps(self, neighborhood_name, area)
[docs] def random_neighbor(self, neighborhood_name, rand_gen, area=None): """ Get random neighbor from a named neighborhood. Parameters ---------- neighborhood_name : str Name of the neighborhood. rand_gen : random generator Random generator for neighbor drawing. area : {'north', 'south', 'east', 'west'}, optional Select only neighbors lying in a specific area. """ nei_gps = self.neighbor_gps(neighborhood_name, area) if not nei_gps: return return rand_gen.choice(nei_gps)
@property def pos(self): return (self.coord.x , self.coord.y) def __getitem__(self,key): try: nei = self.neighborhoods[key] except KeyError: raise KeyError('key not found in dict', key, self.neighborhoods) return nei def __str__(self): return "("+ str(self.coord.x)+ "," + str(self.coord.y) + ")" # + str(self.content)
[docs]def mirror_rel_coord(coord): return Coord(x=-coord.x, y=-coord.y)
[docs]class Grid(object): ''' Grid will by default be wrapped, because the Neighborhood will index ''' def __init__(self, rows, cols, neighborhood_dict=None, nei_wrapped_ew=None, nei_wrapped_ns=None): self.rows = rows self.cols = cols if neighborhood_dict is None: self.neighborhood_dict = {'competition': Neighborhood('moore9'), 'diffusion': Neighborhood('neumann'), 'hgt': Neighborhood('neumann13') } else: self.neighborhood_dict = neighborhood_dict self.init_grid(self.rows, self.cols, self.neighborhood_dict) if nei_wrapped_ew is None: nei_wrapped_ew = self.neighborhood_dict.keys() self.nei_wrapped_ew = nei_wrapped_ew if nei_wrapped_ns is None: nei_wrapped_ns = self.neighborhood_dict.keys() self.nei_wrapped_ns = nei_wrapped_ns for nei in self.neighborhood_dict.keys(): if nei not in self.nei_wrapped_ew: self.unwrap_ew(nei) if nei not in self.nei_wrapped_ns: self.unwrap_ns(nei) self.named_direction_map = {'N':Coord(0,1), 'NE':Coord(1,1), 'E':Coord(1,0) , 'SE':Coord(1,-1), 'S':Coord(0,-1) , 'SW':Coord(-1,-1), 'W':Coord(-1,0), 'NW':Coord(-1,1), 'C':Coord(0,0)}
[docs] def init_grid(self, rows, cols, neighborhood_dict, wrap_ew=None, wrap_ns=None): self.grid = CircularList([ CircularList([ GridPoint((x,y), None, copy.deepcopy(neighborhood_dict), self) for x in range(cols) ]) for y in range(rows)])
[docs] def unwrap_ew(self, neighborhood_name): """ Unwraps a grid neighborhood at its eastern and western borders. Iterate over all grid points and detect when a grid point has neighbors that wrap over the east or west borders. Then remove the coordinate from the neighborhood. Parameters ---------- neighborhood_name : str The name of the neighborhood to unwrap Notes ----- For a wrapped neighbor it is true that the difference between the focal gp coordinate and this neighbors (normalized) grid-coordinate is not equal to the its relative-coordinate (to focal gp). See Also -------- :func:`unwrap_ns` :func:`normalize_coord` """ for gp in self.gp_iter: x = self.normalize_coord(gp.coord).x for nei_rel_coord, nei_grid_coord in gp.nei_rel_to_grid_coords(neighborhood_name): if self.normalize_coord(nei_grid_coord).x - x != nei_rel_coord.x: # test if this neighbor is wrapped gp.remove_neighbor_at(nei_rel_coord, neighborhood_name)
[docs] def unwrap_ns(self, neighborhood_name): """ Unwraps a grid neighborhood at its northern and southern borders. Iterate over all grid points and detect when a grid point has neighbors that wrap over the north or south borders. Then remove the coordinate from the neighborhood. Parameters ---------- neighborhood_name : str The name of the neighborhood to unwrap Notes ----- For a wrapped neighbor it is true that the difference between the focal gp coordinate and this neighbors (normalized) grid-coordinate is not equal to the its relative-coordinate (to focal gp). See Also -------- :func:`unwrap_ew` :func:`normalize_coord` """ for gp in self.gp_iter: y = self.normalize_coord(gp.coord).y for nei_rel_coord, nei_grid_coord in gp.nei_rel_to_grid_coords(neighborhood_name): if self.normalize_coord(nei_grid_coord).y - y != nei_rel_coord.y: # test if this neighbor is wrapped gp.remove_neighbor_at(nei_rel_coord, neighborhood_name)
