Source code for VirtualMicrobes.environment.Environment

Created on Mar 9, 2014

@author: thocu

from collections import OrderedDict
import collections
import math
from orderedset import OrderedSet
import random
import string
import warnings

import Grid
from VirtualMicrobes.event.Molecule import Molecule, MoleculeClass
from VirtualMicrobes.event.Reaction import Degradation, Transport, Diffusion, Influx, \
    ClassConvert, Convert
from VirtualMicrobes.my_tools.utility import OrderedDefaultdict
import VirtualMicrobes.my_tools.utility as util
from VirtualMicrobes.readwrite import read_obj
import itertools as it
import numpy as np

[docs]class Locality(object): class_version = '1.0' def __init__(self, params, internal_molecules, influx_reactions, degradation_reactions, env_rand, max_time_course_length=0): ''' Create a new locality. initializes a locality that holds cells and molecules of gridpoints: * external molecule dictionaries, and time courses to track external concentrations * list of cells in this locality (usually 1) * locality volume Parameters ---------- params : :class:`attrdict.AttrDict` mapping object that holds global simulation parameters internal_molecules : :class:`VirtualMicrobes.Event.Molecule` list of molecules influx_reactions : :class:`VirtualMicrobes.Event.Reaction` list of influx reactions into the locality degradation : :class:`VirtualMicrobes.Event.Reaction` list of degr reactions out of the locality env_rand : RNG max_time_course_length : int the length of time courses kept in memory ''' self.version = self.__class__.class_version self.params = params self.max_time_course_length = max_time_course_length self.volume = self.params.per_grid_cell_volume self.internal_molecules = internal_molecules self.influx_reactions = influx_reactions self.degradation_reactions = degradation_reactions self.env_rand = env_rand self.molecules = dict() # NOTE: unordered ok self.molecules["gene_products"] = util.OrderedDefaultdict(util.GeneProduct) self.molecules["small_molecules"] = util.OrderedDefaultdict(util.SmallMol) self.init_mol_views() self.cells = [] self.nr_time_points_stored = 0 self.init_external_mols() self.init_variables_map() self.new_concentrations = False
[docs] def init_variables_map(self): self.dimension = 0 self.variables_map = dict() # NOTE: unordered ok self.variables_map["small_molecules"] = dict() # NOTE: unordered ok : keys are unique objects self.variables_map["gene_products"] = dict() # NOTE: unordered ok self.variables_map["cell_growth"] = dict() # NOTE: unordered ok self.variables_map["cell_toxicity"] =dict() # NOTE: unordered ok self.variables_map["cell_volume"] =dict() # NOTE: unordered ok
[docs] def init_mol_views(self): ''' Sets alias to molecules in locality (QoL implementation) ''' self.small_mols, self.gene_products = (self.molecules['small_molecules'].viewkeys(), self.molecules['gene_products'].viewkeys())
[docs] def get_mol_influx_dict(self): # NOTE: unordered ok : use for output only ''' Get influx dictionary from locality dictionary ''' return dict([ (mol, self.molecules['small_molecules'][mol].influx) for mol in self.small_mols] )
[docs] def get_mol_concentration_dict(self): # NOTE: unordered ok : use for output only ''' Get molecule concentration dictionary ''' return dict([ (mol, self.get_small_mol_conc(mol)) for mol in self.small_mols] )
[docs] def get_mol_time_course_dict(self, max_tp=None): ''' Get time course of molecule ''' if max_tp is None: max_tp = self.nr_time_points_stored return dict([ (mol, np.vstack((self.time_points[:max_tp], self.molecules['small_molecules'][mol].time_course[:max_tp]))) for mol in self.small_mols] )
def _get_mol_property_dict(self, prop_name): mol_property_dict = dict() # NOTE: unordered ok : use for output only for mol in self.small_mols: mol_property_dict[mol] = self.molecules["small_molecules"][mol][prop_name] return mol_property_dict
[docs] def get_mol_per_class_influx_dict(self): # NOTE: not used, purge? mol_property_dict = util.OrderedDefaultdict(dict) # NOTE: unordered ok for mol in self.small_mols: mol_property_dict[str(mol.paired.mol_class)][mol] = self.molecules["small_molecules"][mol].influx return mol_property_dict
[docs] def get_mol_per_class_concentration_dict(self): # NOTE: not used, purge? mol_property_dict = util.OrderedDefaultdict(dict) # NOTE: unordered ok for mol in self.small_mols: mol_property_dict[str(mol.paired.mol_class)][mol] = self.get_small_mol_conc(mol) return mol_property_dict
[docs] def get_cells(self): return self.cells[:]
[docs] def init_external_mols(self, conc=None): if conc is None: conc=10e-20 for mol_ext in [ mol_int.paired for mol_int in self.internal_molecules]: self.add_small_molecule(mol_ext, conc)
[docs] def add_small_molecule(self, mol, concentration=0.): self.molecules["small_molecules"][mol].influx = self.influx_reactions[mol], 0. self.molecules["small_molecules"][mol].degradation = self.degradation_reactions[mol.paired], 0. self.init_mol_time_course(self.molecules["small_molecules"][mol]) self.set_small_mol_conc(mol, concentration)
[docs] def update_small_mol_concentrations(self, concentration_dict): for mol_ext, conc in concentration_dict.items(): self.set_small_mol_conc(mol_ext, conc) self.new_concentrations = True
[docs] def update_small_mol_degradation_rates(self, degradation_dict): for mol_ext, degr in degradation_dict.items(): (degr_reac, _) = self.molecules["small_molecules"][mol_ext].influx self.molecules["small_molecules"][mol_ext].degradation = (degr_reac,degr)
[docs] def update_small_mol_influxes(self, influx_dict, no_influx=1e-20): for mol_ext, influx in influx_dict.items(): if influx is None: influx = no_influx (influx_reac,_) = self.molecules["small_molecules"][mol_ext].influx self.molecules["small_molecules"][mol_ext].influx = (influx_reac, influx)
[docs] def map_variables(self): ''' Setup of the mapping of variables in the system to indexes used by the C encoded integrator part of the simulation: * small molecules (metabolites, toxins, resources) * gene products In practice we start with an empty dictionary and let 'system' map molecules and gene products sepselfarately, creating the indexes on the go and reporting back on the last selfused index. ''' self.init_variables_map() self.map_external_molecules() for cell in self.cells: self.map_cell_internal_mols(cell) self.map_cell_gene_products(cell)
[docs] def map_external_molecules(self): ''' Mapping of the small molecules to indexes for use in the C integrator. The map is an initially empty dictionary. The first level of indexing is the container , while the second level is the molecules (type) . The container can be a cell or it can be the environment. (see also map_variables) :param start_index: ''' for mol in self.internal_molecules: external_mol = mol.paired if self not in self.variables_map['small_molecules']: self.variables_map["small_molecules"][self] = dict() # NOTE: unordered ok: only accessed by unique key self.variables_map["small_molecules"][self][external_mol] = self.dimension self.dimension += 1
[docs] def map_cell_internal_mols(self, cell): for mol in self.internal_molecules: if cell not in self.variables_map["small_molecules"]: self.variables_map["small_molecules"][cell] = dict() # NOTE: unordered ok: only accessed by unique key self.variables_map["small_molecules"][cell][mol] = self.dimension self.dimension += 1
[docs] def map_cell_gene_products(self, cell): ''' The mapping is a dictionary of dictionaries; in this way, it is possible to recognize the same protein in the two different cells as two separate variables. (see also map_external_molecules) :param start_index: ''' if cell not in self.variables_map["gene_products"]: self.variables_map["gene_products"][cell] = dict() # NOTE: unordered ok: only accessed by unique key for prod in cell.gene_products: self.variables_map["gene_products"][cell][prod] = self.dimension self.dimension += 1 self.variables_map["cell_growth"][cell] = self.dimension self.dimension += 1 self.variables_map["cell_toxicity"][cell] = self.dimension self.dimension += 1 self.variables_map["cell_volume"][cell] = self.dimension self.dimension += 1
[docs] def init_mol_time_course(self, mol_struct, length=None): mol_struct.time_course = util.time_course_array(length)
[docs] def init_time_courses(self, length=None): '''initialize an array to hold time course data of molecules :param new_max_time_points: max number of time points ''' if length is None: length = self.max_time_course_length self.time_points = util.time_course_array(length) for mol_struct in self.molecules["small_molecules"].values(): self.init_mol_time_course(mol_struct, length) for mol_struct in self.molecules["gene_products"].values(): self.init_mol_time_course(mol_struct, length)
[docs] def resize_time_courses(self, new_max_time_points): if new_max_time_points > self.max_time_course_length: self.max_time_course_length = new_max_time_points self.init_time_courses()
[docs] def clear_mol_time_courses(self): for mol_struct in self.molecules["small_molecules"].values(): mol_struct.time_course = None for mol_struct in self.molecules["gene_products"].values(): mol_struct.time_course = None
[docs] def get_small_mol_conc(self, mol): if self.tp_index is not None: return self.molecules['small_molecules'][mol].time_course[self.tp_index] else: return self.molecules['small_molecules'][mol].concentration
[docs] def get_internal_mol_conc(self, mol): cells = self.cells if len(cells) > 0: return cells[0].get_small_mol_conc(mol) else: return 0.0
[docs] def get_expression_level(self, rea, exporting=False): cells = self.cells if len(cells) > 0: return cells[0].get_total_expression_level(rea, exporting=exporting) else: return 0.0
[docs] def set_small_mol_conc(self, mol, val): #print "setting " + str(mol) + " to " + str(val) # Debugging purposes if self.tp_index is not None: self.molecules['small_molecules'][mol].time_course[self.tp_index] = val self.molecules['small_molecules'][mol].concentration = val
#print self.molecules['small_molecules'][mol].time_course
[docs] def get_gene_prod_conc(self, gene): if self.tp_index is not None: return self.molecules['gene_products'][gene].time_course[self.tp_index] else: return self.molecules['gene_products'][gene].concentration
[docs] def set_gene_prod_conc(self, gene, conc): if self.tp_index is not None: self.molecules['gene_products'][gene].time_course[self.tp_index] = conc self.molecules['gene_products'][gene].concentration = conc
@property def tp_index(self): index = self.nr_time_points_stored - 1 return index if index > -1 else None
[docs] def set_mol_concentrations_from_time_point(self): for mol in self.small_mols: self.set_small_mol_conc(mol, self.get_small_mol_conc(mol)) for gene_prod in self.gene_products: self.set_gene_prod_conc(gene_prod, self.get_gene_prod_conc(gene_prod))
[docs] def spill_dead_cell_contents(self, cell, prod_as_bb=None, factor=None): if factor is None: factor = self.params.spill_conc_factor if prod_as_bb is None: prod_as_bb = self.params.spill_product_as_bb util.within_range(factor, (0., 1.)) for m in cell.small_mols: cell_conc = cell.get_small_mol_conc(m) ext_conc = self.get_small_mol_conc(m.paired) self.set_small_mol_conc(m.paired, ext_conc + (factor * cell_conc * cell.volume)/ self.volume) if prod_as_bb: bbs = [bb for bb in cell.small_mols if bb.is_building_block] sum_stoich = sum(cell.building_blocks_dict.values()) product = cell.raw_production for bb in bbs: #print 'spilling {} product as {} of bb {}'.format(product, (cell.building_blocks_dict[bb]/sum_stoich)*(product*cell.volume)/self.volume ,bb ) if self.tp_index is not None: ext_conc = self.get_small_mol_conc(bb.paired) self.set_small_mol_conc(bb.paired, ext_conc + (cell.building_blocks_dict[bb]/sum_stoich)*(product*cell.volume)/self.volume) self.new_concentrations = True
[docs] def clear_locality(self): ''' Clear the cells in this locality. ''' for cell in self.cells: self.remove_cell(cell)
[docs] def remove_cell(self, cell): self.cells.remove(cell)
[docs] def add_cell(self, cell): self.cells.append(cell)
def _clear_dead_cells(self): removed = [] for c in self.get_cells(): if not c.alive: if self.params.spill_conc_factor and not c.wiped: self.spill_dead_cell_contents(c) self.remove_cell(c) removed.append(c) return removed def __setitem__(self,key,value): self.params[key] = value def __getitem__(self,key): return self.params[key]
[docs] def upgrade(self): ''' Upgrading from older pickled version of class to latest version. Version information is saved as class variable and should be updated when class invariants (e.g. fields) are added. ''' version = float(self.version) if version < 1.: self.new_concentrations = False self.version = self.class_version if version > float(self.class_version): print 'upgraded class', else: print 'reset class', print self.__class__.__name__, ' from version', version ,'to version', self.version
def __getstate__(self): odict = self.__dict__.copy() # copy the dict since we change it del odict['small_mols'] # remove filehandle entry del odict['gene_products'] return odict def __setstate__(self, obj_dict): self.__dict__.update(obj_dict) # update attributes self.init_mol_views() if not hasattr(self, 'version'): self.version = '0.0' if self.version != self.class_version: self.upgrade()
[docs]class Environment(object): class_version = '1.1' ''' ''' def __init__(self,params, max_time_course_length=0): ''' :param nr_resource_classes: :param mol_per_res_class: :param nr_energy_classes: :param mol_per_ene_class: :param nr_building_blocks: how many molecules are building blocks :param consume_range: range for stoichiometric constants for a resource of a conversion reaction :param max_yield: maximum stoichiometric yield of new product in a conversion reaction :param transport_cost_range: range of stoichiometric energy cost of an import reaction :param per_grid_cell_volume: :param fraction_realized_reactions: fraction of actualized reactions in the simulation of all possible reactions given the set of molecule classes and possible reaction schemes :param fraction_mol_transports: fraction of resources that have a import reaction assigned for importing it :param reaction_schemes: nr-of-resources to nr-of-product pairs that define the potential reaction space :param number_localities: :param toxicity: ''' self.version = self.__class__.class_version ### take a reference of the global paramaters ### self.params = params self.max_time_course_length = max_time_course_length self._init_rand_gens(self.params.env_rand_seed) self.resource_classes = collections.OrderedDict() self.energy_classes = collections.OrderedDict() if self.params.env_from_file is not None: # Follow similar structure as random init below, but based on the composing dict composing_dict = read_obj.parse_environment_stringrepr(self.params.env_from_file) read_obj.init_mol_classes(self, composing_dict['molecules']) # All molecules are now defined read_obj.init_reactions(self, composing_dict) # Reactions parsed. Also handles toxicity, so init_mol_toxicity is not necessary read_obj.init_membrane_diffusion_dict(self, composing_dict['membrane diffusion rates']) read_obj.init_degradation_dict(self, composing_dict['degradation rates']) read_obj.read_grid_params(self, composing_dict['grid']) self.init_grid() if(params.init_pop_size is None): params.init_pop_size = params.grid_rows * params.grid_cols # This is usually set even before the env is initialised, so it needs to be reset here if you change the gridsize read_obj.init_influx_dicts(self, flux_dicts=composing_dict['grid'], flux=self.params.influx) self.init_external_mol_vals_on_grid(self.params.init_external_conc) else: self.init_mol_class_sizes() self.init_mol_classes() self.init_reactions() self.init_mol_toxicities() self.init_influxed_mols() self.init_global_influx_dict() self.init_degradation_dict() self.init_membrane_diffusion_dict() self.init_grid() self.init_sub_envs() self.init_external_mol_vals_on_grid() if self.params.microfluid is not None: self.init_microfluid_cycle() def _init_rand_gens(self, env_rand_seed=None): if env_rand_seed is None: env_rand_seed = self.params.env_rand_seed self.env_rand = random.Random(int(env_rand_seed))
[docs] def init_mol_class_sizes(self): nr_resource_classes = self.params.nr_resource_classes mol_per_res_class = self.params.mol_per_res_class nr_energy_classes = self.params.nr_energy_classes mol_per_ene_class = self.params.mol_per_ene_class if isinstance(mol_per_res_class, int): # If parameter is an int self.resource_mol_class_sizes = [ mol_per_res_class for _ in range(nr_resource_classes)] else: #assume a range self.resource_mol_class_sizes = [ self.env_rand.randint(*mol_per_res_class) for _ in range(nr_resource_classes)] if isinstance(mol_per_ene_class, int): self.energy_mol_class_sizes = [ mol_per_ene_class for _ in range(nr_energy_classes) ] else: self.energy_mol_class_sizes = [ self.env_rand.randint(*mol_per_ene_class) for _ in range(nr_energy_classes) ]