[docs] def normalize_coord(self, coord): """ Transform coordinate `coord` to an absolute grid coordinate with non- wrapped index. Applies modulo :attr:`cols` and :attr:`rows` on the coordinates x and y value, respectively, to obtain a normalized coordinate. Parameters ---------- coord : :class:`VirtualMicrobes.my_tools.utility.Coord` a coordinate on the grid that may be in wrapped index representation Returns ------- :class:`VirtualMicrobes.my_tools.utility.Coord` """ return Coord( x= coord.x % self.cols , y= coord.y % self.rows )
[docs] def un_neighbor(self, gp, nei_rel_coord, neighborhood): nei_gp = gp.get_neighbor_at(nei_rel_coord, neighborhood) gp.remove_neighbor_at(nei_rel_coord, neighborhood) nei_gp.remove_neighbor_at(mirror_rel_coord(nei_rel_coord), neighborhood)
[docs] def disconnect_direction(self, gp, area, neighborhood): ''' For all neighboring grid points lieing in a particular `direction` in a named `neighborhood` of a grid point `gp`, remove the `gp` coordinate from their neighborhoods. e.g. if area is 'south' , the southern neighbors of gp will remove gp's relative coordinate from their neighborhood Parameters ---------- gp : :class:`GridPoint` Grid point that will get unwrapped. direction : {'north', 'south', 'east', 'west'}, optional The direction relative to the `gp`. neighborhood : str named neighborhood for which the unwrapping is done ''' for nei_rel_coord in gp[neighborhood].get_rel_coords(area): self.un_neighbor(gp, nei_rel_coord, neighborhood)
[docs] def make_barrier(self, start_coord, length, neighborhood_name, direction='lr' ): ''' Create a barrier on the grid where interaction between adjacent grid points is blocked. Create a barrier in the given neighborhood_name by unwrapping gps on opposite sides of a line that is `length` long, starts at `start_gp` and extends along `direction` ''' focal_gp = self.get_gp(*start_coord) if direction == 'lr': opposite, unwrap_area_forth, unwrap_back, proceed_direction = 'N', 'north', 'south', 'E' elif direction == 'tb': opposite, unwrap_area_forth, unwrap_back, proceed_direction = 'E', 'east', 'west', 'S' for _ in range(length): self.disconnect_direction(focal_gp, unwrap_area_forth, neighborhood_name) oposite_gp = self.get_nei_gp(focal_gp, opposite) self.disconnect_direction(oposite_gp, unwrap_back, neighborhood_name) focal_gp = self.get_nei_gp(focal_gp, proceed_direction)
[docs] def grid_barriers(self, rand_gen, p_row=0., pos_row=None, max_fraction_width=None, p_col=0., pos_col=None, max_fraction_height=None, neighborhoods=None, ): ''' Set up barriers in the grid :param p_row: :param max_fraction_width: :param p_col: :param max_fraction_height: :param neighborhood: :param rand_gen: ''' if neighborhoods is None: neighborhoods = self.neighborhood_dict.keys() if pos_row is None: pos_row = [] if pos_col is None: pos_col = [] max_width = int(max_fraction_width * self.cols) if max_fraction_width else None max_height = int(max_fraction_height * self.rows) if max_fraction_height else None for r in range(self.rows): if r in pos_row: c = 0 for neighborhood in neighborhoods: self.make_barrier(Coord(x=c, y=r), self.cols, neighborhood, 'lr') if rand_gen.uniform(0,1.) < p_row: c = rand_gen.randint(0, self.cols) width = rand_gen.randint(0, max_width) if max_width else self.cols for neighborhood in neighborhoods: self.make_barrier(Coord(x=c, y=r), width, neighborhood, 'lr') for c in range(self.cols): if c in pos_col: r = 0 for neighborhood in neighborhoods: self.make_barrier(Coord(x=c, y=r), self.rows, neighborhood, 'tb') if rand_gen.uniform(0,1.) < p_col: r = rand_gen.randint(0, self.rows) height = rand_gen.randint(0, max_height) if max_height else self.rows for neighborhood in neighborhoods: self.make_barrier(Coord(x=c, y=r), height, neighborhood, 'tb')
[docs] def columns_iter(self, cols, order = 'tb_lr'): ''' Iterate over gps in the selected columns :param cols: selected columns :param order: the order in which gps should be iterated ''' return ( gp for gp in self.gp_iter_in_order(order) if gp.coord.x in cols )
[docs] def rows_iter(self, rows, order='lr_tb'): ''' Iterate over gps in the selected rows ''' return ( gp for gp in self.gp_iter_in_order(order) if gp.coord.y in rows)
[docs] def mesh_iter(self, rows, cols, order='lr_tb'): ''' iterate over gps in a mesh, defined by intersections of rows and cols ''' return ( gp for gp in self.gp_iter_in_order(order) if gp.coord.y in rows and gp.coord.x in cols)