[docs] def init_mol_toxicities(self, toxicity_avrg=None, toxicity_variance_shape=None, toxic_building_block=None): if toxicity_avrg is None: toxicity_avrg = self.params.toxicity if toxicity_variance_shape is None: toxicity_variance_shape = self.params.toxicity_variance_shape if toxic_building_block is None: toxic_building_block = self.params.toxic_building_blocks for mol in self.internal_molecules: if mol.is_building_block and not toxic_building_block: toxicity = 0 elif toxicity_variance_shape is not None: theta = toxicity_avrg / toxicity_variance_shape toxicity = self.env_rand.gammavariate(toxicity_variance_shape, theta) else: toxicity = toxicity_avrg mol.toxic_level = toxicity
[docs] def find_reaction(self, match_string): ''' Returns reaction that matches stringrepr. ''' reac_repr_dict = dict( [ (rea.short_repr(), rea) for rea in self.transports+self.conversions ]) return reac_repr_dict[match_string]
[docs] def update_reaction_universe(self, path): ''' Updates reaction universe by adding newly added molecules and reactions to the environment. Does NOT support the removal of metabolites / reactions, as this will often be very artificial for cells that are still using them. ''' composing_dict = read_obj.parse_environment_stringrepr(path) read_obj.init_mol_classes(self, composing_dict['molecules'], reset=False) # All molecules are now defined read_obj.init_reactions(self, composing_dict, reset=False) # Reactions parsed. Also handles toxicity, so init_mol_toxicity is not necessary read_obj.init_membrane_diffusion_dict(self, composing_dict['membrane diffusion rates']) read_obj.init_degradation_dict(self, composing_dict['degradation rates']) #self.grid.toggle_gps_updated() old_grid = self.grid self.init_grid() print 'made a new grid' for loc in self.localities: loc.init_time_courses() # I think this works? for gp_new,gp_old in zip(self.grid.gp_iter,old_grid.gp_iter): # Add cells back to the new grid for cell in gp_old.content.cells: gp_new.content.add_cell(cell) for cell in gp_new.content.cells: cell.update_small_molecules(env=self, conc=10e-20) #conc = conc of new mols cell.init_cell_time_courses() for m in gp_old.content.molecules['small_molecules']: conc = gp_old.content.get_small_mol_conc(m) #print 'setting ', conc gp_new.content.init_external_mols(conc) gp_new.content.init_variables_map() read_obj.init_influx_dicts(self, flux_dicts=composing_dict['grid'], flux=self.params.influx)
[docs] def print_values(self): print 'conversion reactions:' for c in self.conversions: print c print print 'transport reactions:' for t in self.transports: print t print print 'toxicities:' for mol in self.internal_molecules: print mol, '\t', mol.toxic_level print print 'degradation rates:' for mol, degr in self.degradation_dict.items(): print mol, '\t', degr print print 'membrane diffusion rates:' for mol, diff in self.membrane_diffusion_dict.items(): print mol, '\t', diff print print 'influx rates:' for i, sub_env in enumerate(self.subenvs): print 'subenv {}'.format(i) for mol,inf_rate in sub_env.influx_dict.items(): print '\t', mol, '\t', inf_rate print print 'not influxed:' for mol in [ mol for mol in self.external_molecules if mol not in self.influxed_mols ]: print mol
@property def molecule_classes(self): return self.resource_classes.values() + self.energy_classes.values() @property def energy_mols(self): return [ m for ec in self.energy_classes.values() for m in ec.molecules ]
[docs] def select_building_blocks(self, nr_bb, mol_classes, substrate_weight_function = lambda m: m.energy_level, weight_scaling=2, rand_gen=None): if rand_gen is None: rand_gen = self.env_rand bb_class_sample = util.OrderedSet() mol_classes = util.OrderedSet(mol_classes) while len(bb_class_sample) < nr_bb and len(mol_classes): weighted_classes = [ ( m, pow(substrate_weight_function(m), weight_scaling) ) for m in mol_classes ] mol_class, _energy , _ = self.pick_mol_class(weighted_classes, rand_gen) bb_class_sample.add(mol_class) mol_classes.remove(mol_class) return bb_class_sample
[docs] def init_mol_classes(self): nr_building_blocks = self.params.nr_building_blocks res_energy_range = self.params.res_energy_range ene_energy_range = self.params.ene_energy_range mol_class_names = (n+str(i) if i>0 else n for i in xrange(100) for n in string.uppercase) self.internal_molecules = [] for s in self.resource_mol_class_sizes: mol_class_name = mol_names = [ mol_class_name.lower()+"."+str(i) for i in range(s) ] molecules = [ Molecule(name=n, environment=self) for n in mol_names ] #creates external mol variatns implicitly self.internal_molecules += molecules mol_class = MoleculeClass(name=mol_class_name, energy_level=self.env_rand.randint(*res_energy_range), molecule_species=molecules) self.resource_classes[] = mol_class if self.params.high_energy_bbs: bb_class_sample = self.select_building_blocks(nr_building_blocks, self.resource_classes.values()) else: bb_class_sample = self.env_rand.sample(self.resource_classes.values(), min(len(self.resource_classes), nr_building_blocks)) building_blocks = [] while len(building_blocks) < nr_building_blocks: for rc in bb_class_sample: if not util.OrderedSet(rc.molecules) - util.OrderedSet(building_blocks): continue while True: #TODO: make this crappy function better bb_temp = self.env_rand.choice(rc.molecules.values()) if bb_temp not in building_blocks: building_blocks.append(bb_temp) break for block in building_blocks: block.set_building_block() for s in self.energy_mol_class_sizes: mol_class_name = mol_names = [ mol_class_name.lower()+"."+str(i) for i in range(s) ] molecules = [ Molecule(name=n, environment=self) for n in mol_names ] self.internal_molecules += molecules mol_class = MoleculeClass(name=mol_class_name, energy_level=self.env_rand.randint(*ene_energy_range), molecule_species=molecules, is_energy=True) self.energy_classes[] = mol_class
[docs] def init_reactions(self): self.init_diffusion() self.init_degradation() self.init_reaction_universe() self.conversions += self.init_class_conversions(1.) #fraction_realized_reactions) self.init_transports() self.init_influx() self.init_mols_to_reactions()
[docs] def pick_mol_class(self, weighted_classes, rand_gen=None): ''' Randomly select a molecule class with probability proportional to a weight. Parameters ---------- weighted_classes : list of :class:`VirtualMicrobes.event.Molecule.MoleculeClass`, weight (float) tuples molecule classes with their respective weights rand_gen : RNG RNG Returns ------- :class:`VirtualMicrobes.event.Molecule.MoleculeClass`, energy, pos index the selected class with its energy level and list index ''' if rand_gen is None: rand_gen = self.env_rand total_ene = sum( [ w for m,w in weighted_classes] ) rand = rand_gen.uniform(0, 1.) * total_ene cumulative_chance = 0. catabolite, energy, index = None, 0., None for i,(m, w) in enumerate(weighted_classes): cumulative_chance += w if rand <= cumulative_chance: catabolite, energy, index = m, m.energy_level, i break return catabolite, energy, index
[docs] def resource_combis_within_energy(self, resource_classes, nr, total_energy): ''' Return combinations of resource classes that have exactly a total sum in energy values. Parameters ---------- resource_classes : set of :class:`VirtualMicrobes.event.Molecules.MoleculeClass`s the set to make combinations from nr : int number of MCs to combine total_energy : int the sum of energy values that MCs should have Returns ------- combinations of MCs ''' if nr > 1: combis = it.product(*[resource_classes]*nr) else: combis = [(r,) for r in resource_classes ] if isinstance(total_energy, tuple): low,high = total_energy filtered_low = [ c for c in combis if sum( map(lambda m: m.energy_level, c) ) >= low ] filtered = [ c for c in filtered_low if sum( map(lambda m: m.energy_level, c) ) <= high ] else: filtered = [ c for c in combis if sum( map(lambda m: m.energy_level, c) ) == total_energy ] return filtered
[docs] def rand_catabolic_reaction_scheme(self, substrate_classes, product_classes, energy_classes, max_products, min_energy,rand_gen=None): # lambda m: 1.): # alternatively ''' Construct a random catabolic reaction scheme. Typically a catabolic reaction breaks down a large, energy rich molecule into smaller molecules. Energy molecules may be produced in this reaction. Construction is done by randomly selecting a molecule class as the substrate of the reaction and than select the molecule classes that will be the product of the reaction. The total energy of reactants = products (+ energy). Parameters ---------- substrate_classes : list of :class:`VirtualMicrobes.event.Molecules.MoleculeClass` all resource molecule classes product_classes : list of :class:`VirtualMicrobes.event.Molecules.MoleculeClass` molecule classes that can be products of the reaction energy_classes : list of :class:`VirtualMicrobes.event.Molecules.MoleculeClass` energy molecule classes max_products : int maximum number of products in reaction scheme min_energy : int minimum yield in energy metabolites Returns ------- reaction scheme tuple ( list of reactants, list of products, stoichiometries ''' if rand_gen is None: rand_gen = self.env_rand # weigh potential substrate classes by their energy level potential_substrates = substrate_classes[:] while potential_substrates: # start by randomly picking a resource class as the substrate of the reaction substrate = rand_gen.choice(potential_substrates) # remove this substrate from the list, so we don't pick it again. energy = substrate.energy_level potential_substrates.remove(substrate) products = [] try: product_classes.remove(substrate) # make sure we cannot produce the substrate except: pass # set initial energy_yield equal to energy of substrate energy_yield = energy # subtract the energy that should be converted to energy molecules nr_products = rand_gen.randint(1,max_products) if isinstance(min_energy, tuple): min_,max_ = min_energy if nr_products == 1: # there is a single product, the reaction should yield a minimum of 1 energy min_= max(1, min_) max_ = max(1,max_) energy_yield = energy_yield - max_, energy_yield - min_ else: min_ = min_energy if nr_products == 1: min_ = max(1,min_) energy_yield -= min_ potential_combinations = self.resource_combis_within_energy(product_classes, nr_products, energy_yield) if not potential_combinations: continue # try again, if the substrate list is not empty products = list(rand_gen.choice(potential_combinations)) for p in products: energy -= p.energy_level break if not products: return None while True: potential_energy_classes = [ m for m in energy_classes if m.energy_level <= energy] if not potential_energy_classes: break energy_class = rand_gen.choice(potential_energy_classes) products.append(energy_class) energy -= energy_class.energy_level products, stois = zip(*sorted(collections.Counter(products).items())) reaction_scheme = ((substrate,), tuple(products), tuple([1] + list(stois))) return reaction_scheme
[docs] def rand_anabolic_reaction_scheme(self, resource_classes, energy_classes, product_classes, nr_reactants, max_products, max_free_energy, max_ene_energy=1, rand=None): ''' Construct a random anabolic reaction scheme. Construction is done by randomly selecting a molecule classes as the substrates of the reaction and than select the molecule classes that will be the product of the reaction. The total energy of reactants ( + energy) >= products. Parameters ---------- resource_classes : list of :class:`VirtualMicrobes.event.Molecules.MoleculeClass` all resource molecule classes energy_classes : list of :class:`VirtualMicrobes.event.Molecules.MoleculeClass` energy molecule classes max_products : int maximum number of products in reaction scheme max_ene_energy : int maximum energy level that can be provided by energy metabolites as reaction substrate Returns ------- reaction scheme tuple ( list of reactants, list of products, stoichiometries ''' if rand is None: rand = self.env_rand if isinstance(nr_reactants, tuple): nr_reac = rand.randint(*nr_reactants) else: nr_reac = nr_reactants if nr_reac > 1: combis = list(it.product(*[resource_classes]*nr_reac)) else: combis = [(r,) for r in resource_classes ] while len(combis): potential_products = product_classes[:] combi = rand.choice(combis) combis.remove(combi) reactants = list(combi) free_energy = 0 for r in reactants: free_energy += r.energy_level for reactant in set(reactants): try: potential_products.remove(reactant) # ensure that we will not produce one of the reactants except: pass nrs = range(1,max_products+1) rand.shuffle(nrs) for nr_products in nrs: min_energy = free_energy - max_free_energy max_energy = free_energy + max_ene_energy product_combis = self.resource_combis_within_energy(potential_products, nr_products, (min_energy,max_energy)) if product_combis: break if not product_combis: return None products = list(rand.choice(product_combis)) for p in products: free_energy -= p.energy_level while True: # add energy to lhs if needed if free_energy >= 0: break rand_ene = rand.choice(energy_classes) reactants.append(rand_ene) free_energy += rand_ene.energy_level reactants, reac_stois = zip(*sorted(collections.Counter(reactants).items())) products, prod_stois = zip(*sorted(collections.Counter(products).items())) reaction_scheme = (tuple(reactants), tuple(products), tuple(list(reac_stois) + list(prod_stois))) return reaction_scheme
[docs] def init_catabolic_reactions(self, nr_catabolic=None, max_products=None, min_energy=None, max_path_conversion=None): ''' Initialize the set of catabolic reactions. Catabolic reactions break down large molecules into smaller molecules. If the total free energy of products is lower than that of the substrate, energy molecules will also be produced in the reaction until reaction is (as) balanced (as possible). Parameters ---------- nr_catabolic : int number of reactions to generate max_products : int maximum number of species produced in the reaction, excluding energy min_energy : int minimum amount of energy produced as energy molecules max_path_conversion : int maximum nr of reactions producing any molecule species Returns ------- list of :class:`VirtualMicrobes.event.Reaction.Convert` reactions ''' if nr_catabolic is None: nr_catabolic = self.params.nr_cat_reactions if max_products is None: max_products = self.params.max_nr_cat_products if min_energy is None: min_energy = self.params.min_cat_energy if max_path_conversion is None: max_path_conversion = self.params.max_cat_path_conv resource_classes, energy_classes = self.resource_classes.values(), self.energy_classes.values() catabolic_reaction_schemes = OrderedSet() tries = 0 max_tries = 1000 prod_counts = collections.Counter() while len(catabolic_reaction_schemes) < nr_catabolic and tries < max_tries: if max_path_conversion is not None: product_classes = sorted([ p for p in resource_classes if prod_counts[p] < max_path_conversion ]) else: product_classes = resource_classes[:] if not len(product_classes): break reac_scheme = self.rand_catabolic_reaction_scheme(substrate_classes=resource_classes, product_classes=product_classes, energy_classes=energy_classes, max_products=max_products, min_energy=min_energy) if reac_scheme: # check that have a non-empty scheme _r, products,_s = reac_scheme allowed = True if max_path_conversion is not None: # check if the products of this reaction don't violate the maximum pathway conversion constraint. for p in products: count = prod_counts[p] if not p.is_energy and count >= max_path_conversion: allowed = False break if allowed: for p in products: prod_counts[p] += 1 catabolic_reaction_schemes.add(reac_scheme) tries += 1 if tries == max_tries: warnings.warn('Maximum number of tries to create {} catabolic reactions. Created a total of {}.'.format(nr_catabolic, len(catabolic_reaction_schemes))) return [ Convert(*reac_scheme) for reac_scheme in catabolic_reaction_schemes ]