@property def content_iter(self): return ( gp.content for gp in self.gp_iter) @property def gp_iter(self): return itertools.chain(*self.grid) def _x_iter(self,reverse=False): it = (_ for _ in xrange(self.cols)) if reverse: it = reverse(it) return it def _y_iter(self,reverse=False): it = (_ for _ in xrange(self.rows)) if reverse: it = reverse(it) return it
[docs] def gp_iter_in_order(self, order='lr_tb'): it = None if order == 'lr_tb': # left to right, top to bottom #reverse_x, reverse_y, per_row = False, False, True return self.gp_iter elif order == 'lr_bt': reverse_x, reverse_y, per_row = False, True, True elif order == 'rl_tb': reverse_x, reverse_y, per_row = True, False, True elif order == 'rl_bt': reverse_x, reverse_y, per_row = True, True, True elif order == 'tb_lr': reverse_x, reverse_y, per_row = False, False, False elif order == 'tb_rl': reverse_x, reverse_y, per_row = True, False, False elif order == 'bt_lr': reverse_x, reverse_y, per_row = False, True, False elif order == 'bt_rl': reverse_x, reverse_y, per_row = True, True, False if per_row: it = ( self.get_gp(x,y) for x in self._x_iter(reverse_x) for y in _y_iter(reverse_y) ) else: it = ( self.get_gp(x,y) for y in self._y_iter(reverse_y) for x in self._x_iter(reverse_x)) return it
[docs] def update_gp(self,x,y,val): gp = self.get_gp(x, y) gp.content = val
[docs] def set_gp(self,x,y, gp): self.grid[y][x] = gp
[docs] def get_gp(self, x, y): return self.grid[y][x]
[docs] def get_nei_gp(self, gp, direction_vect): if isinstance(direction_vect, str): direction_vect = self.named_direction_map[direction_vect] nei_x, nei_y = gp.coord.x + direction_vect.x, gp.coord.y + direction_vect.y return self.get_gp(nei_x, nei_y)
def _get_neighbors(self, gp, neighborhood, direction=None): ''' Get values in neighbors in 'neighborhood' :param neighborhood: key to neighborhood_dict in focal gp ''' return [gp.content for gp in self._get_neighboring_gps(gp, neighborhood, direction)] def _get_neighboring_gps(self, gp, neighborhood_name, direction=None): neighbor_gps = [] for nei_coord in gp.nei_grid_coords(neighborhood_name, direction): neighbor_gps.append(self.get_gp(nei_coord.x, nei_coord.y)) return neighbor_gps
[docs] def fill_grid(self, vals, order='lr_tb'): if not isinstance(vals, collections.Iterable): vals = [ vals for _ in range(len(self))] for gp, l in zip(self.gp_iter_in_order(order),vals): gp.content = l
[docs] def toggle_gps_updated(self, updated=False): for gp in self.gp_iter: gp.updated = updated
[docs] def swap_content(self, gp1, gp2): val2 = gp2.content gp2.content = gp1.content gp1.content = val2
[docs] def swap_gps(self,gp1, gp2): coord1 = gp1.coord coord2 = gp2.coord self.set_gp(coord1.x, coord1.y, gp2) self.set_gp(coord2.x, coord2.y, gp1) gp1.coord = coord2 gp2.coord = coord2
[docs] def swap_pos(self, pos1, pos2): gp1 = self.get_gp(*pos1) gp2 = self.get_gp(*pos2) self.swap_gps(gp1, gp2)
[docs] def perfect_mix(self, rand_gen): gps = list(self.gp_iter) rand_gen.shuffle(gps) for i in range(len(gps)/2): self.swap_content(gps[i], gps[-i])
@property def as_numpy_array(self): return np.array(self.grid) def __len__(self): return self.rows * self.cols
[docs] def dummy(self): print 'dummy'
def __getitem__(self,index): return self.grid[index] def __iter__(self): return self.gp_iter def __str__(self): nei_grids = [] for nei in self.neighborhood_dict: nei_str = str(nei) + '\n' nei_str += '\n'.join( [ ' '.join([ str(gp) + ' ' + str(gp[nei]) for gp in row ]) for row in self.grid ] ) nei_grids.append(nei_str) return '\n\n'.join(nei_grids )
if __name__ == "__main__": grid1 = Grid(5, 5, nei_wrapped_ew=['hgt'], nei_wrapped_ns=['hgt'] ) print 'GRID1' for gp in grid1.gp_iter: print gp, for nei_gp in gp.neighbor_gps('hgt'): print nei_gp, print grid2 = Grid(5, 5, nei_wrapped_ew=[], nei_wrapped_ns=[] ) print print 'GRID2' for gp in grid2.gp_iter: print gp, for nei_gp in gp.neighbor_gps('hgt'): print nei_gp, print print Coord(1,2) == Coord(1,2) print Coord(1,2) == Coord(1,3) print Coord(1,3) == Coord(1,3) import random random.uniform(-2.,-2.) #grid1.make_barrier(grid1[1][4], 4, 'hgt', 'tb') grid1.grid_barriers(p_row=1., p_col=0., neighborhoods=['hgt'], rand_gen=random) print print 'GRID2 with Barriers' for gp in grid1.gp_iter: print gp, for nei_gp in gp.neighbor_gps('hgt'): print nei_gp, print print Coord(1,2) == Coord(1,2) print Coord(1,2) == Coord(1,3) print Coord(1,3) == Coord(1,3)