[docs] def init_anabolic_reactions(self, nr_anabolic=None, nr_reactants=None, max_products=None, max_path_conversion=None, max_free_energy=None): ''' Initialize the set of anabolic reactions. Anabolic reactions combine small molecules into larger molecules. If the total free energy of product(s) is larger than that of the substrates, energy molecules will also be consumed in the reaction until reaction is (as) balanced (as possible). Parameters ---------- nr_catabolic : int number of reactions to generate max_products : int maximum number of species produced in the reaction min_energy : int minimum amount of energy produced as energy molecules max_path_conversion : int maximum nr of reactions producing any molecule species max_free_energy : int maximum free energy loss from reaction Returns ------- list of :class:`VirtualMicrobes.event.Reaction.Convert` reactions ''' if nr_anabolic is None: nr_anabolic = self.params.nr_ana_reactions if nr_reactants is None: nr_reactants = self.params.nr_ana_reactants if max_products is None: max_products = self.params.max_nr_ana_products if max_path_conversion is None: max_path_conversion = self.params.max_ana_path_conv if max_free_energy is None: max_free_energy = self.params.max_ana_free_energy resource_classes, energy_classes = self.resource_classes.values(), self.energy_classes.values() anabolic_reaction_schemes = OrderedSet() tries = 0 max_tries = 1000 prod_counts = collections.Counter() while len(anabolic_reaction_schemes) < nr_anabolic and tries < max_tries: if max_path_conversion is not None: product_classes = sorted([ p for p in resource_classes if prod_counts[p] < max_path_conversion]) else: product_classes = resource_classes[:] if not len(product_classes): break reac_scheme = self.rand_anabolic_reaction_scheme(resource_classes=resource_classes, product_classes=product_classes, energy_classes=energy_classes, nr_reactants=nr_reactants, max_products=max_products, max_free_energy=max_free_energy) if reac_scheme: _r, products,_s = reac_scheme allowed = True if max_path_conversion is not None: # check if the products of this reaction don't violate the maximum pathway conversion constraint. for p in products: count = prod_counts[p] if not p.is_energy and count >= max_path_conversion: allowed = False break if allowed: for p in products: prod_counts[p] += 1 anabolic_reaction_schemes.add(reac_scheme) tries += 1 if tries == max_tries: warnings.warn('Maximum number of tries to create {} anabolic reactions. Created a total of {}.'.format(nr_anabolic, len(anabolic_reaction_schemes))) return [ Convert(*reac_scheme) for reac_scheme in anabolic_reaction_schemes ]
[docs] def init_reaction_universe(self): cat_reactions = self.init_catabolic_reactions() if not len(cat_reactions): raise Exception('Could not initialize catabolic reactions. Try again' ' with different reaction parameters.') ana_reactions = self.init_anabolic_reactions() if not len(ana_reactions): raise Exception('Could not initialize anabolic reactions. Try again' ' with different reaction parameters.') self.conversions = cat_reactions + ana_reactions return self.conversions
[docs] def init_class_conversions(self, fraction_reactions): util.within_range(fraction_reactions, (0., 1.)) class_conversions = [] metabolite_ene_class_combis = list(it.product(self.resource_classes.values(), self.energy_classes.values())) class_convert_combis = [] for meta_class, ene_class in metabolite_ene_class_combis: meta_combis = it.permutations(meta_class.molecules.values(), 2) for sub,prod in meta_combis: class_convert_combis.append((sub, ene_class, prod)) nr_reactions = int(len(class_convert_combis) * fraction_reactions) for sub, ene_class, prod in self.env_rand.sample(class_convert_combis, nr_reactions): cc = ClassConvert(sub, ene_class, prod) class_conversions.append(cc) return class_conversions
[docs] def init_diffusion(self): self.diffusion_reactions = collections.OrderedDict() for mc in self.molecule_classes: for m in mc.molecules.values(): self.diffusion_reactions[m] = Diffusion(m)
[docs] def init_degradation(self): self.degradation_reactions = collections.OrderedDict() for mc in self.molecule_classes: for m in mc.molecules.values(): self.degradation_reactions[m] = Degradation(m)
[docs] def init_microfluid_cycle(self): ''' Sets up a list of dictionaries to iterate cycles of fixed external concentrations ''' mols = self.params.microfluid['metabolites'].split(',') concsets = [i.split(' ') for i in self.params.microfluid['concs'].split(',')] self.microfluid_list = list() self.microfluid_cycle_length = int(self.params.microfluid['cyclelength']) self.microfluid_num_cycles = len(concsets) for i,set in enumerate(concsets): concdict = dict() #unordered OK print '\nSetting up cycle ' + str(i+1) + ' for microfluid device.' concdict_set = dict(zip(mols,set)) for mol in self.localities[0].small_mols: if in mols: print '\033[92mSetting conc of ' + + ' to ' + concdict_set[] concdict[mol] = float(concdict_set[]) else: print '\033[93mDefaulting ' + + ' to 10e-20\033[0m' concdict[mol] = float(10e-20) self.microfluid_list.append(concdict) self.microfluid_current_cycle = 0 # nth cycle, keeps looping if you want
[docs] def init_influx(self): self.influx_reactions = collections.OrderedDict() for mc in self.molecule_classes: for m in mc.molecules.values(): self.influx_reactions[m.paired] = Influx(m.paired)
[docs] def init_transports(self): util.within_range(self.params.fraction_mol_transports, (0., 1.)) self.transports = [] all_transports = list(it.product(self.resource_classes.values(), self.energy_classes.values())) nr_transports = int(len(all_transports) * self.params.fraction_mol_transports) for res,ene in self.env_rand.sample( all_transports, nr_transports): cost = self.env_rand.randint(*self.params.transport_cost_range) self.transports.append(Transport(res, ene, 1,cost)) # Sub stoi defaults to 1
[docs] def init_mols_to_reactions(self): ''' Create dictionaries of reactions, keyed on the molecules procuced and consumed in the reactions. ''' class_convert_dict = OrderedDefaultdict(list) conversion_dict = {'produced':OrderedDefaultdict(list), 'consumed': OrderedDefaultdict(list)} for c in self.conversions: if isinstance(c, ClassConvert): class_convert_dict[c.substrate.mol_class].append(c) else: for reac_class in c.reactants: conversion_dict['consumed'][reac_class].append(c) for prod_class in c.products: conversion_dict['produced'][prod_class].append(c) transport_dict = OrderedDefaultdict(list) for t in self.transports: transport_dict[t.substrate_class].append(t) self.mols_to_reactions_dict = {'class_convert': class_convert_dict, 'conversion': conversion_dict, 'transport': transport_dict}
@property def external_molecules(self): return [ mol.paired for mol in self.internal_molecules ] @property def reactions_dict(self): return dict([('import',self.transports), ('diffusion', self.diffusion_reactions), ('conversion', self.conversions), ('degradation', self.degradation_reactions), ('influx', self.influx_reactions)]) @property def mols_per_class_dict(self): d = util.OrderedDefaultdict(list) for mol in self.internal_molecules: d[mol.mol_class].append(mol) return d
[docs] def clear_mol_time_courses(self): #TODO translate to grid function (func_on_grid) for l in self.localities: l.clear_mol_time_courses()
[docs] def resize_time_courses(self, new_max_time_points): for l in self.localities: l.resize_time_courses(new_max_time_points)
[docs] def set_mol_concentrations_from_time_point(self): #TODO translate to grid function (func_on_grid) for l in self.localities: l.set_mol_concentrations_from_time_point()
[docs] def influx_change_range(self, param_space): new_influx = 0 if param_space.base is not None: new_influx = param_space.base ** self.env_rand.uniform(param_space.lower, param_space.upper) else: new_influx = self.env_rand.uniform(param_space.lower, param_space.upper) return new_influx
[docs] def influx_change_gamma(self, influx, variance_fact, upper=None, lower=None): if influx <= 0 or variance_fact <= 0: return influx theta = influx / variance_fact new_influx = self.env_rand.gammavariate(variance_fact, theta) if upper != None: new_influx = min(new_influx, upper) if lower != None: new_influx = max(lower, new_influx) return new_influx
[docs] def init_sub_envs(self, row_divs=None, col_divs=None, partial_influx=None, influx_combinations=None): ''' Initialize sub-environments by dividing up the grid along rows and columns. Within each subenvironment, influx can change independently. When partial_influx is chosen between 0 and 1, influxed molecules will only appear in a fraction of the subenvironments on the grid. Parameters ---------- row_divs : int nr of divisions on y-axis col_divs : int nr of divisions on x-axis partial_influx : float fraction of molecules that will be influxed in each sub-environment ''' if row_divs is None: row_divs = self.params.grid_sub_div.row if col_divs is None: col_divs = self.params.grid_sub_div.col if partial_influx is None: partial_influx = self.params.sub_env_part_influx if influx_combinations is None: influx_combinations = self.params.sub_env_influx_combinations self.subenvs = [] subgrids = list(self.subgrids_gen(row_divs, col_divs)) for sg in subgrids: influx_dict = OrderedDict( (m,inf) for m,inf in self.influx_dict.items() if inf is not None ) sub_env = util.SubEnv(sub_grid=sg, influx_dict=influx_dict) self.subenvs.append(sub_env) if partial_influx is not None: self.sub_envs_partial_influx(partial_influx) elif influx_combinations is not None: if influx_combinations == 'richest_first': self.sub_envs_influx_combinations(richest_first=True) else: self.sub_envs_influx_combinations(richest_first=False) self._init_subenv_influx_rates() # Moved by Brem, does not belong where it was, and it messed up the architecture
[docs] def sub_envs_partial_influx(self, fract): ''' Assign a subset of all influxed molecules per individual sub-environment. Parameters ---------- fract : float fraction of subenvironments where a molecule is fluxed in ''' influxed_mols = [ mol for (mol,inf) in self.influx_dict.items() if inf is not None ] influxed_mols_per_subenv = collections.defaultdict(list) for mol in influxed_mols: for i in self.env_rand.sample(range(len(self.subenvs)) , max(1, int(fract * len(self.subenvs))) ): influxed_mols_per_subenv[i].append(mol) for i,subenv in enumerate(self.subenvs[:]): influx_dict = OrderedDict([ (mol, self.influx_dict[mol]) for mol in influxed_mols_per_subenv[i] ]) self.subenvs[i] = subenv._replace(influx_dict=influx_dict)
[docs] def sub_envs_influx_combinations(self, richest_first=True ): ''' Assign a subset of all influxed molecules per individual sub-environment. Parameters ---------- fract : float fraction of subenvironments where a molecule is fluxed in ''' influxed_mols = [ mol for (mol,inf) in self.influx_dict.items() if inf is not None ] combination_lengths = range(len(influxed_mols) + 1) if richest_first: combination_lengths.reverse() combinations = it.chain.from_iterable( it.combinations( influxed_mols, n) for n in combination_lengths ) for i, (subenv, combi) in enumerate(it.izip(self.subenvs[:], combinations)): influx_dict = OrderedDict([ (mol, self.influx_dict[mol]) for mol in combi ]) self.subenvs[i] = subenv._replace(influx_dict=influx_dict)
[docs] def subgrids_gen(self, row_divs=1, col_divs=1): ''' Generate partitions of the grid. Partitions are constructed from the product of row-chunks and column- chunks, such that the grid is divided (approximately) equally according to the number of row- and column divisions. Parameters ---------- row_divs : int number of divisions in the row dimension col_divs : int number of divisions in the column dimension Yields ------ iterable of '(row_nrs, col_nrs)' partitions of the grid ''' def chunks(l, n): '''Yield successive n-sized chunks from l.''' for i in range(0, len(l), n): yield l[i:i+n] chunk_size = int(round(self.grid.rows/float(row_divs))) # round to nearest integer row_splits = chunks(range(self.grid.rows), chunk_size) chunk_size = int(round(self.grid.cols/float(col_divs))) col_splits = chunks(range(self.grid.cols), chunk_size) return it.product(row_splits, col_splits)
[docs] def fluctuate(self, time, p_fluct = None, influx_rows=None, influx_cols=None, mols=None, influx_dict=None): ''' Influx fluctuation on the grid. Sets new influx rates for influxed molecules depending on fluctuation frequency. Influx rates may vary between different sub-environments. Each sub-environment may define its own set of molecules that can be fluxed in. Parameters ---------- time : int simulation time p_fluct : float fluctuation frequency per influxed molecule influx_rows : iterable a sequence of row indices on which molecules are exclusively influxed influx_cols : iterable a sequence of columnt indices on which molecules are exclusively influxed mols : list of :class:`VirtualMicrobes.event.Molecule.Molecule`s molecules for which new influx rates should be set influx_dict : dict mapping from :class:`VirtualMicrobes.event.Molecule.Molecule` to influx rate (float) ''' if p_fluct is None: if self.params.fluctuate_frequencies is not None: # (simulation) time depencent fluctuation frequency p_fluct = 0. for t, p in self.params.fluctuate_frequencies: if t < time: # set the fluctation frequency that p_fluct = p else: break else: return if influx_rows is None: influx_rows = self.params.influx_rows if influx_cols is None: influx_cols = self.params.influx_cols if mols is None: mols = self.influxed_mols for sub_env in self.subenvs: rows, cols = sub_env.sub_grid if influx_rows is not None: rows = [ row for row in rows if row in influx_rows ] if influx_cols is not None: cols = [ col for col in cols if col in influx_cols ] _influx_dict = sub_env.influx_dict if influx_dict is None else influx_dict self._fluctuate(p_fluct, rows, cols, influx_dict=_influx_dict)
def _fluctuate(self, p_fluct, rows, cols, influx_dict): ''' Influx fluctuation in points in the grid. See Also -------- func:`fluctuate` ''' for mol_ext in influx_dict: if p_fluct is None or self.env_rand.uniform(0, 1.) < p_fluct: if self.params.influx_variance_shape is not None: influx_dict[mol_ext] = self.influx_change_gamma(influx_dict[mol_ext], self.params.influx_variance_shape) elif self.params.influx_range is not None: influx = influx_dict[mol_ext] if self.params.fluctuate_extremes: upper = pow(self.params.influx_range.base, self.params.influx_range.upper) lower = pow(self.params.influx_range.base, self.params.influx_range.lower) influx_dict[mol_ext] = upper if influx != upper else lower else: influx_dict[mol_ext] = self.influx_change_range(self.params.influx_range) self.func_on_grid(lambda l: l.update_small_mol_influxes(influx_dict), rows, cols)
[docs] def microfluid_chemostat(self, run_time=None): if run_time != 0 and run_time % self.microfluid_cycle_length == 0: self.microfluid_current_cycle+=1 print 'Switching to cycle ' + str(self.microfluid_current_cycle+1) currentcyc = self.microfluid_list[self.microfluid_current_cycle%self.microfluid_num_cycles] print 'Microfluid cycle ' + str(self.microfluid_current_cycle+1) for sub_env in self.subenvs: rows, cols = sub_env.sub_grid for mol in currentcyc: sub_env.influx_dict[mol] = currentcyc[mol] self.func_on_grid(lambda l: l.update_small_mol_influxes(currentcyc), rows, cols)
#for l in self.localities: # for mol in currentcyc: # l.set_small_mol_conc(mol,currentcyc[mol])
[docs] def func_on_grid(self, gp_func, rows=None, cols=None): ''' Apply a function to a set of grid points. The function `gp_func` should take a :class:`VirtualMicrobes.environment.Environment.Locality` as argument. A subset of grid points are selected by using rows and cols lists. If both rows and cols are given, select gps as a mesh of intersecting rows and cols. Parameters ---------- gp_func : function function on :class:`VirtualMicrobes.environment.Environment.Locality` rows : iterable sequence of indices for grid row selection cols : iterable sequence of indices for grid column selection ''' gp_iter = None if rows is not None and cols is not None: gp_iter = self.grid.mesh_iter(rows, cols) elif rows is not None: gp_iter = self.grid.rows_iter(rows) elif cols is not None: gp_iter = self.grid.cols_iter(cols) else: gp_iter = self.grid.gp_iter for gp in gp_iter: gp_func(gp.content)
[docs] def energy_precursors(self): ''' Return set of metabolites that are direct precursors for the energy class molecules. Construct this set by iterating over energy classes and map them to reactions that produce the energy classes. Returns ------- :class:OrderedSet ''' energy_precursors = OrderedSet() for e in self.energy_classes.values(): for reac in self.mols_to_reactions_dict['conversion']['produced'][e]: for sub_class in reac.reactants: for sub in sub_class.molecules.values(): energy_precursors.add(sub) return energy_precursors
[docs] def init_influxed_mols(self, fraction_influx=None): ''' Select molecules that will be fluxed in in the external environment. ''' if fraction_influx is None: fraction_influx = self.params.fraction_influx fixed = [] if self.params.influx_energy_precursor: fixed = [ mol.paired for mol in self.energy_precursors() ] if fraction_influx is None: fraction_influx = self.params.fraction_influx if isinstance(fraction_influx, float): util.within_range(fraction_influx, (0., 1.)) influxed_mols = [mol for mol in self.external_molecules if mol not in fixed] if not self.params.energy_influx: influxed_mols = filter(lambda x: not x.is_energy, influxed_mols) if not self.params.building_block_influx: influxed_mols = filter(lambda x: not x.is_building_block, influxed_mols) if not self.params.bb_class_influx: influxed_mols = filter(lambda x: not x.mol_class.has_building_block, influxed_mols) nr = min(len(influxed_mols), fraction_influx) if isinstance(fraction_influx, int) else int(len(influxed_mols)*fraction_influx) if self.params.prioritize_energy_rich_influx: influxed_mols = sorted(influxed_mols, key=lambda x: x.energy_level, reverse = True) influxed_mols = influxed_mols[:nr] elif self.params.prioritize_energy_poor_influx: influxed_mols = sorted(influxed_mols, key=lambda x: x.energy_level) influxed_mols = influxed_mols[:nr] else: influxed_mols = self.env_rand.sample(influxed_mols, nr) self.influxed_mols = influxed_mols + fixed
[docs] def init_global_influx_dict(self, influx=None): ''' Initialize a global dictionary for influx rates of molecules in the external environment. ''' def expected_value(base, domain): ''' calculates the expected value of a log-uniformly distributed random variable with *base* and *domain* . This is the mean of the integral of base^x with U(x) a uniform distribution on the given domain. ''' m,n = domain if m > n: m,n = n,m elif m == n: return base ** m return 1./(n - m) * ( base ** n / math.log(base) - base ** m / math.log(base) ) if influx is None: influx = 1e-20 if self.params.influx: influx = self.params.influx elif self.params.influx_range: influx = expected_value(self.params.influx_range.base, (self.params.influx_range.lower, self.params.influx_range.upper)) self.influx_dict = OrderedDict() for mol_ext in self.external_molecules: if mol_ext in self.influxed_mols: self.influx_dict[mol_ext] = influx else: self.influx_dict[mol_ext] = None
[docs] def init_degradation_dict(self, degr_const=None, ene_degr_const=None, bb_degr_const=None,degradation_variance_shape=None): ''' Initialize a global dictionary for degradation rates of molecules in the external environment. ''' if degr_const is None: degr_const = self.params.small_mol_ext_degr_const if ene_degr_const is None: ene_degr_const = self.params.ene_ext_degr_const if bb_degr_const is None: bb_degr_const = self.params.bb_ext_degr_const if degradation_variance_shape is None: degradation_variance_shape = self.params.degradation_variance_shape self.degradation_dict = OrderedDict() for mol_ext in self.external_molecules: if mol_ext.is_energy and ene_degr_const is not None: self.degradation_dict[mol_ext] = ene_degr_const elif mol_ext.is_building_block and bb_degr_const is not None: self.degradation_dict[mol_ext] = bb_degr_const else: if degradation_variance_shape is not None: theta = degr_const / degradation_variance_shape self.degradation_dict[mol_ext] = self.env_rand.gammavariate(degradation_variance_shape, theta) else: self.degradation_dict[mol_ext] = degr_const
[docs] def init_membrane_diffusion_dict(self, diff_const=None, ene_diff_const=None, energy_proportional=None, diff_scaling_func=lambda c, e: c / (e**0.7)): if diff_const is None: diff_const = self.params.small_mol_diff_const if ene_diff_const is None: ene_diff_const = self.params.ene_diff_const if energy_proportional is None: energy_proportional = self.params.diff_energy_prop self.membrane_diffusion_dict = OrderedDict() for mol_ext in self.external_molecules: diff = diff_const if mol_ext.is_energy and ene_diff_const is not None: diff = ene_diff_const if energy_proportional: self.membrane_diffusion_dict[mol_ext] = diff_scaling_func(diff, mol_ext.energy_level) else: self.membrane_diffusion_dict[mol_ext] = diff
[docs] def start_concentration_dict(self, init_conc=None, init_conc_dict=None, no_influx_conc=1e-20): ''' Make dictionary of start concentrations for external molecules. If the init_conc is not given, start with a concentration that is the equilibrium value based on influx and degradation rates of the metabolite. :param init_conc: ''' if init_conc_dict is None: init_conc_dict = self.params.init_external_conc_vals concentration_dict = OrderedDict() def equilibrium_conc(mol): if(self.degradation_dict[mol] == 0.0): return 1.0 influx_points = 1. if self.params.influx_rows is not None: influx_points *= len(self.params.influx_rows) else: influx_points *= self.params.grid_rows if self.params.influx_cols is not None: influx_points *= len(self.params.influx_cols) else: influx_points *= self.params.grid_cols grid_influx_scale_fact = influx_points / float(len(self.grid)) return grid_influx_scale_fact * self.influx_dict[mol] / self.degradation_dict[mol] for mol_ext in self.external_molecules: if mol_ext in self.influxed_mols: concentration_dict[mol_ext] = equilibrium_conc(mol_ext) if init_conc_dict is not None: try: concentration_dict[mol_ext] = init_conc_dict[] except KeyError: pass else: concentration_dict[mol_ext] = no_influx_conc print 'setting', mol_ext, ' concentration to', concentration_dict[mol_ext] return concentration_dict
[docs] def reset_grid_influx(self): ''' Reinitialize the global infux dict and the per sub environment influx rates. ''' print 'resetting grid influx' self.init_global_influx_dict() self._init_subenv_influx_rates()
def _init_subenv_influx_rates(self): ''' Set influx rates per molecule for each sub-environment. ''' influx_rows, influx_cols = self.params.influx_rows, self.params.influx_cols for sub_env in self.subenvs: rows, cols = sub_env.sub_grid if influx_rows is not None: rows = [ row for row in rows if row in influx_rows ] if influx_cols is not None: cols = [ col for col in cols if col in influx_cols ] for mol in sub_env.influx_dict: sub_env.influx_dict[mol] = self.influx_dict[mol] self.func_on_grid(lambda l: l.update_small_mol_influxes(sub_env.influx_dict), rows, cols)
[docs] def reset_grid_concentrations(self, conc=None): if conc is None: conc = self.params.init_external_conc print '\nResetting environmental concentrations' concentration_dict = self.start_concentration_dict(conc) self.func_on_grid(lambda l: l.update_small_mol_concentrations(concentration_dict))
[docs] def init_external_mol_vals_on_grid(self, init_conc=None): ''' Initialize concentrations, degradation and influx rates of molecules on the grid. ''' if init_conc is None: init_conc = self.params.init_external_conc concentration_dict = self.start_concentration_dict(init_conc) self.func_on_grid(lambda l: l.update_small_mol_degradation_rates(self.degradation_dict)) self.func_on_grid(lambda l: l.update_small_mol_concentrations(concentration_dict))
[docs] def init_grid(self, verbose=False): ''' Initialize the spatial grid. Set wrapping and barriers on particular neighborhoods. ''' nr_grid_rows = self.params.grid_rows nr_grid_cols = self.params.grid_cols wrap_ew = self.params.wrap_ew wrap_ns = self.params.wrap_ns frac_horizontal_bar = self.params.frac_horizontal_bar max_frac_horizontal = self.params.max_frac_horizontal pos_horizontal_bars = self.params.pos_horizontal_bars frac_vertical_bar = self.params.frac_vertical_bar pos_vertical_bars = self.params.pos_vertical_bars max_frac_vertical = self.params.max_frac_vertical neighborhoods = self.params.barrier_neighborhoods rand_gen = self.env_rand util.within_range(frac_horizontal_bar, (0.,1.)) util.within_range(frac_vertical_bar, (0.,1.)) util.within_range(max_frac_horizontal, (0.,1.)) util.within_range(max_frac_vertical, (0.,1.)) self.grid = Grid.Grid(nr_grid_rows, nr_grid_cols, nei_wrapped_ew=wrap_ew, nei_wrapped_ns=wrap_ns) self.grid.grid_barriers(rand_gen, frac_horizontal_bar, pos_horizontal_bars, max_frac_horizontal, frac_vertical_bar, pos_vertical_bars, max_frac_vertical, neighborhoods) if verbose: print self.grid # initialize the localities that will be coupled to the grid self.init_localities(len(self.grid)) self.grid.fill_grid(self.localities) return self.grid
[docs] def init_localities(self, number_localities, max_time_course_length=0, params_dict=None): if params_dict is None: params_dict = self.params self.localities = [] for _ in range(number_localities): l = Locality(params_dict, internal_molecules=self.internal_molecules, influx_reactions=self.influx_reactions, degradation_reactions=self.degradation_reactions, env_rand=self.env_rand, max_time_course_length=max_time_course_length ) self.localities.append(l) self.set_tot_volume() return self.localities
[docs] def update_localities(self): for loc in self.localities: loc.reset_time_courses()
[docs] def update_volume(self,volume=None): if volume is None: volume = self.params.per_grid_cell_volume for l in self.localities: l.volume = volume self.set_tot_volume()
[docs] def set_tot_volume(self): self.volume = sum( [ l.volume for l in self.localities ])
[docs] def update_cells_on_grid(self, cell_gp_dict): for _c, gp in cell_gp_dict.items(): gp.updated = True
[docs] def add_new_cells_to_grid(self, cell_gp_dict): for cell, gp in cell_gp_dict.items(): # In chemostat, first remove a cell IF the locality if it still contains a cell if self.params.chemostat: all_cells = gp.content.get_cells() if(len(all_cells) > 0): self.env_rand.shuffle(all_cells) # Shuffle to select a random cell all_cells[0].marked_for_death = True all_cells[0].wiped = True # place the new cell gp.content.add_cell(cell) gp.updated = True
[docs] def clear_dead_cells_from_grid(self): tot_removed = 0 for gp in self.grid.gp_iter: dead_cells = gp.content._clear_dead_cells() tot_removed += len(dead_cells) if len(dead_cells) > 0: gp.updated = True
[docs] def grid_toggle_update(self, updated=False): self.grid.toggle_gps_updated(updated)
[docs] def map_variables(self): for gp in self.grid.gp_iter: if gp.updated: gp.content.map_variables()
[docs] def grid_data_from_func(self, func): grid_array = self.grid.as_numpy_array vfunc = np.vectorize(func) return vfunc(grid_array)
[docs] def populate_localities(self,population): print "Populating localities with", len(population.cells), "cells." cells = list(population.cells) shuff = self.params.init_mixed if shuff: print "Mixing initial population of cells." self.env_rand.shuffle(cells) while len(cells): gps = list(self.grid.gp_iter) if shuff: self.env_rand.shuffle(gps) for gp in gps: gp.content.add_cell(cells.pop()) gp.updated = True if not len(cells): break
# Deprecated? Commented in version 0.2.8 # def repopulate_localities(self,population,cells,mixed=False): # population.new_offspring += cells # population.wipe_pop(1.0,0) # self.clear_dead_cells_from_grid() # # print "Repopulating localities with", len(cells), "cells." # # while len(cells): # gps = list(self.grid.gp_iter) # if mixed: # self.env_rand.shuffle(gps) # for gp in gps: # gp.updated = True # if len(cells) > 0: # newcell = cells.pop() # newcell.alive = True # gp.content.add_cell(newcell) # population.add_cell(newcell) # # population.init_current_ancestors() # population.init_roots() # population.update_phylogeny() # # print 'Population size now', population.current_pop_size # # assert len(population.cells) == sum( map(lambda gp: len(gp.content.cells), self.grid.gp_iter))
[docs] def metabolite_grid_data_dict(self): ''' Return dictionary of spatial concentration data per metabolite ''' m_data_dict = dict() # NOTE: unordered ok for mol_class in self.molecule_classes: for m in mol_class.molecules.values(): data = self.grid_data_from_func(lambda x: x.content.get_small_mol_conc(m.paired)) m_data_dict[m] = data return m_data_dict
[docs] def metabolite_internal_grid_data_dict(self): ''' Return dictionary of spatial concentration data per metabolite (within cells) ''' m_data_dict = dict() # NOTE: unordered ok for mol_class in self.molecule_classes: for m in mol_class.molecules.values(): data = self.grid_data_from_func(lambda x: x.content.get_internal_mol_conc(m)) m_data_dict[m] = data return m_data_dict
[docs] def expression_grid_data_dict(self): ''' Return dictionary of spatial concentration data per metabolite (within cells) ''' e_data_dict = dict() # NOTE: unordered ok for rea in self.transports: data = self.grid_data_from_func(lambda x: x.content.get_expression_level(rea, False)) key = 'import pump '+str(rea.stoichiometry[0])+str(rea.energy_source_class)+'->'+str(rea.stoichiometry[1])+str(rea.substrate_class) e_data_dict[key] = data for rea in self.transports: data = self.grid_data_from_func(lambda x: x.content.get_expression_level(rea, True)) key = 'export pump '+str(rea.stoichiometry[0])+str(rea.energy_source_class)+'->'+str(rea.stoichiometry[1])+str(rea.substrate_class) e_data_dict[key] = data for rea in self.conversions: data = self.grid_data_from_func(lambda x: x.content.get_expression_level(rea)) short_rea = rea.short_repr() #if(len(short_rea)>30): short_rea = short_rea[:30] + '...' e_data_dict['conversion ' + short_rea] = data return e_data_dict
[docs] def population_grid_data_dict(self, marker_names, marker_select_func): '''Return a dictionary of spatial distribution of values per marker :param marker_names: markers to probe on the grid :param marker_select_func: how to select a marker value when there are multiple individuals with different values per grid ''' marker_data_dict = dict() # NOTE: unordered ok for marker_name in marker_names: data = self.grid_data_from_func(lambda x: marker_select_func(marker_name, x.content.get_cells()) ) marker_data_dict[marker_name] = data return marker_data_dict
[docs] def population_grid_neighborhood_data(self, neighborhood_pop_func, neighborhood='competition'): return self.grid_data_from_func(lambda x: neighborhood_pop_func(sum([ n.get_cells() for n in x.neighbors(neighborhood) ] ,[] )))
[docs] def population_grid_data(self, data_func): with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore') data = self.grid_data_from_func(lambda x: data_func(x.content.get_cells())) return data
[docs] def perfect_mix(self, verbose=False): '''Perfect mix shuffles all gps''' self.grid.perfect_mix(self.env_rand) self.grid_toggle_update(True)
[docs] def mix_metabolites(self,verbose=False): '''Mixes all metabolites over the grid perfectly''' concdict = dict() for l in self.localities: for m in l.small_mols: concdict[m] = 0.0; for l in self.localities: for m, conc in l.get_mol_concentration_dict().items(): concdict[m] = concdict[m] + conc print 'Perfect mix: ' for mol in concdict: print '\t' + str(mol) + ' to ' + str(concdict[mol]/len(self.localities)) for l in self.localities: for mol in l.small_mols: if verbose: print 'Perfect mix: setting conc of ' + str(mol) + ' to ' + str(concdict[mol]/len(self.localities)) l.set_small_mol_conc(mol, concdict[mol]/len(self.localities))
[docs] def cells_grid_diffusion(self, diff_rate=None): ''' Cell diffusion on the grid. diff_rate : float Diffusion rate of cells to neighboring grid points. ''' if diff_rate is None: diff_rate = self.params.cells_grid_diffusion before = sum ( map(lambda l: len(l.cells), self.grid.content_iter)) for gp in self.grid.gp_iter: for c in gp.content.get_cells(): if self.env_rand.uniform(0, 1.) < diff_rate: rn = gp.random_neighbor('diffusion', self.env_rand) if rn is None: continue gp.content.remove_cell(c) gp.updated = True rn.content.add_cell(c) rn.updated = True assert before == sum (map(lambda l: len(l.cells), self.grid.content_iter))
[docs] def reset_locality_updates(self): for l in self.localities: l.new_concentrations = False
[docs] def print_state(self): for i, l in enumerate(self.localities): print 'locality', i print 'CONCENTRATION' for m, conc in l.get_mol_concentration_dict().items(): print '\t', m, conc print print 'INFLUX' for m, inf in l.get_mol_influx_dict().items(): print "\t", m, inf[1] print
def __setitem__(self,key,value): self.params[key] = value def __getitem__(self,key): return self.params[key]
[docs] def upgrade(self): ''' Upgrading from older pickled version of class to latest version. Version information is saved as class variable and should be updated when class invariants (e.g. fields) are added. ''' version = float(self.version) if version < 1.: self.init_membrane_diffusion_dict() if version < 1.1: self.init_sub_envs(1,1,1.) self.version = self.class_version if version > float(self.class_version): print 'upgraded class', else: print 'reset class', print self.__class__.__name__, ' from version', version ,'to version', self.version
def __getstate__(self): odict = self.__dict__.copy() return odict def __setstate__(self, d): self.__dict__ = d if not hasattr(self, 'version'): self.version = '0.0' if self.version != self.class_version: self.upgrade()